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Health Kuopio Program Heikki Helve Program director The City of Kuopio

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1 Health Kuopio Program Heikki Helve Program director The City of Kuopio
tel Markku Hänninen Program coordinator The City of Kuopio tel

2 Health Kuopio -program
The Health Kuopio program is major cooperation project which aims to turn Kuopio and its region into a leading European centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise. The program will convert the current state-of-art knowhow and research into commercial applications and provide excellence in services to the city population. The aim of the program is to strengthen the competive situation of the Kuopio region, and to develop new production models of health and wellness

3 Selected fields of the program
2. Creating pilot schemes for new production and cooperation models of health and wellness expertise 1. Building on the base of health and wellness expertise to pursue strengthening, implementation and commercialization of the results 3. Developing wellness tourism in the Kuopio region Promoting the world-class health and wellness expertise now existing in the Kuopio region

4 The programme fundamentals
Promotion of cooperation between interested parties (e.g. interface activities between enterprises and public sector) Development of operational models, pilot schemes and assessment For example application of a novel operational model in cooperation with enterprises Survey of needs and undertaking pilot schemes of the city level –>indentify needs Projects which create cooperation -> intensify cooperation Realisation of activities and strengthening of competitive situation Strengthening of regional and widen cooperation Bringing to the fore strategic concerns (operational models and operating needs, financing, regional implications)

5 Kuopio Science Park Region
The Valley of Health and Wellness Expertise University Hospital Medi 2 (2004) Canthia Polytechnic Mediteknia Studentia Snellmania Tietoteknia Bioteknia 1, 2 GTK Neulanen Microteknia 1,2,3 Centek Market

6 Utilize the unique health and wellness infrastructure and resources
Health Kuopio steps to success “Health Kuopio –programme coordinates the integration” Kuopio health and wellness expertise Health Kuopio project model Kuopio testbed Regional markets International and national markets Utilize the unique health and wellness infrastructure and resources of the Kuopio region. New co-operation between public, private and third sector, using latest technology, sharing common targets Kuopio region will make use of the latest research to develop its own health care and social services Effective international networking will ensure fruitful collaboration and mutual interaction with other centres of excellence throughout the world

7 Kuopio – the creation of a European centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise
HEALTH KUOPIO STEERING GROUP AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT Adoption and coordination of the programme, assessment and monitoring of the programme, creation of cooperation network, planning of financial totalities, public relations Implementation and commercialisation of the Kuopio region health and wellness expertise Kuopio region as a testbed for novel health and wellness expertise Wellness tourism MATKAILUPALVELU OY Tourist services / travel agencies UNIVERISITY SAVONIA POLYTECHNIC WELLTEKNIA HEALTH KUOPIO DEVELOPMENT UNIT Enterprises, University of Kuopio, Savonia Polytechnic, KUH, The North Savo Regional Consortium of Education, Teknia Ltd, the Kuopio region, the third sector, national and international implementors

8 City administration for decision-making and overall planning control of the Health Kuopio activities
District central programme City Goverment of Kuopio Ministries, TEKES, Sitra, EU etc. FINANCIAL PROPOSALS ON THE ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS OPERATIVE DECISION MAKING Health Kuopio Management Group of the City Petteri Paronen, Jukka Pulkkinen, Paavo Kaitokari, Pauli Kurkirinne, Heikki Ryynänen, Maritta Vuorinen, Hannu Janhunen, Riitta Koskinen, Heikki Helve, Markku Hänninen PREPARATORY RESPONSIBILITY Program director Heikki Helve Program coordinator Markku Hänninen STRATEGIC POLICY Health Kuopio steering group PROPOSALS FOR THE HEALTH KUOPIO PROGRAM Project-wide preparatory groups

9 Commercialization and merchandising of health and wellness expertise
Investments in development of expertise and products Investments in technical education and research in Kuopio Centek – education and R&D of applied IT expertise WellTeknia – technology piloting incl. product development testbeds ”Feasibility research centre” Piloting examples Development of the hospital cooperation (KUH) concept; e.g. the model hospital Development of the Levänen: testbed projects Founding of companies involved in the testbed concept

10 Links to service development
Searching for alternatives for future options Initiation of linked activities based projects with a clear core and modelling of needs ETU forum (city of Kuopio) Placement and practice (Savonia Polytechnic) Cure chains (the Hearth hospital) (KUH) Integration of all care for the eldery (assessment e.g. the Levänen testbed) ”Forum thinking”; joint cooperative activities Project financing, commitment to achieving set goals

11 Links to service development
Project totalities now underway Main themes: Model hospital, the Levänen testbed, feasibility projects Nutrition and medication (the elderly as a target group) Data networks (e.g. PlugIT) Cure chains (obesity, stroke, diabetes) Security expertise (TEKES, integrated in different projects) Cooperation model with the third sector Establishment of the research cooperation model (KU, Savonia Polytechnic) China cooperation (Shanghai, TCM, the elderly, network solutions, wellness tourism)

12 Aims of the programme in 2003
The strategic aims for Kuopio Start of the programme Initial projects / pilot schemes implementation Start of the WellTeknia activities Inauguration of the Faculty of Technology

13 Activities in 2003 Started activities Pilot projects started
Planning of the WellTeknia concept Initiation of the wellness tourism (Matkailupalvelu Oy) Setting the scene for the Levänen project (development group) Internal activities in municipal goverment Enterprise cooperation; proposals (Enterprise Service, Teknia) Forum work (ETU + new initiatives) The organisation form approved by the city goverment Information and marketing

14 Activities in 2003 Essential supporting activities (by interested parties other than the city) KU / Faculty of Technology (OU) Mediteknia and its involment in different projects (KU, Savonia Polytechnic, Teknia, KUH, communes) ”Arvo” (Savonia Polytechnic) OSKE / technologic piloting Utilisation of networks International linking in cooperation with other interested parties

15 Activities in 2003 Aims of further activities
Actively seeking to hive off new products from the current projects and searching for new projects Further development of enterprises testbed concept Publicity and marketing activities Specifying the aims and budget preparation for the year 2004 Expansion of the financial structure and new initiatives Augmentation of the international aspect (Finnpro…)

16 Strategic program Widening of expertise, R&D and entrepreneurship base
Kuopio – the creation of a European centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise 2012 Widening of expertise, R&D and entrepreneurship base Wellness pilot schemes (change, modelling, new technologies, operational models) Wellness tourism 2003

17 Project activities in 2003 1. Enlargement and commercialisation of health and wellness expertise Strengthening the technical expertise foundation WellTeknia HAT Benchmarking Seminar arragements 2. Piloting unit for novel production and operational models in health and wellness services The Levänen scheme ETU forum Model hospital Coronary disease - defining the cure chain 3. Wellness tourism in the Kuopio region Marketing and merchandising of wellness tourism aimed at different target groups

18 WELLTEKNIA Centre of Excellence for Health and Wellness
Planning project – Project manager M.Sc. Ossi Haatainen WELLTEKNIA Centre of Excellence for Health and Wellness Network environment of development, piloting and merchandising for services and products in health and wellness technology WellTeknia develops applications suitable for commercialization Expert product development platform for enterprises and other organisations

19 WELLTEKNIA Centre of Excellence for Health and Wellness
Supporting of the Health Kuopio Program in Health care technology programmes Networking and signposting of cooperation projects Assesment of technology pilot schemes R&D support for enterprises in the Kuopio region Attracting new enterprises to the Kuopio region Support for new enterprise activities Support for product development Improving the facilities available to the commercial companies Enterprise service laboratories and R&D premises Teknia’s service supply Network’s servise apply

20 WELLTEKNIA Centre of Excellence for Health and Wellness
Premises People Expertise Networks R&D Supply Centre WellTeknia

21 Model hospital ”Model hospital asa a process”
KUH as leader / generator (Jorma Penttinen, Jussi Kouri, Pasi Markkanen) - Cooperation partner TKKK – Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Aim is to Improve the functionality and efficacy of the cure chain in cardiac disease Make financial savings because of these intensified activities ”Model hospital asa a process” A. Prosess management and development Will be planned ”from start to finish” covering the whole chain from preventive measures to treatment and rehabilitation (basic health care, special nursing, open private sector) B. Merchandising Development, merchandising and commercialisation of process management applications

22 Seamless cure chain guidelines for coronary disease treatment in the Verkkoinfo portal
Aim of the project is to inaugureate the Verkkoinfo project as a seamless cure chain guideline concerning the treatment of coronary disease on ”the KUH million people district” region. Content planning and quality assessment of the area network’s portal, and development of the use of the portal in the Sonetti project will be planned by an expert body consisting of experts of medicine, nursing science, social sciences, information technology and data administration in the hospital districs of South Savo, East Savo, North Savo, North Karjala and Kajaani. Project will promote collaboration in the Health Kuopio Program between the Kuopio City Health Care, municipalities in the Kuopio region and the Kuopio University Hospital, and it will act as a trail-blazer scheme for more extensive cure chains in coronary disease.

23 Health and wellness expertise and the future of the Kuopio region
Bechmarking – comparison of five welfare clusters in the field of health and wellness expertise Evaluation project – Project Manager Päivi Niiranen Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic The aim of the project is to highlight the best practices of the health and wellness expertise that can be applied in the Health Kuopio Program Project collates information about the current competitivity of the health and wellness expertise in the Kuopio region in relation to other national and international regions The aim of the evaluation is to focus on expertise, entrepreneurship and inftrastructure in health and wellness Development areas and possibilities for the Health Kuopio program will be scrutinized OULU KUOPIO TAMPERE TURKU PÄÄKAUPUN-KISEUTU Kartan lähde: Makropilotin klusteriarviointi 2002

24 Health Kuopio – health and wellness – and technology
Thursday at 9 –16 a clock, Mediteknia auditorium, Harjulantie 1, Kuopio Development of health and wellness, and future of services in North Savo Research, training and health and wellness expertise Can health and wellness be merchandised? Practical organizational arrangements for the seminar are made by Savonia Polytechnic

25 R&D centre for services for the eldery in the Levänen support centre
AIMS is to create a pilot and test environment for services for the elderly concentrating on how advances in health and wellness technology can be best utilized ensure that the building’s technological infrastructure will be suitable for handling future innovations in the fields of technology and nursing create the environment to encourage nursing entrepreneurship activities and product development in cooperation with the City of Kuopio, university, enterprises, polytechnic and other implementors SERVICE BLOCK 2003- 2004 Technological infrasturcture PROJECTS Coordination and development group Development of nursing procedures Independent living at home (incl. 3rd sector) AIMS Nutrition and medication Utilisitation of data networks Health and wellness design Development of mobile technology Biosignals and identification Collaboration projects of enterprises

26 The service centre for the elderly in Levänen
and regional development integrity Health and wellness, development of services, technology and business possibilities Welfaremix KU Savonia Polytechnic Regional Institute of Occupational Health SYTYKE KUH KOTI Service providers from the 3rd sector LEVÄNEN PILOT SCHEME PLATFORM Day centre Unit of supported service habitation Unit of home care Kuopio Siilinjärvi Enterprises National associates The Shanghai piloting The Sendai pilot scheme International markets and collaboration partners

27 New production model of health and wellness services for adolescents and children requiring special support ETU-FORUM 3. ANCHORAGE Anchorage of a new operational model within the service structure 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODEL - Creation of joint aims and activities by implementing bodies 1. BASIC ANALYSIS Indentification of implementors and modes Concretize aims of development and identify development needs Identification of bottlenecks of activities and pain spots of information flow The City of Kuopio, the Kuopio University Hospital, local communities, ADHD Association, the Kuopio University, Savonia Polytechnic and other intrested parties, e.g. enterprises

28 ETU forum project The aim is
Basic analysis and preparation for extension procedures – Project manager Jaana Lappalainen City of Kuopio The aim is to concretize aims of development of service networks for children and adolescents requiring special support and to identify their functional and technological needs for development to create a specified operational framework for development of a new operational model: a collaboration model which includes division of responsiblities between different interest groups, methods of collaboration and training of staff for identification of neurological disorders of chidren, treatment and support – clarifying of rules and reduction of insecurity initialisation of development processess with create permanent changes and learning in the present functional structures

29 Units in the forum and project activity
City of Kuopio Education services All levels of basic schooling Secondary schooling Services for schoolchildren Social and health service units Rehabilitation unit / unit of children and adolescents Day care units Maternity and child welfare clinics Recreational services Health Kuopio development unit The municipality of Siilinjärvi Families The Kuopio University Hospital Department of Phoniatria Department of Neurology Department of Children and Juvenile Psychiatry The Kuopio University The North Savo Regional Consortium for Education Association executers State Provincal Office of Eastern Finland Pohjois-Savo Vocational Institute

30 Timetabling for the ETU forum
ETU foorum ETU foorum The ETU foorum seminar 1st meeting of the steering group 1st meeting of the steering group 8. Development project 7. Preparation of the development project 6. Planning of the model 5. Reporting of the basic analysis 4. Preparation of the seminar 3. Round III 2. Round II 1. Round I 2.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 31.1 2004 Health Kuopio Management Group

31 Wellness tourism Unification of health services and products related to tourism for wellness tourism products Health and wellness + tourism = wellness tourism Wellness tourism is based on the desire and / or need to improve health and it is coordinated, organized and tailor-made by nature. Wellness tourism includes treatment of different chronic ”living standard” diseases. Acute cases will be treated locally, not by wellnes tourism.

32 WT development project
The aim of the project is to make wellness tourism a profitable business to create a national coordination centre for wellness tourism. The project combines 1) top-class expertise specialized in health and environmental products, and 2) expertise and services of health service and tourism service enterprises to create a future service intergrated platform for wellness tourism.

33 Networked research collaboration
A virtual bridge from technology to usability and novel operations model SURREY PILOTING PLATFORM DWRC VIRTUAL USABILITY R&D CENTRE Multidisciplinary applied research from the point of view of individual, society and technology Usability research of technology and social aspect Usability Implementation analyses Interactive information technology HAT University, Savonia Polytechnic, Centek, Shiftek, MC HEALTH KUOPIO PILOTING PLATFORM eEurope Networked research collaboration 6th framework program

34 Acitivities centred around the maternity clinic data system
Enterprise A Customer – maternity clinic systems Enterprise B KUH Enterprise C Systems of basic health care The City of Kuopio Enterprise D Siilinjärvi-Maaninka Enterprise E Heinävesi / Rautavaara European International Kuopio university Local Reginal National Savonia Polytechnic Other local interest groups Maternity clinic centre (Well)Teknia Ministry of Social Affairs and Health FinPro Stakes vaihe: Regional vaihe: National vaihe: European / international

35 Health Kuopio Third Way
Where? Where to? How? Municipal services Third sector services Relation and working methods? Rules (liabilities and roles) in collaboration? Content of service supply, suppliers? Confirmation of quality and effectiviness? Possibilities to utilize the offered service? Oversubscribed? Creation of collaboration? Availability of the service targeting of small resources? Sharpening of direction?

Information and assessment centre SHARPENING OF THE THIRD SECTOR STRATEGY

37 Timetabling of the projects
Publication of the program 13.6. AKO decisions 17.4. T1 application Tekes 22.9. T1 application 31.1. T1 application 30.9. 3S HAT PlugIT Cure chain of coronary disease 3 months ETU foorum Benchmarking ja seminar Wellness tourism Model hospital 23 months WellTeknia Technical expertise R&D development unit The Levänen scheme Preparation of the program 1.6 1.6 1.6 2003 2004 Financial decision Financial application

38 Thank you for attention Come and join us in building
a successful and healthy Kuopio Co-ordinator Markku Hänninen Kuopio City Administration puh. (017) Program Leader  Heikki Helve Kuopio City Administration puh. (017)

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