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Visual Debugging Tools for Concurrent Models of Computation Elaine Cheong 15 May 2002 EE290N: Advanced Topics in System Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Debugging Tools for Concurrent Models of Computation Elaine Cheong 15 May 2002 EE290N: Advanced Topics in System Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Debugging Tools for Concurrent Models of Computation Elaine Cheong 15 May 2002 EE290N: Advanced Topics in System Theory

2 Why Debugging? Software is complex. Concurrent software is even more complex. What if it the implementation does not behave as expected? Bugs, bugs, bugs…

3 Outline Types of Debugging Debugging in Ptolemy II Future Work Conclusion

4 Types of Debugging Event-based State-based

5 Event-Based Debugging What is an event? Event order observation Event order tracking Event abstraction Filtering Clustering Interpretation Process abstraction

6 State-Based Debugging Source-level debugging Consistent cuts Debugging Breakpoints Stepping Global step Step over Step in Global state predicates

7 Probe Effects What is a probe? Code (or hardware) that generates debugging event records. Hook that provides access to the state of a process at runtime. Can mask or introduce new bugs. Permanent instrumentation for system monitoring.

8 Ptolemy II A domain is an implementation of a model of computation. Ptolemy II domains are actor-oriented and concurrent, but are not threads. Visual interface.

9 Debugging in Ptolemy II Demo!

10 Conclusions Both event- and state-based debugging is possible in Ptolemy II. Future Work Additional domains Additional state information Predicates for breakpoints using the expression language. Generate trace diagrams.

11 References - Peter C. Bates. Debugging Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Using Event-Based Models of Behavior. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, Feb 1995, pg 1-31. - Kenneth J. Hines. Coordination-centric Debugging for Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation. 2000. - S. I. Hyder et al. A Unified Model for Concurrent Debugging. International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1993. - Ronald A. Olsson et al. A Dataflow Approach to Event-Based Debugging. Software Practice and Experience, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1991, pg 209-230. - M. Krish Ponamgi. Debugging Multi-Threaded Programs with MpD. IEEE Software, pg 37-43, May 1991. - Richard M. Stallman. GDB Manual: The Gnu source-level debugger. Free Software Foundation, 1987.

12 Questions

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