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Let’s Maintain a GOOD CONNECTION The Technology Policies We Need Now and Why ISLT 7366 Debbie Perkins Unit 4: Elements of Technology Plan Week 6: Tech.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Maintain a GOOD CONNECTION The Technology Policies We Need Now and Why ISLT 7366 Debbie Perkins Unit 4: Elements of Technology Plan Week 6: Tech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Maintain a GOOD CONNECTION The Technology Policies We Need Now and Why ISLT 7366 Debbie Perkins Unit 4: Elements of Technology Plan Week 6: Tech Policies Presentation

2 Where are we now? Did you know? Where are we going?

3 “We are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t yet exist… in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.” ~Karl Fisch


5 Connect with TFA’s (Technology Focus Areas) TFA 1: Student Learning TFA 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction TFA 3: Administration, Data Management, and Communication TFA 4: Resource Distribution and Use TFA 5: Technical Support

6 Technology Focus Area 1 –Student achievement and performance will improve through the use of technology. Make Technology Connections in the Classroom “All learning begins with the learner. What children know and what they want to learn are not just constraints on what can be taught; they are the very foundation for learning.” ~John Dewey

7  Who was Harry Truman? Born? Died? Presidential Years Three Important Facts  Write a brief report on the Vietnam War. When began? Ended? Who was President? What countries were involved? What many educators ask students to do…

8  Little transfer of learning  Activity to activity  Subject to subject  “Doing school”  Students are not engaged.  Teachers are not engaged. What are the results? No Connection!

9  Train and involve teachers  Involve students through inquiry  Utilize cooperative learning strategies  Interdisciplinary units/lessons  Move up Bloom’s Taxonomy/Depth of Knowledge Inquiry-Based Learning coupled with Information Literacy Inquiry-Based Learning coupled with Information Literacy – engages students and teachers; matches the curriculum, the standards, technology, and makes learning relevant! ( ) How can we change the way we “do school”?

10 Technology Connections for Teachers Technology Focus Area 2 –Teacher preparation and delivery of instruction will improve through the use of technology. CSIP 5c: The District will plan and implement a comprehensive staff development plan for both certified and classified employees that will allow them to maximize their job performance potential.

11 Proposed Policies Minimum of 4 Hours Technology PD/Semester Required With Focus on Higher Levels of Technology Use 30% Technology Budget Dedicated to Staff Development Includes Training/Stipends for District Technology Coaches

12 Grappling’s Technology and Learning Spectrum  Video 11  Video 22  Video 33

13 What would transforming learning look like?

14 These “learning projects are NOT unstructured; they are differently structured. If anything, they require even more planning, preparation, and responsiveness from the educator—it's just that the educator's role is different.” Don’t get the wrong idea!

15 "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." Albert Einstein


17 “As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of the darkness surrounding it.” Albert Einstein MS Word PowerPoint Internet WebQuests Graphic Organizers Collaborative Projects Excel Inquiry-Based Learning Website Constructivism


19 References 1. 2. ategy.cfm?snap=87622040&CFID=47970&CFTOKEN=7565&type =direct&StrategyID=107 ategy.cfm?snap=87622040&CFID=47970&CFTOKEN=7565&type =direct&StrategyID=107 3. 4. 5. 6. ased_education.html ased_education.html 7. 8. tabid/275/Default.aspx tabid/275/Default.aspx 9. 10.

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