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Asha Austin has supported the project since 2004 $42,408 in funds have been sent by Asha Austin to-date The main impact of the funding has been to provide opportunities for the girls to become independent through education The vision and goals of the project remain the same – to nurture and empower young girls to become independent through education
Funding Cycle Educational Budget Exchange Rate Budget US$ Disbursement by Asha No. of children Oct-0314400048.072996168018 2004-0517000045.663723360021 2005-0623002143.75264420018 2006-0716819144.273799547619 2007-0820000044.184527525019 2008-0918710939.414748512022 2009-1041500048.568546680023 2010-1135000044.357892702023 2011-12290,95044.75649521
Donations received YTD from SAC Donors $ 3,841.00 Donations received YTD from non-SAC Donors $ 500.75 Carry-over from 2010 $ 3,386.00 Total Funds Raised $ 7,727.75 Funds reserved for 2012-13 $ 300.00 Funds disbursed in 1 st half of 2011 $ 3,262.00 Funds available for disbursal $ 4,165.75
Prasanna Jyothi - A unit of Prasanna Trust 2010-112011-12 2010-112011-12 IncomeActualsI Half - EstimateI Half - Actuals II Half - Estimate II Half - Revised EstimateTotalExpenses ActualsI Half - EstimateI Half - Actuals II Half - Estimate II Half - Revised EstimateTotal Rs. 1234567(4+6)891011121314(11+13) Foreign Sources Asha Foundation317884165000143338165000165662309000Education2821581920002415775100065000306577 Ms. Schapper0012500000 Food297421160000144463160000140000284463 MICO000000Salary7585640000308794000070000100879 Child Sponsorship112205700001227867000030214153000 Share of Head Office Expenses - Salary of one staff member16500082500 165000 Other Donations7214080001224080001576028000Repairs & Mainenance142473400004984740000 89847 0 0 0 Electricity53961300002532430000 55324 Health Care884334500032187450004000072187 Sub - Total502229243000403364243000211636615000Transport218542120000100746120000 220746 Telephone625030002365400030005365 Domestic Sources Printing & Stationary71044000796300020002796 Annadhana17320190000846509000090350175000Property Tax4006 433600 Jnandhana116610600004600060000 106000 Child Sponsorship309500160000197000160000 357000 Legal Expenses00 2100000 0 Other Donations4417738000616203800053380115000 Sub-Total643488348000389270348000363730753000Sub-total13412047205069250205755005925001517520 Deficit Met / to be met from Corpus-195487-129506-132386 -17134-149520 Surplus taken to Corpus 15500 Total11457175910007926345910005753661368000Total11457175910007926345910005753661368000 NOTE - A Government Agency in May 2001, attempted to partly demolish the Prasanna Jyothi building on the ground that the construction had encroached upon the Government land. Immediately, we filed a writ petition (June 2001) against the Government Agency for preventiing them from demolishing (partly) the Prasanna Jyothi building. Our legal advisers, over the years, have successfully presented the case and won it for Prasanna Trust. After handling the case for 10 years, the legal advisers were paid in April 2011 a sum of Rs.2,10,000/- for the professional services rendered by them. The actual and projected expenses for 2011-12 include Rs.2,10,000/- paid to Legal Advisers.
PER CHILD In first half In second halfRs. Tuition Fee 3000 3000 Computer Fee 15000 Text Books12000 Maintenance Fee 6000 Uniform (3 sets)15000 Note Books2500 Shoe / Socks3000 ------------------------------------- Total per child 83503000 Total - 17 children 141,950 51,000 Adhoc for Child 1 who will be going to College (11th Std) 10,0000 Adhoc for Child 2 who has to go to Special school 25,000 14,000 --------------------------------------- Total for the year 191,950 65,000 Increased by 49,627 Living expenses For 2 girls for 1 yr 24,00024,000
ParticularsNo.AmountTotalParticularsNo.AmountTotalDifference Rs. Tuiton Fee17300051000Tuiton Fee173000510000 Computer17150025500Computer171500255000 Text Books17120020400Text Books171200204000 Main Fee1760010200Main Fee17600102000 Note Books172504250Note Books17687116797429 Uniform/shoe17180030600Uniform/shoe172013342213621 New child1 0Navya1 6850 Child 11 25000Child 11 10000-15000 Child 21 25000Child 21 325007500 Miscellaneous 0 627 Dance/Music 0 28600 Summer Camp 0 10000 Total 191950Total 24157749627
Original Budget For 2011 $ 6,495.00 Revised Budget for 2011 $ 6,612.00 Amount approved for 1st Disbursal $ 3,262.00 Amount for approval for 2nd Disbursal $ 3,350.00
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