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Propulsion PDR #2 Brian Barnett Rob Benner Ryan Srogi John Keune Alex Fleck.

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Presentation on theme: "Propulsion PDR #2 Brian Barnett Rob Benner Ryan Srogi John Keune Alex Fleck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propulsion PDR #2 Brian Barnett Rob Benner Ryan Srogi John Keune Alex Fleck

2 Objectives Iterative process to match the power needed by the propeller with the power produced by the batteries, motor, and gearbox Choose a propeller for the aircraft Develop power requirements for the motor and gearbox

3 Prop Selection Based on Historical Data

4 Gold.m Analysis Iterations were run with different propeller diameters all with pitch to diameter ratio of 2:3 Gold.m was run with two different propeller sizes from an RPM of 1000 to 3500 After optimum diameter was selected iterations were run with varying pitch




8 Highest efficiency at 1500 RPM Power output much less than 15.3 ft-lbf/sec required Highest efficiency with required power output achieved is.71

9 Gold Analysis Results


11 Propeller Selection 15x8 propeller 3100 RPM Power output 15.3 ft-lbf/sec Thrust of.75 lbf Flight velocity of 20 ft/sec

12 Gearbox/Motor Requirements Gearbox –Power output = prop power input = 26.05 ft-lbf/sec –Torque output =.083 ft-lbf –Output RPM = 3100 –Gearbox efficiency =.95 (conservative estimate) Motor –Power output 27.42 ft-lbf/sec

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