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My Life As A Lab Consultant A Wonderful Experience, And Still Going…

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2 My Life As A Lab Consultant A Wonderful Experience, And Still Going…

3 Bad Things Good Things Realizing that Computers are not scary. Realizing that Computers do not choose to help some and to complicate some others’ life. Realizing that Computers were not invented to show people that they are stupid. Getting paid. Being thought of as a Computers expert the moment you put your name tag on (even when it is your first shift!) Having to work in a burning temperature (Dwight) even when it is freezing outside. Being the BAD guy who prevents the users from misusing the lab.

4 Assisting a user who is patient and understanding is a very amusing experience. Not only that you enjoy helping somebody out but also you learn a lot yourself! On the other hand, helping a rude or an extremely stressed user is an actual nightmare!


6 Love Your Work and You will enjoy it! Click Here

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