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1 Online Jet Slice DQA Ken Johns, Venkat Kaushik, Xiaowen Lei University of Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Online Jet Slice DQA Ken Johns, Venkat Kaushik, Xiaowen Lei University of Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Online Jet Slice DQA Ken Johns, Venkat Kaushik, Xiaowen Lei University of Arizona

2 2 Name Changes in Jet Trigger Chains  Recent confusion/angst on name changes to jet trigger chains arose because Hypo names did not match the chain name No requirement they should however they did in the past In the future we need to do additional research when new triggers are implemented Silke Nelson will also try to keep us in the loop

3 3 Turn Around Time for Online Jet OHP Changes  It does NOT take 3 weeks to make changes to online OHP It takes about an hour depending on the requested changes  This is simply a false statement

4 4 Run 165591 – L2

5 5 Run 165591 - EF

6 6 Online Jet Slice DQA Conclusions  L2 and EF jet slice online monitoring was in place for first stable beam run (166591)  References will be turned back on once a “good” run (i.e. no spikes, etc.) is taken

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