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Estimation of Oil Saturation Using Neural Network Hong Li Computer System Technology NYC College of Technology –CUNY Ali Setoodehnia, Kamal Shahrabi Department.

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2 Estimation of Oil Saturation Using Neural Network Hong Li Computer System Technology NYC College of Technology –CUNY Ali Setoodehnia, Kamal Shahrabi Department of Technology Kean University Zahra Shahrabi Englehard Corporation

3 Introduction Estimate oil saturation has been an important issue for petroleum engineers Estimate oil saturation has been an important issue for petroleum engineers Engineers attempt to determine parameters that produce the best match with observation Engineers attempt to determine parameters that produce the best match with observation Fitting functions Fitting functions Artificial neural network Artificial neural network

4 Numerical Method Authors previous work: modified Newton Method in parameter estimation using Leverett J function Authors previous work: modified Newton Method in parameter estimation using Leverett J function J function value is determined by capillary pressure J function value is determined by capillary pressure Suppose that saturation S is function of Leverett J value Suppose that saturation S is function of Leverett J value Determine parameters in fitting function describing relation between saturation and J value Determine parameters in fitting function describing relation between saturation and J value

5 Fitting Functions 1. Benson-Anli fitting function S = exp{ (1-J)/a} for J >= 1, where a is unknown parameter 2. Brooks-Corey fitting function 3. Thoneer fitting function 4. O’Meara Unimodel 5. O’Meara Bimodel

6 Minimization problem The determination of parameters is a nonlinear least square minimization problem The determination of parameters is a nonlinear least square minimization problem Attempt to determine (An) in fitting function that produce the best match with observation in the sense that minimizes an objective function Attempt to determine (An) in fitting function that produce the best match with observation in the sense that minimizes an objective function E( ) = Σ ( Sm – S )^2 E( ) = Σ ( Sm – S )^2

7 Modified Newton Method A numerical method generally consists of three steps A numerical method generally consists of three steps 1. Choose a starting point 2. Designate a way to generate a search sequence, a0, a1, a2, … so that E(ak+1)< E(ak) 3. Stipulate a convergence criterion  Modified Newton method is a decent algorithm that ensure the objective function always decrease at each step.  Local minimum might occur

8 Artificial Neural Network Artificial neural network has been applied in different fields for modeling dynamic system Artificial neural network has been applied in different fields for modeling dynamic system Feedforward multilayer perceptron with backpropagation learning rule has been successfully used to model nonlinear static systems, where the behavior of the system is not function of time. Feedforward multilayer perceptron with backpropagation learning rule has been successfully used to model nonlinear static systems, where the behavior of the system is not function of time.

9 Backpropagation Algorithm In FMP, input patterns are fed into multilayer and propagated forward to the output layer. The output is compared with a measured output In FMP, input patterns are fed into multilayer and propagated forward to the output layer. The output is compared with a measured output BPA is a generalized least square algorithm that minimizes the mean Square Error BPA is a generalized least square algorithm that minimizes the mean Square Error ΔW = - μ əE / əW, where μ is learning rate ΔW = - μ əE / əW, where μ is learning rate

10 Problem formulation Output : Saturation Output : Saturation Inputs: underground pressure, permeability, location indicator, and rock type indicator are major inputs that affect saturation value. Inputs: underground pressure, permeability, location indicator, and rock type indicator are major inputs that affect saturation value. Nodes in hidden layers: try and error between 1 – 10 Nodes in hidden layers: try and error between 1 – 10

11 Simulation Data including permeability, pressure, elevation, and type indicator and saturation are collected from field. Data including permeability, pressure, elevation, and type indicator and saturation are collected from field. 50 patterns of actual saturation and estimated saturation. 50 patterns of actual saturation and estimated saturation. With the learning rate of 0.1, slop of 0.2 and momentum of 0.2, the neural network was selected with two hidden layers and each layer has five and three nodes respectively With the learning rate of 0.1, slop of 0.2 and momentum of 0.2, the neural network was selected with two hidden layers and each layer has five and three nodes respectively

12 50 patterns training

13 Thank you!

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