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PARAFAC is an N -linear model for an N-way array For an array X, it is defined as  denotes the array elements  are the model parameters  F is the number.

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Presentation on theme: "PARAFAC is an N -linear model for an N-way array For an array X, it is defined as  denotes the array elements  are the model parameters  F is the number."— Presentation transcript:


2 PARAFAC is an N -linear model for an N-way array For an array X, it is defined as  denotes the array elements  are the model parameters  F is the number of fitted components  denotes the residuals The model parameters are typically grouped in N loading matrices PARAFAC equation / 1

3 HPLC-DAD HPLC combined with Diode Array Detection Light absorbed at i-th wavelength Light absorbed at j-th time and i-th wavelength For F compounds and K samples 255075100 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 Scan [i-i 0 ] Intensity [A.U.] Sulfonamide Interferent 240280320360400440 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 [nm] Intensity [A.U.] Sulfonamide Interferent

4 Matricisation / 1 Matricisation is an operation that associates a matrix to a multi-way array The number of possible matricisations increases with the array’s order Notation: Some matricisations are faster than others A shiftdim operation can be implemented more rapidly using appropriate matricisations I3I3 I2I2 I1I1 I3I3 I1I1 I1I1 I1I1

5 Matricisation / 1 Matricisation is an operation that associates a matrix to a multi-way array The number of possible matricisations increases with the array’s order Notation: Some matricisations are faster than others A shiftdim operation can be implemented more rapidly using appropriate matricisations I3I3 I2I2 I1I1 I1I1 I2I2 I2I2 I2I2 I2I2

6 Vectorisation The vec operator transforms a matrix in a vector In combination with matricisation one can define the vectorisation operation for N-way arrays The result of the vectorisation depends only the order of the modes in resulting from matricisation

7 The order of the modes is often taken as a convention  Row/Column modes in increasing/decreasing order  Row/Column modes in cyclycal order Subscripts: –n, –nn', or –{n,n',  } indicate the modes that are removed: Subscripts n, nn', or {n,n',  } for a matricised array indicate the modes in the rows Matricisation / 2

8 Commutation matrices For an n  p matrix X, the commutation matrix K np performs the operation: For an I 1  …  I N array , the N-way commutation matrices M n and M nn' perform the operations: Commutation matrices can be used to shift through matricisations With cyclic modes notation shiftdim does not require commutation matrices

9 The Khatri-Rao product For A and B with the same number of columns The column-wise Khatri-Rao product  performs the operation

10 PARAFAC equation / 2 The matrix equation for PARAFAC is The vector representation of the PARAFAC model array is: The notation is simplified using the letter Z for the Khatri-Rao products Different matricisations/vectorisation corresponds to permutations of factors in the Khatri-Rao product:

11 Fitting the PARAFAC model Fitting the PARAFAC model in the least squares sense corresponds to solving the nonlinear problem: A weighted least squares fitting criterion takes the form where D w is a (positive semidefinite) diagonal matrix holding the elements of w = vecW 1 If a the residuals variance/covariance S matrix is known:

12 Algorithms for PARAFAC Many algorithms have been proposed to fitting PARAFAC models:  Alternating Least Squares (1970)  Gauss-Newton (1982)  Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients (1995/1999)  Levenberg-Marquardt (1997)  Direct Trilinear Decomposition (1990)  Alternating Trilinear Decomposition (1998)  Alternating Slice-wise Decomposition (2000)  Self-Weighted Alternating TriLinear Decomposition (2000)  Pseudo-Alternating Least Squares (2001)  PARAFAC with Penalty Diagonalization Error (2001)

13 Alternating Least Squares ALS breaks down the nonlinear problem in linear ones, which are solved iteratively Initial values for N-1 loading matrices must be provided The properties of the Moore-Penrose inverse and those of the Khatri-Rao product are used to reduce the computational load Convergence is checked at each step using (among others) the relative fit decrease

14 PARAFAC-ALS Revisited Using matricisations, rearrangements can be avoided or largely reduced The computation load can be reduced by  a factor I 1 F –1 for a 3-way array for modes 2 and 3.  a factor I n I n+1 F –1 for 4-way arrays and higher every two treated modes (n and n + 1) Operating column-wise the number of operations is reduced by a factor F The loss function can be calculated without explicitly calculating the residuals

15 Line search extrapolation is used to accelerate convergence in ALS An analytical solution to the exact line search problem for PARAFAC  The optimal step length is found as the real root of a polynomial of degree 2N.  The cost for computing the polynomial coefficients directly is A great reduction in the number of iterations is obtained with simple and exact line search Line search extrapolation

16 The computation time for is higher with exact line search The problem seems to be in the search direction and not only the higher computation load per iteration The algorithm in its fastest implementation seems to suffer from numerical instability Several possibilities may prove beneficial  Perform line search only when the updates become highly collinear  Set the direction of search as the combination of several consecutive updates

17 Self-Weighted Alternating TriLinear Decomposition Does not find the least squares solution, but minimises at each step a modified loss function Not straightforwardly extendible to higher orders Requires full column rank for all loading matrices The scaling convention affects the convergence Similar cost as PARAFAC- ALS

18 SWATLD SWATLD fitting criterion and convergence properties are not well characterised SWATLD yields biased loadings, which affects predictions SWATLD yields solutions with higher core consistency The results suggest that introducing such bias may be beneficial Naïve solutions (PARAFAC-PDE) lead to unstable algorithms

19 Levenberg-Marquardt Based on a local linearisation of the vectorised residuals (r) in the neighbourhood of the interim solution J is the Jacobian matrix of the vector of the residuals: and in matrix form it is expressed as An update to the solution is found by solving the problem

20 J is very sparse, with density J is rank deficient because of the scaling indeterminacy J is very tall and thin and cannot be stored as full apart from small problems Sparse QR methods are unfeasible in most cases The problem is solved using with system of normal equations: Jacobian: J

21 J T J and J T D w J Both can be calculated without forming J WLS case is much more expensive because of the calculation of U and V Time expense can be reduced using property e. and c. of the Khatri-Rao product Filling the sparse J and compute J T J explicitly is faster for some WLS problems

22 Gradient: J T r Residuals are not necessary for LS fitting criterion Faster routines based on the chain rule for matrix functions can be obtained using property e. of KR product Complexity is identical to an ALS step

23 Time consumption

24 PARAFAC-LM The size of the problem is The cost per iteration is in the order of The method is too expensive for large problems

25 A comparison of algorithms SWATLD and PARAFAC-LM are more resistant to mild model overfactoring SWATLD did not yield 2 factor degeneracies in simulated sets. PARAFAC-LM performs better for ill-conditioned problems PARAFAC-LM is unfeasible for larger problems SWATLD is faster than ALS and LM and relatively robust with respect to high collinearity PARAFAC-LM is preferable for higher order arrays and if rank is relatively small

26 The array is projected on some truncated bases  SVD based compressions  Tucker based compressions  Prior knowledge (CANDELINC, PARAFAC-IV) The array is compressed to F N Not compatible with non-negativity constraints Compression

27 QR compression / preconditioning Calculate a QR decomposition of each loading matrix A n =Q n U n with U n upper triangular Premultiply x with  Q N    Q 1 J becomes extremely sparse Many data elements can be skipped QR compression is lossless, but the compression rate is lower than for Tucker based compression

28 Several patterns of missing values  Randomly Missing Values (RMV)  Randomly Missing Spectra (RMS)  Systematically Missing Spectra (SMS) Two approaches:  Weighted Least Squares (INDAFAC)  Single Imputation (ALS with Expectation Maximisation) The conditioning of the problem is influenced by the  fraction of missing values  pattern of the missing values in the array Missing values

29 Missing values: some results Different patterns of missing values yield different artefacts The quality of the predictions depends on the pattern With RMV good predictions are possible also with 70% m.v. Quality of the loadings varies with the asymmetry of the pattern SMS pattern ”interacts” with multilinearity INDAFAC grows faster with the % of missing values (RMV/SMS) INDAFAC is faster than ALS for the SMS pattern

30 30 Final remarks There appears to be no method superior to any other in all conditions There is great need for numerical insight in the algorithms. Faster algorithms may entail numerical instability Several properties of the column-wise Khatri-Rao product can be used to reduce the computation load Numerous methods have not been investigated yet

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