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2005.11.21 - SLIDE 1IS 257 – Fall 2005 Future of Database Systems University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems SIMS.

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Presentation on theme: "2005.11.21 - SLIDE 1IS 257 – Fall 2005 Future of Database Systems University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems SIMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 1IS 257 – Fall 2005 Future of Database Systems University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems SIMS 257: Database Management

2 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 2IS 257 – Fall 2005 Lecture Outline Review –Applications for Data Warehouses –Data Mining Thanks again to lecture notes from Joachim Hammer of the University of Florida Future of Database Systems Predicting the future… Quotes from Leon Kappelman “The future is ours” CACM, March 2001 Accomplishments of database research over the past 30 years Next-Generation Databases and the Future

3 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 3IS 257 – Fall 2005 Lecture Outline Review –Applications for Data Warehouses –Data Mining Thanks again to lecture notes from Joachim Hammer of the University of Florida Future of Database Systems Predicting the future… Quotes from Leon Kappelman “The future is ours” CACM, March 2001 Accomplishments of database research over the past 30 years Next-Generation Databases and the Future

4 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 4IS 257 – Fall 2005 What is Decision Support? Technology that will help managers and planners make decisions regarding the organization and its operations based on data in the Data Warehouse. –What was the last two years of sales volume for each product by state and city? –What effects will a 5% price discount have on our future income for product X? Increasing common term is KDD –Knowledge Discovery in Databases

5 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 5IS 257 – Fall 2005 Conventional Query Tools Ad-hoc queries and reports using conventional database tools –E.g. Access queries. Typical database designs include fixed sets of reports and queries to support them –The end-user is often not given the ability to do ad-hoc queries

6 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 6IS 257 – Fall 2005 OLAP Online Line Analytical Processing –Intended to provide multidimensional views of the data –I.e., the “Data Cube” –The PivotTables in MS Excel are examples of OLAP tools

7 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 7IS 257 – Fall 2005 Data Cube

8 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 8IS 257 – Fall 2005 Operations on Data Cubes Slicing the cube –Extracts a 2d table from the multidimensional data cube –Example… Drill-Down –Analyzing a given set of data at a finer level of detail

9 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 9IS 257 – Fall 2005 Star Schema Typical design for the derived layer of a Data Warehouse or Mart for Decision Support –Particularly suited to ad-hoc queries –Dimensional data separate from fact or event data Fact tables contain factual or quantitative data about the business Dimension tables hold data about the subjects of the business Typically there is one Fact table with multiple dimension tables

10 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 10IS 257 – Fall 2005 Star Schema for multidimensional data Order OrderNo OrderDate … Salesperson SalespersonID SalespersonName City Quota Fact Table OrderNo Salespersonid Customerno ProdNo Datekey Cityname Quantity TotalPrice City CityName State Country … Date DateKey Day Month Year … Product ProdNo ProdName Category Description … Customer CustomerName CustomerAddress City …

11 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 11IS 257 – Fall 2005 Data Mining Data mining is knowledge discovery rather than question answering –May have no pre-formulated questions –Derived from Traditional Statistics Artificial intelligence Computer graphics (visualization)

12 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 12IS 257 – Fall 2005 Goals of Data Mining Explanatory –Explain some observed event or situation Why have the sales of SUVs increased in California but not in Oregon? Confirmatory –To confirm a hypothesis Whether 2-income families are more likely to buy family medical coverage Exploratory –To analyze data for new or unexpected relationships What spending patterns seem to indicate credit card fraud?

13 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 13IS 257 – Fall 2005 Data Mining Applications Profiling Populations Analysis of business trends Target marketing Usage Analysis Campaign effectiveness Product affinity

14 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 14IS 257 – Fall 2005 Data Mining Algorithms Market Basket Analysis Memory-based reasoning Cluster detection Link analysis Decision trees and rule induction algorithms Neural Networks Genetic algorithms

15 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 15IS 257 – Fall 2005 Market Basket Analysis A type of clustering used to predict purchase patterns. Identify the products likely to be purchased in conjunction with other products –E.g., the famous (and apocryphal) story that men who buy diapers on Friday nights also buy beer.

16 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 16IS 257 – Fall 2005 Memory-based reasoning Use known instances of a model to make predictions about unknown instances. Could be used for sales forcasting or fraud detection by working from known cases to predict new cases

17 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 17IS 257 – Fall 2005 Cluster detection Finds data records that are similar to each other. K-nearest neighbors (where K represents the mathematical distance to the nearest similar record) is an example of one clustering algorithm

18 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 18IS 257 – Fall 2005 Link analysis Follows relationships between records to discover patterns Link analysis can provide the basis for various affinity marketing programs Similar to Markov transition analysis methods where probabilities are calculated for each observed transition.

19 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 19IS 257 – Fall 2005 Decision trees and rule induction algorithms Pulls rules out of a mass of data using classification and regression trees (CART) or Chi-Square automatic interaction detectors (CHAID) These algorithms produce explicit rules, which make understanding the results simpler

20 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 20IS 257 – Fall 2005 Neural Networks Attempt to model neurons in the brain Learn from a training set and then can be used to detect patterns inherent in that training set Neural nets are effective when the data is shapeless and lacking any apparent patterns May be hard to understand results

21 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 21IS 257 – Fall 2005 Genetic algorithms Imitate natural selection processes to evolve models using –Selection –Crossover –Mutation Each new generation inherits traits from the previous ones until only the most predictive survive.

22 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 22IS 257 – Fall 2005 Lecture Outline Review –Applications for Data Warehouses –Data Mining Thanks again to lecture notes from Joachim Hammer of the University of Florida Future of Database Systems Predicting the future… Quotes from Leon Kappelman “The future is ours” CACM, March 2001 Accomplishments of database research over the past 30 years Next-Generation Databases and the Future

23 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 23IS 257 – Fall 2005 Radio has no future, Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax. –William Thompson (Lord Kelvin), 1899

24 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 24IS 257 – Fall 2005 This “Telephone” has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us. –Western Union, Internal Memo, 1876

25 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 25IS 257 – Fall 2005 I think there is a world market for maybe five computers –Thomas Watson, Chair of IBM, 1943

26 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 26IS 257 – Fall 2005 The problem with television is that the people must sit and keep their eyes glued on the screen; the average American family hasn’t time for it. –New York Times, 1949

27 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 27IS 257 – Fall 2005 Where … the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1000 vacuum tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons –Popular Mechanics, 1949

28 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 28IS 257 – Fall 2005 There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. –Ken Olson, president and chair of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

29 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 29IS 257 – Fall 2005 640K ought to be enough for anybody. –Attributed to Bill Gates, 1981

30 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 30IS 257 – Fall 2005 By the turn of this century, we will live in a paperless society. –Roger Smith, Chair of GM, 1986

31 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 31IS 257 – Fall 2005 I predict the internet… will go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse. –Bob Metcalfe (3-Com founder and inventor of ethernet), 1995

32 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 32IS 257 – Fall 2005 Lecture Outline Review –Object-Oriented Database Development Future of Database Systems Predicting the future… Quotes from Leon Kappelman “The future is ours” CACM, March 2001 Accomplishments of database research over the past 30 years Next-Generation Databases and the Future

33 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 33IS 257 – Fall 2005 Database Research Database research community less than 40 years old Has been concerned with business type applications that have the following demands: –Efficiency in access and modification of very large amounts of data –Resilience in surviving hardware and software errors without losing data –Access control to support simultaneous access by multiple users and ensure consistency –Persistence of the data over long time periods regardless of the programs that access the data Research has centered on methods for designing systems with efficiency, resilience, access control, and persistence and on the languages and conceptual tools to help users to access, manipulate and design databases.

34 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 34IS 257 – Fall 2005 Accomplishments of DBMS Research DBMS are now used in almost every computing environment to create, organize and maintain large collections of information, and this is largely due to the results of the DBMS research community’s efforts, in particular: –Relational DBMS –Transaction management –Distributed DBMS

35 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 35IS 257 – Fall 2005 Relational DBMS The relational data model proposed by E.F. Codd in papers (1970-1972) was a breakthrough for simplicity in the conceptual model of DBMS. However, it took much research to actually turn RDBMS into realities.

36 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 36IS 257 – Fall 2005 Relational DBMS During the 1970’s database researchers: –Invented high-level relational query languages to ease the use of the DBMS for end users and applications programmers. –Developed Theory and algorithms needed to optimize queries into execution plans as efficient and sophisticated as a programmer might have custom designed for an earlier DBMS

37 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 37IS 257 – Fall 2005 Relational DBMS –Developed Normalization theory to help with database design by eliminating redundancy –Developed clustering algorithms to improve retrieval efficiency. –Developed buffer management algorithms to exploit knowledge of access patterns –Constructed indexing methods for fast access to single records or sets of records by values –Implemented prototype RDBMS that formed the core of many current commercial RDBMS

38 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 38IS 257 – Fall 2005 Relational DBMS The result of this DBMS research was the development of commercial RDBMS in the 1980’s When Codd first proposed RDBMS it was considered theoretically elegant, but it was assumed only toy RDBMS could ever be implemented due to the problems and complexities involved. Research changed that.

39 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 39IS 257 – Fall 2005 Transaction Management Research on transaction management has dealt with the basic problems of maintaining consistency in multi-user high transaction database systems

40 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 40IS 257 – Fall 2005 No Transactions : Lost updates Read account balance (balance = $1000) Transfer $100 to Mel Debits $100 SYSTEM CRASH Read account balance (balance = $900) Read account balance (balance = $1000) SYSTEM CRASH Read account balance (balance = $1000) John Mel ERROR!

41 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 41IS 257 – Fall 2005 No Concurrency Control: Lost updates Read account balance (balance = $1000) Withdraw $200 (balance = $800) Write account balance (balance = $800) Read account balance (balance = $1000) Withdraw $300 (balance = $700) Write account balance (balance = $700) John Marsha ERROR!

42 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 42IS 257 – Fall 2005 Transaction Management To guarantee that a transaction transforms the database from one consistent state to another requires: –The concurrent execution of transactions must be such that they appear to execute in isolation. –System failures must not result in inconsistent database states. Recovery is the technique used to provide this.

43 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 43IS 257 – Fall 2005 Distributed Databases The ability to have a single “logical database” reside in two or more locations on different computers, yet to keep querying, updates and transactions all working as if it were a single database on a single machine How do you manage such a system?

44 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 44IS 257 – Fall 2005 Lecture Outline Review –Object-Oriented Database Development Future of Database Systems Predicting the future… Quotes from Leon Kappelman “The future is ours” CACM, March 2001 Accomplishments of database research over the past 30 years “Next-Generation Databases” and the Future

45 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 45IS 257 – Fall 2005 Next Generation Database Systems Where are we going from here? –Hardware is getting faster and cheaper –DBMS technology continues to improve and change OODBMS ORDBMS –Bigger challenges for DBMS technology Medicine, design, manufacturing, digital libraries, sciences, environment, planning, etc...

46 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 46IS 257 – Fall 2005 Examples NASA EOSDIS –Estimated 10 16 Bytes (Exabyte) Computer-Aided design The Human Genome Department Store tracking –Mining non-transactional data (e.g. Scientific data, text data?) Insurance Company –Multimedia DBMS support

47 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 47IS 257 – Fall 2005 New Features New Data types Rule Processing New concepts and data models Problems of Scale Parallelism/Grid-based DB Tertiary Storage vs Very Large-Scale Disk Storage Heterogeneous Databases Memory Only DBMS

48 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 48IS 257 – Fall 2005 Coming to a Database Near You… Browsibility User-defined access methods Security Steering Long processes Federated Databases IR capabilities XML The Semantic Web(?)

49 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 49IS 257 – Fall 2005 Some things to consider Bandwidth will keep increasing and getting cheaper (and go wireless) Processing power will keep increasing –Moore’s law: Number of circuits on the most advanced semiconductors doubling every 18 months Memory and Storage will keep getting cheaper (and probably smaller) –“Storage law”: Worldwide digital data storage capacity has doubled every 9 months for the past decade Put it all together and what do you have? –“The ideal database machine would have a single infinitely fast processor with infinite memory with infinite bandwidth – and it would be infinitely cheap (free)” : David DeWitt and Jim Gray, 1992

50 2005.11.21 - SLIDE 50IS 257 – Fall 2005 ?

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