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What is Thin Film Deposition? Ms. Crystal J. Woods Emmett J. Conrad STEM Academy High School Dallas, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Thin Film Deposition? Ms. Crystal J. Woods Emmett J. Conrad STEM Academy High School Dallas, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Thin Film Deposition? Ms. Crystal J. Woods Emmett J. Conrad STEM Academy High School Dallas, TX

2 Dr. Haiyan Wang, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Education  Ph.D., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 2002  M.S., Institute of Metal Research, Shenyang, China, 1999  B.S., Nanchang University, Nanchang, China, 1998 Previous Appointments  Jan.05-Dec.05 - Technical Staff Member, Los Alamos National Laboratory  Jan.03-Dec.04 - Director Funded Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Interests  Nanostructured nitride and oxide thin film heterostructures for microelectronics, optoelectronics, magnetic, high temperature superconductors, solid oxide fuel cells, radiation tolerance and structural applications;  High temperature superconductors: coated superconductor scale-up and architectures; flux-pinning mechanisms of nanoparticles and defects  Microstructural characterizations with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution TEM, Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and XRD. Patents  8 patents in the areas of thin film architecture and high temperature superconductors  Selected journal publications (105 journal articles and 70 conference proceedings and presentations by January 2008)  H. Wang, R. Araujo J.G. Swadener, Yongqiang Wang, X. Zhang, E. G. Fu and T. CaginIon Irradiation Effects in Nanocrystalline TiN Coatings, Nuclear Instruments

3 E 3 Research Topic: Thin Film Deposition (Growth) w/ Dr. Wang  Dr. Haiyan Wang, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, TAMU  David Mortimer, Physics Teacher, Del Rio High School  Crystal J. Woods, Algebra Teacher, Emmett J. Conrad STEM Academy High School

4 Use of Thin Film Deposition  Thin Film Growth or Deposition: It is a thin layer of coating on a substrate or template. It serves one or multiple physical purposes including protection, decoration, conducting, reflection, data storage, insulation, etc.  Examples: Colorful coatings on cars, golden watches and many others;  Corrosion resistive coatings and superhard coatings (petroleum industry, chemical factories, etc.);  Semiconductor industry (Pentium processors, microchips, memories, iPod, etc.);  “Sunscreen” : a protective coating on your skin.

5 Thin Film: How does it grow?  Kinetic Energy of molecules impact the growth of Thin Film.  Pressure affects the momentum of the molecules.  The energy of the molecules impacts how the molecules find their way to the target, so they can form layers.  The following Parameters will result in a desired epitaxial layer (organized, carefully placed, high quality layer of thin film): Temperature TemperaturePressure Laser Energy Laser Frequency Type of material (Metals) Type of Substrate (Base layer: Metal or Ceramic)

6 Understanding Thin Film Growth  Dr. Wang explains thin film growth as “laying of apples”  A high quality thin film growth must be layered in an organized pattern. Molecules must be laid on the target in non-disruptive pattern.  No traffic jams, “no rush hour” free flowing traffic. High Quality Growth: Ordered foundation Same size Same pattern Right time Right condition

7 Understanding Thin Film Growth  Atoms must be able to move around on the substrate until they find the right spot. This results in the growth layer.

8 Understanding Thin Film Growth  Congruency is a key component of thin film growth.  Similar shapes and/or congruent shapes prevents gaps or defects in growth layers.

9 Deposition: What takes place inside Chamber?


11 Summer Research: My Exposure of Thin Film Joon Hwan Lee, Ph.D. Candidate Research: Transmittance of Light within Thin Film Tools: Spectrophometer, measures transparency of material using wavelengths. Wavelengths are used to determine absorption of life. Focus: Compare/Contrast Transmittance when Parameters have been altered

12 Summer Research: My Exposure of Thin Film Jie (Joyce) Wang, Ph.D. Candidate Research: High Temperature Superconductor Tools: Transmission Electron Microscopy, JEOL JEM-2010 (TEM ) Focus: Compare/Contrast Attachment Layer of Growth when temperature has been changed. The key is to find nice layers of growth.

13 Summer Research: My Exposure of Thin Film Zhenxing Bi, Ph.D. Candidate Research: Growth of Vertical Patterns of Thin Film Tools: Transmission Electron Microscopy, JEOL JEM-2010 (TEM ) Focus: Compare/Contrast Thickness and/or Mircostructural Changes when Parameters have been changed. Goal to create high quality vertical patterns.

14 My experience of Thin Film Research  Designing a high quality thin film growth that demonstrates an organized pattern of the same and/or similar shape with various parameters.  Continue exploring results when different parameters of the thin film process have been changed.

15 High Quality Education Ms. Woods @ TAMU’s E 3 Summer Research Program E 3 Summer Research Program

16 Thin Film vs. Algebra High Quality thin film growth Ordered foundation Same size Same pattern Right time Right condition Patterns producing: Equations Linear Functions Exponential Functions Scatter Plots Quadratic Functions Factoring

17 Examples of Patterns in Algebra  The powers of 11 also form a sequence:  110 = 1 111 = 11 112 = 121 113 = 1331 114 = 14641 115 = 161051 116 = 1771561 117 = 19487171

18 Examples of Patterns in Algebra

19 Using Patterns of Tiles with Quadratic Functions and Factoring Using Patterns of Tiles with Quadratic Functions and Factoring

20 Data Used to create Functions Exponential Functions Linear Functions

21 Kudos! to my wonderful Thin Film Research Team Jie (Joyce) Wang, Ph.D. Candidate Roy Araujo, Ph.D. Candidate Zhenxing Bi, Ph.D. Candidate Sungmee Cho, Ph.D Candidate Ick-Chan Kim, Ph.D. Candidate Joon Hwan Lee, MS Candidate Jongsik Yoon, Ph.D. Candidate Harrison Tsai, MS Candidate Dr. Haiyan Wang Big Thanks to the National Science Foundation!

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