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SQL - Intro Pepper
Tools Terminal Emulator for telnet: –Panther.ssh here –Tera Term –Run Telnet –Setting backspace (sometimes tty erase ^H ) Transferring files – ftp or kermit –Need emulator support for kermit –Run ftp –ftp explorer
Environment Unix Environment variables: –For Oracle to find its programs: setenv ORACLE_BASE /usr/users/db/oracle setenv ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_BASE/OraHome1 –For Oracle to know which set of data: setenv ORACLE_SID adelphi
Environment Path must include: –For Oracle: :$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME
Environment for JDBC Path (for Java) opt/IBMJava2-141/bin:/opt/IBMJava2-141/jre/bin: /usr/X11R6/bin:$ ClassPath must include (for JDBC): setenv CLASSPATH ".:${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib/${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc /lib/" LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for JDBC): setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib"
Where to set environment variables Shell - like the command prompt in Windows We use tcsh (t cshell), which looks for.cshrc and then.login for initial login only. Inside, you can source another file –.mycshrc Good info
SQLPLUS SQL is interactive SQLPLUS is procedural Login to panther It will source.cshrc and.login Run SQLPLUS Login with your oracle account id and password Change with password Send me your oracle account password
SQL Editing Sqlplus userid / password goes right in All commands stay in current buffer until ; or / or run (run echoes command first) edit – lets you edit current buffer only change /x/y changes anything in buffer List of edit commands:
SQL file saving and using save file – saves the current command buffer to a file (just the last one) Capturing a session: –spool file –set echo on (so it will show what is executed by start command) –spool off Using a saved command –start filename (.sql doesn’t need to be typed) host more file – displays the file
Mistakes Commit –Updates database –Always if set autoCommit on –Automatically on DDL command: grant/create/drop Rollback –Drop since last commit
Formatting & Paging Page – set pause on Column field format format option heading “column heading” help column
What is in your database? See list of tables: –select * from cat; See fields in table: –Describe tablename; See data in table: –Select * from tablename;
DDL vs DML DDL –Define, add, delete and change schemas –Integrity –Define views –Authorize DML –Add, change, delete data –Query data
DDL Create Drop Alter Grant
Domain Types char(n) (or character(n)): fixed-length character string, with user-specified length. varchar(n) (or character varying): variable-length character string, with user-specified maximum length. int or integer: an integer (length is machine-dependent). smallint: a small integer (length is machine-dependent). numeric(p, d): a fixed-point number with user-specified precision, consists of p digits (plus a sign) and d of p digits are to the right of the decimal point. E.g., numeric(3, 1) allows 44.5 to be stored exactly but not 444.5. real or double precision: floating-point or double-precision floating-point numbers, with machine-dependent precision. (double float) float(n): floating-point, with user-specified precision of at least n digits. date: a calendar date, containing four digit year, month, and day of the month. time: the time of the day in hours, minutes, and seconds. Some examples for mssql
Create Table CREATE TABLE [schema.]table ( column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [column_constraint(s)] [,column datatype [,...]]datatypecolumn_constraint(s) table_constraint )table_constraint Exercise: Create table customers (cust_id number primary key); create table orders ( order_id number primary key, order_dt date not null, description varchar(20), amount real default 100 check(amount > 100), cust_id references customers );
Drop Table DROP TABLE [schema.]table [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS]; Cascade constraints -> drop all references to this table in other tables Exercise: –create table test (test date); –select * from cat; –drop table test cascade constraints; –select * from cat;
Alter Table Add, modify or drop columns: –ALTER TABLE column_propertiesALTER TABLE column_properties Change the Constraints and Primary Key for an existing table: –ALTER TABLE constraintsALTER TABLE constraints Example: alter table orders add (paid real, type varchar(3)) modify amount real default 300;
Insert Into INSERT INTO [schema.] table (column, column,...) What_to_insert What_to_insert: –VALUES ([expr, expr...]) or –SubQuery Columns optional if exact only insert into orders (order_id,order_dt,description) VALUES (1,'01-JAN-06','desc');
Dealing with dates http://www- Default - DD-MON-YY Override format: to_date(b, 'YYYY/MM/DD') insert into orders (order_id,order_dt,description) VALUES (2, to_date(‘01-01-2006’,’MM-DD- YYYY’),'desc');
Select SELECT [hint][DISTINCT] select_list FROM table_list [WHERE conditions] [START WITH] [CONNECT BY] [GROUP BY group_by_list] [HAVING search_conditions] [ORDER BY order_list [ASC | DESC] ] [FOR UPDATE for_update_options]hint[START WITH] [CONNECT BY]GROUP BY Ex: select compname, sum(points) as total, count(*) as count from scores group by compname having compname like ‘p%’ and sum(points) > 170;
Select parts - All/Distinct SELECT ALL - default; shows one value for every row SELECT DISTINCT - skips rows that are identical in the selected columns
Select Parts - columns Select columns from tables Possible column formats: –column1, column2, column3 –table.column1, table.column2 –table.column1 Col_1_Alias, table.column2 Col_2_Alias – schema.table.column1 Col_1_Alias, –schema.table.column2 Col_2_Alias –schema.table.* –* –expr1, expr2 ex: [client price]*0.6 AS list_price,
Select parts - tables Select columns from tables Tablename alias, tablename alias List all tables in query Oracle will multiply them (cartesian product) Where statement selects only those that have matching information
Select Parts - group by and having Only selects rows that match all fields being grouped. Can only select fields that are in the group, and aggregate formulas (like sum, avg) Having clause is like where, but on the selected group rows
Order by ORDER BY order_list [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] Sorting
Loading the grades database Download from Blackboard / course information / grade database and download both files to your pc. On panther - make and go to new dir: –mkdir oraclework –cd oraclework ftp create_grades.sql and insert_grades.sql to oraclework On panther again, run both files in sql: –sqlplus –start create_grades –Start insert_grades Verify with select * from cat;
Select Statements Examples to try: –select * from scores; –select sid, (compname), “POINTS” from scores order by compname; –select sid, points, points*2 as double from scores; –select * from scores where points > 200; –select fname, lname, scores.* from scores, students where scores.sid = students.sid; –select compname, sum(points) as total, count(*) as count from scores group by compname having compname like ‘p%’ and sum(points) > 170;
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