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Overview and Introduction

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1 Overview and Introduction
Module Material Overview and Introduction

2 Information systems planning
Tools and approaches for information systems planning. The strategic information systems planning process. Alignment of information systems strategy with business strategy. Why study this?

3 Managing information systems investment
Justifying information systems investments. Prioritising information systems investments. Making the business case for information systems investments Why study this?

4 Delivering value from information systems investment
Assessing the value of information systems investments. Evaluating information systems investments. Why study this?

5 Organising the information systems function
Responsibility accounting for information systems. The role and organisation of the information systems function within an organisation. The management of change and innovation. Key features of Information Management. The Information Portfolio. Information asset management: principles and guidelines. Why study this?

6 Contemporary issues in information systems organization
The development of an information systems strategy/structure with a service focus. Responding to the challenges of e-business. The impact of organisational structure and culture on information systems. Why study this?

7 Security and control aspects of information systems
Information systems security. The risk management process: planning for contingencies and disasters. Why study this?

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