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1 Program Analysis Systematic Domain Design Mooly Sagiv Tel Aviv University 640-6706 Textbook: Principles of Program Analysis Chapter 4, CC79, CC92
2 Outline u Domains with infinite heights u Systematic construction of Galois connection u Precision
3 Specialized Chaotic Iterations Chaotic(G(V, E): Graph, s: Node, L: lattice, : L, f: E (L L) ){ for each v in V to n do df entry [v] := In[v] = WL = {s} while (WL ) do select and remove an element u WL for each v, such that. (u, v) E do temp = f(e)(df entry [u]) new := df entry (v) temp if (new df entry [v]) then df entry [v] := new; WL := WL {v}
4 Widening u Accelerate the termination of Chaotic iterations by computing a more conservative solution u Can handle lattices of infinite heights
5 Specialized Chaotic Iterations+ Chaotic(G(V, E): Graph, s: Node, L: lattice, : L, f: E (L L) ){ for each v in V to n do df entry [v] := In[v] = WL = {s} while (WL ) do select and remove an element u WL for each v, such that. (u, v) E do temp = f(e)(df entry [u]) new := df entry (v) temp if (new df entry [v]) then df entry [v] := new; WL := WL {v}
6 Example Interval Analysis u Find a lower and an upper bound of the value of a variable u Usages? u Lattice L = (Z {- , } Z {- , }, , , , , ) –[a, b] [c, d] if c a and d b –[a, b] [c, d] = [min(a, c), max(b, d)] –[a, b] [c, d] = [max(a, c), min(b, d)] – = – = u Galois connection
7 Example Program Interval Analysis [x := 1] 1 ; while [x 1000] 2 do [x := x + 1;] 3 IntEntry(1) = [minint,maxint] IntExit(1) = [1,1] IntEntry(2) = IntExit(1) IntExit(3) IntExit(2) = IntEntry(2) [x:=1] 1 [x 1000] 2 [x := x+1] 3 [exit] 4 IntEntry(3) = IntExit(2) [minint,1000] IntExit(3) = IntEntry(3)+[1,1] IntEntry(4) = IntExit(2) [1001,maxint] IntExit(4) = IntEntry(4)
8 Widening for Interval Analysis u [c, d] = [c, d] u [a, b] [c, d] = [ if a c then a else - , if b d then b else ]
9 Example Program Interval Analysis [x := 1] 1 ; while [x 1000] 2 do [x := x + 1;] 3 IntEntry(1) = [ - , ] IntExit(1) = [1,1] IntEntry(2) = InExit(2) (IntExit(1) IntExit(3)) IntExit(2) = IntEntry(2) [x:=1] 1 [x 1000] 2 [x := x+1] 3 [exit] 4 IntEntry(3) = IntExit(2) [ - ,1000] IntExit(3) = IntEntry(3)+[1,1] IntEntry(4) = IntExit(2) [1001, ] IntExit(4) = IntEntry(4)
10 Requirements on Widening u For all elements l 1 l 2 l 1 l 2 u For all ascending chains l 0 l 1 l 2 … the following sequence is finite –y 0 = l 0 –y i+1 = y i l i+1 u For a monotonic function f: L L define –x 0 = –x i+1 = x i f(x i ) u Theorem: –There exits k such that x k+1 = x k –x k Red(f) = {l: l L, f(l) l}
11 Narrowing u Improve the result of widening u y x y (x y) x u For all decreasing chains x 0 x 1 … the following sequence is finite –y 0 = x 0 –y i+1 = y i x i+1 u For a monotonic function f: L L and x Red(f) = {l: l L, f(l) l} define –y 0 = x –y i+1 = y i f(y i ) u Theorem: –There exits k such that y k+1 =y k –y k Red(f) = {l: l L, f(l) l}
12 Narrowing for Interval Analysis u [a, b] = [a, b] u [a, b] [c, d] = [ if a = - then c else a, if b = then d else b ]
13 Example Program Interval Analysis [x := 1] 1 ; while [x 1000] 2 do [x := x + 1;] 3 IntEntry(1) = [ - , ] IntExit(1) = [1,1] IntEntry(2) = InExit(2) ( IntExit(1) IntExit(3)) IntExit(2) = IntEntry(2) [x:=1] 1 [x 1000] 2 [x := x+1] 3 [exit] 4 IntEntry(3) = IntExit(2) [ - ,1000] IntExit(3) = IntEntry(3)+[1,1] IntEntry(4) = IntExit(2) [1001, ] IntExit(4) = IntEntry(4)
14 Non Montonicity of Widening
15 Example Lattice Octagon (Shaham’00, Mine’02) u Inequalities between variables u Constraint graph G(V, E, w) –V includes a vertex for every variable –Additional zero node –weight function w: E Z –Constraints –{ x y + w(x, y) } u Lattice u Abstraction u Concretization u Widening u Relationships to intervals
16 Widening and Narrowing Summary u Very simple but produces impressive precision u Sometimes non-monotonic u The McCarthy 91 function u Also useful in the finite case u Can be used as a methodological tool u But not widely accepted int f(x) [- , ] if x > 100 then [101, ] return x -10 [91, -10]; else [- , 100] return f(f(x+11)) [91, 91] ;
17 Combining Data Flow Analyzes u Develop new algorithms from old u If I know how to conservatively represent –Pointers –Integers u Do I know how to handle C programs with integers and pointers?
18 Combining Data Flow Analyzes u Develop new algorithms from old u If I know how to conservatively represent –Pointers –Integers u Do I know how to handle C programs with integers and pointers? u Improve the precision of an analysis u Obtain a more efficient analysis
19 Combining Data Flow Analyzers u Lattice constructors –L 1 L 2 –S L 1 –… u Galois connection constructors u Constructing the abstract effect of elementary statements u Model the “relevant” parts of the program u Abstract “irrelevant” parts of the program
20 Galois Connections u For –A complete lattice (L 1, 1 ) = (L 1, , 1, 1, 1, 1 ) –A complete lattice (L 2, 2 ) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2 ) – :L 1 L 2 – : L 2 L 1 u We say that (L 1, , , L 2 ) is a Galois connection – and are monotone –For all c L 1 : ( (c)) c –For all a L 2 : ( (a)) a
21 Cartesian Products u A complete lattice (L 1, 1 ) = (L 1, , 1, 1, 1, 1 ) u A complete lattice (L 2, 2 ) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2 ) u Define a Poset L = (L 1 L 2, ) where –(x 1, x 2 ) (y 1, y 2 ) if »x 1 y 1 and »x 2 y 2 u L is a complete lattice u But what does an element in L represent?
22 Cartesian Products (cont) u A complete lattice (L 1, 1 ) = (L 1, , 1, 1, 1, 1 ) u A complete lattice (L 2, 2 ) = (, , 2, 2, 2, 2 ) u Complete lattice L = (L 1 L 2, ) u A concrete lattice C (usually a powerset) u A Galois connection (C, 1, 1, L 1 ) u A Galois connection (C, 2, 2, L 2 ) u Define :C L 1 L 2 and : L 1 L 2 C ? u Example: Parity Sign
23 Cartesian Products (cont) u A Galois connection (C, 1, 1, L 1 ) u A Galois connection (C, 2, 2, L 2 ) u A Galois connection (C, , , L 1 L 2 ) – (c) = – ( ) = 1 (a 1 ) 2 (a 2 ) u Define –L 1 st # : L 1 L 1 –L 2 st # : L 2 L 2 u How to define L 1 L 2 st # : L 1 L 2 L 1 L 2 –Preserve soundness –Preserve relative optimality (induced) u Example: Parity Sign
24 Component-wise combinations u Combine several analyses into a single analysis Cartesian products (Direct product) u Independent attribute method u Relational attribute method u Total function space u Monotone function space u Direct tensor product
25 Independent Attribute Method u A Galois connection (C 1, 1, 1, L 1 ) u A Galois connection (C 2, 2, 2, L 2 ) u A Galois connection (C 1 C 2, , , L 1 L 2 ) – ( ) = – ( ) = u Define –L 1 st # : L 1 L 1 –L 2 st # : L 2 L 2 u How to define L 1 L 2 st # : L 1 L 2 L 1 L 2 –Preserve soundness –Preserve relative optimality (induced)
26 Relational Attribute Method u A Galois connection (P(C 1 ), 1, 1, P(L 1 )) where 1 : C 1 L 1 – 1 (X) = { 1 (c) | c X} u A Galois connection (P(C 2 ), 2, 2, P(L 2 )) where 2 : C 2 L 2 u 2 (X) = { 2 (c) | c X} u A Galois connection (P(C 1 C 2 ), , , P(L 1 L 2 )) – ( ) = { | c 1 X 1, c 2 X 2 } – ( ) = { | 1 (c 1 ) Y 1 2 (c 2 ) Y 2 } u But how about transformers?
27 Conclusions(1) u Good static analysis = –Precise enough (for the client) –Efficient enough u Good static analysis –Good domain »Abstract non-important details »Represent relevant concrete information »Precise and efficient abstract meaning of abstract interpreters »Efficient join implementation »Small height or widening
28 Conclusions(2) u The Theory of Static Analysis is well founded –Abstraction –Soundness –Chaotic iterations –Elimination methods –Modular methods u Weak Parts –Transformations –Predictable approximations –System
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