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Additional Notes on Wavetable Synthesis R.C. Maher ECEN4002/5002 DSP Laboratory Spring 2002.

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1 Additional Notes on Wavetable Synthesis R.C. Maher ECEN4002/5002 DSP Laboratory Spring 2002

2 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher2 Wavetable Frequency Control Assume table is length N, holds one period of the signal, and the sample rate is f s Waveform frequency is f s /N Wavetable (N) New sample every 1/f s ; Table frequency f s /N

3 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher3 Frequency Control (cont.) In order to have a waveform frequency different than f s /N, need to re-sample the waveform: this implies sample rate conversion Typically use a phase counter or look-up accumulator to hold current re-sampling location. LUA is incremented by the sample increment value, defined by:

4 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher4 Wavetable Frequency Resolution Given an [integer:fraction] SI representation, the frequency resolution of the wavetable is determined by the number of fractional bits Ex: N=1024, L=24, f s =48000: 2.7940x10 -6 Hz Ex: N=256, L=8, f s =48000: 0.7324 Hz

5 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher5 Aliasing due to resampling The discrete-time signal represented by the wavetable has a spectrum that may occupy the entire bandwidth from 0 - f s /2 Re-sampling the waveform to change its period can result in aliasing if the wavetable is not properly bandlimited Aliasing generally limits how far we can “re-tune” a wavetable

6 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher6 Linear Interpolation LUA fraction is used to interpolate the table. Effectively convolving stored samples with triangle, so spectrum modified by sinc 2 shape Need to handle “end of table” issue: LUA may point to region between last stored sample and the start of the table Distortion due to difference between “true” value and linear interpolation estimate can be audible LL+1L + fract y[L+1] y[L]

7 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher7 Improved wavetable synthesis A single stored cycle of a timbre sounds too regular, and sample rate conversion distorts spectral envelope –Generally make recordings of a real instrument at a variety of musical pitches in order to limit the amount of re-tuning –Most musical instruments have an aperiodic attack interval followed by a quasi-periodic sustain interval: synthesizer splits signal into a “one-shot” attack spliced to a looped sustain –Modulate SI and amplitude with some vibrato, tremolo, and random fluctuations

8 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher8 Wavetable Synthesizer Sample Increment (SI) Looped Wavetable Envelope Gain Multiplier Modulate with sinusoid for vibrato Attack Wavetable

9 ECEN4002 Spring 2002Wavetable Details R. C. Maher9 Other enhancements Layer multiple wavetables Stereo wavetables Add a dynamic filter Velocity dependence Pitch dependence Other real time controls

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