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E NGINEERING L IBRARIAN P ARTICIPATION IN T ECHNOLOGY C URRICULAR R EDESIGN Lifelong Learning, Information Literacy, and ABET Criterion 3 Megan Sapp Nelson.

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Presentation on theme: "E NGINEERING L IBRARIAN P ARTICIPATION IN T ECHNOLOGY C URRICULAR R EDESIGN Lifelong Learning, Information Literacy, and ABET Criterion 3 Megan Sapp Nelson."— Presentation transcript:

1 E NGINEERING L IBRARIAN P ARTICIPATION IN T ECHNOLOGY C URRICULAR R EDESIGN Lifelong Learning, Information Literacy, and ABET Criterion 3 Megan Sapp Nelson and Michael Fosmire. Purdue University Libraries. All rights reserved. 2010.


3 B EGINNING A NEW D EPARTMENTAL R ELATIONSHIP BY I MMERSION Fall 2009 – Meeting with department chair “Creativity” October 2009 – January 2010 Meeting with Non- ECET Core curricula “Information literacy” Spring 2010 – Negotiation of new curriculum “Lifelong learning”

4 “N ON -ECET C ORE ” C URRICULA Non-ECET core curricula was defined as those courses that were required to attain an ECET degree that were not taught by ECET faculty Calculus Physics Speech/Communications Liberal Arts courses


6 D EFINITIONS Shuman et al propose that engineers undertaking lifelong learning need to ‘demonstrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, demonstrate an awareness of what needs to be learned; follow a learning plan; identify, retrieve and organize information; demonstrate critical thinking skills; and reflect on one’s own understanding. 1 ACRL standards indicate that information literacy is the ability to determine the extent of information needed; access needed information effectively and efficiently; evaluate information and its sources critically; incorporate selected information into one’s knowledgebase; use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose; and understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the sue of information, and access and use information ethically and legally 2

7 C REATIVITY The ability to conceptualize a new product or process The missing ability of current ECET graduates, according to the Industrial Advisory Board for ECET The primary goal for the department head in the curriculum redesign


9 C OMPARISON C HART ABET Criterion 3 1 ACRL Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology Performance Indicators 4 appropriate mastery of the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of their disciplines 3.1.a; 3.3.c; 3.6.a; 3.6.b; 4.1.b; 4.1.d; 4.2.a; 4.3.b; 2.1.a; 1.3a-f b. an ability to apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology 3.1.b; 3.1.c; 3.2.a; 3.4.a-g; 3.6.c; 3.7.a; 4.1.a; 4.1.b; 4.2.a; 1.4.a-e; 5.1.a-d c. an ability to conduct, analyze and interpret experiments, and apply experimental results to improve processes 3.2.b; 3.3.a-b; 3.5.b; 3.7.b; 4.1.a-c; 4.2.a-b; 4.3.c; 2.1.a; 1.2.d; 3.2.e; 4.5.a-c d. an ability to apply creativity in the design of systems, components, or processes appropriate to program educational objectives 4.2.b;4.4.a-b; e. an ability to function effectively on teams 3.6.c; 2.3.d; 3.5.b f. an ability to identify, analyze and solve technical problems 1.1.b g. an ability to communicate effectively 3.6.c; 4.1.b; 4.3.a-d; 2.3.d; 1.2.b; 3.5.a; 3.5.c; 4.3.a-c; 4.6 h. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning 3.1.a-3.7.b; 4.1.a-4.6.d; 2.2.a-f; 3.2.b-d; 3.2.f-g i. an ability to understand professional, ethical and social responsibilities 3.2.a-b; 4.1.a-d; 4.2.a-g j. a respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues 3.2.d k. a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement 3.2.a; 3.5.a; 3.7.c

10 C REATIVITY IN THE ACRL S TANDARDS 3.3 Synthesizes main ideas to construct new concepts. Outcomes include that the student: Recognizes interrelationships among concepts and combines them into potentially useful primary statements and/or summary of findings with supporting evidence. Extends initial synthesis, when possible, at a higher level of abstraction to construct new hypotheses that may require additional information. Utilizes computer and other technologies (e.g. spreadsheets, databases, multimedia, and audio or visual equipment) for studying the interaction of ideas and other phenomena. 3.7 Evaluates the procured information and the entire process. Outcomes include that the student: Reviews and assesses the procured information and determines possible improvements in the information seeking process. Applies the improvements to subsequent projects.

11 C REATIVITY IN THE ACRL S TANDARDS 4.4 Applies creativity in use of the information for a particular product or performance. Outcomes include that the student: Selects, analyzes, organizes, summarizes, and/or synthesizes information from a variety of resources. Explores the use of advanced information technologies, such as data mining and visualization to move beyond retrieval and identify trends and patterns within large sets of complex research data.


13 C ONCRETE /A BSTRACT For many current ECET professors, creativity is abstract and hard to teach Ditto for information literacy Professors focused on very concrete skills currently taught to varying degrees in the department Lab notebook expectations Prescribed citation formats Citation organization in senior design



16 I NTERNAL CHANGES FOR D EPARTMENT New Department head Uncertain future Merge with other College of Technology Department College will not replace department heads for multiple departments

17 C OLLEGE OF T ECHNOLOGY C HANGES New College of Technology core courses One each year of program Author is also on College of Technology core redesign team. Goal is to integrate information literacy skills across College of Technology core courses

18 R ESULTING IN … Waiting…

19 R EFERENCES 1 Shuman, LJ, Besterfield-Sacre, M, and McGourty, J. 2005. The ABET “Professional” Skills – Can They Be Taught? Can They Be Assessed?. Journal of Engineering Education. 94:1, 41-55. 2 Association of College and Research Libraries. 2000. ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. (Accessed 17 June 2010.)

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