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Amarillo College US Department of Education Title V and HSI STEM Projects Course Redesign.

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Presentation on theme: "Amarillo College US Department of Education Title V and HSI STEM Projects Course Redesign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amarillo College US Department of Education Title V and HSI STEM Projects Course Redesign

2 Title V and HSI STEM Course Redesign Title V – Began in Fall 2010 – Redesigning General Education Courses – Year 1: Freshman Composition I and II – Year 2: Intermediate Algebra & College Algebra HSI STEM – Began in Fall 2011 – Redesigning all Math and Engineering Courses – Year 1: Supplemental Math Workshops for Developmental Math

3 Why Course Redesign? Note – A to C Pass Rates for Fall 2009

4 Freshman Composition I and II 11 English Faculty Participating (Full-time & Part-time) Timeline – Summer 2011: Promising Practices & Research – Fall 2011: Course Redesign – Spring 2012: Piloting – Summer 2012: Assessment & Evaluation Course Redesign is a hybrid of Replacement and Buffet Models

5 Why Course Redesign? Note – Drop/Fail/Withdraw Rates Fall 2009

6 Intermediate Algebra & College Algebra 11 Math Faculty Participating (Full-time & Part-time) Timeline – Fall 2011: Promising Practices & Research – Spring 2012: Course Redesign – Fall 2012: Piloting – Spring 2013: Assessment & Evaluation

7 Supplemental Math Workshops 4 Math Faculty Participating (All Full-time) Creating Supplemental Workshops 15 workshops during year 1 Held 5 Workshops in Fall 2011 – Currently, assessing each workshop and student knowledge gained

8 Contact Information Cara Crowley Director of HSI Projects 806/345-5518 Patsy Lemaster Associate Vice-President, Teaching & Learning 806/371-5254

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