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Published byJason Lindsay Modified over 11 years ago
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MultiConjugate Adaptive Optics from VLTs to ELTs J.-M. Conan(1), B. Neichel(1,2), C. Petit(1), M. Nicolle(1) J.-M. Conan(1), B. Neichel(1,2), C. Petit(1), M. Nicolle(1) T. Fusco(1), E. Gendron(2), G. Rousset (3,2,1), T. Fusco(1), E. Gendron(2), G. Rousset (3,2,1), P. Jagourel(2), F. Hammer(2) P. Jagourel(2), F. Hammer(2) (1) ONERA – DOTA - HRA (1) ONERA – DOTA - HRA (2) Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (2) Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (3) Université Paris 7 (3) Université Paris 7
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Adaptive Optics and Anisoplanatism Effects Isoplanatic FoV~ 20 Isoplanatic FoV ~ 2 NAOS Data ; 2,2µm ; Field of View =27 ; courtesy D. Rouan Standard AO corrected FoV is very limited
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Principle of MultiConjugate AO [MCAO] MCAO allows wide FoV correction Specificities: multi-guide-star wavefront sensing multi-DM correction of the turbulent volume Expected performance: few arcmin diffraction limited correction for NIR VLT obs. with a few GSs and a few DMs
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 « Ground Layer » Adaptive Optics [GLAO] GLAO: multi-GS WFS single ground DM correcting average perturbation ~ near ground turbulence No Correction: Seeing limited single Ground DM GLAO: reduced apparent seeing seeing improved and stabilized in very large FoV gain ~2 in 10 arcmin for NIR VLT obs. Expected performance:FoV
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MultiObject AO [MOAO] – Falcon study Extra-galactic 3D spectrocopy near-diffraction limited correction on tens of faint/tiny galaxies in very large FoV MOAO: specific correction/DM per galaxy multi-GS WFS Expected Performance: Falcon: H band VLT obs. in 25 FoV 60 GS for WFS 15 to 20 IFU on galaxies with 40% coupling in 250mas res. elts see Gendron et al., C. R. Phys., 6, 2005
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Outline Key Features/Issues in MCAO –Multi-GS wavefront sensing choice of the concept (Star/Layer Oriented, MFoV…) Natural/Laser GS related to sky-coverage consideration [M. Nicolle et al., JOSA A accepted ; T. Fusco et al., MNRAS accepted] –Correction optimisation in FoV of interest GS positions Reconstruction of turbulent volume from WFS data (tomographic rec.) multi-DM control Current VLT MCAO/GLAO projects MOAO for extra-galactic observations: from VLTs (8-10m) to ELTs (20 to 60m)
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Differents concepts dASO multi-direction COMMAND Pupil 1 WFS / GS DM 1 DM 2 « STAR ORIENTED » Choix de la technique danalyse en fonction des spécifications (champ, performance…)? « LAYER ORIENTED » DM 1 DM 2 COMMAND Pupil 1 WFS / DM LO plus efficace en terme de bruit de détection mais sensible aux écarts de flux entre EG
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 AO/MCAO System –closed loop with delay –WFS interaction matrix D –DM influence function matrix N –Phase expanded on modes Closed-loop measurement equation: Global control problem: find minimizing the stochastic criterion Principle of separation: –optimal estimation of the turbulent volume find minimizing –Deterministic projection onto mirror space: Optimal Tomographic Reconstruction based on Kalman Filter u delay DM (N) Controler ( correction corr = Nu WFS (D) turbulent phase tur Measurement noise w res Slopes s KalmanFiltering
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Off axis pupil metapupil DM On axis pupil WFS 1 turbulent layer in altitude 1 on axis GS for WFS 1 off axis star of interest Simplified Experimental Configuration : Off-Axis AO Optimal Control: reconstruction of phase in layer(s) reconstruction of phase in layer(s) iterative Kalman filter iterative Kalman filter adequate projection onto DM(s) adequate projection onto DM(s)
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 AO Bench at ONERA : BOA Imaging camera (Princeton - 512) Sources (2 stars) : fibered laser diode Turbulent phase screen Wave Front Sensor (Shack-Hartman 8*8) Deformable mirror SAM (9*9)
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 C. Petit et al., C. R. Physique, 6, 2005 On-Axis Star Off-Axis Star First Experimental Demonstration of Off-Axis AO collaboration with L2TI-Villetaneuse-Paris 13 and ShaktiWare
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Planned VLT Systems and Demonstrators 1/2 8m-VLT MAD MCAO demonstrator [ESO-Arcetri] first light end 2006 –2 FoV NIR imaging : 5 to 8 NGS, 2 DM (~60 act. each), 8m-GEMINI South MCAO [Gemini] first light 2007 –2 FoV NIR imaging : 5 Na-LGS + 3 TT-NGS, 3 DM (~200 act. each), 2x8m-LBT LINC-NIRVANA MCAO [MaxPlanck-Arcetri] –up to 2 FoV NIR interometric-imaging : 12 NGS, 672 act. DSM +1 or 2 DMs (~300act.) 8m-VLT GRAAL GLAO for HAWK-I [ESO] first light 2012 –10 FoV for NIR imaging : 4 Na-LGS + 1 TT-NGS, 1170 act. DSM 8m-VLT GALACSI GLAO for MUSE [ESO] first light 2012 –3 to 2 FoV for Vis. spectro-imaging : 4 Na-LGS + 1 TT-NGS, 1170 act. DSM
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 Planned VLT Systems and Demonstrators 2/2 Solar MCAO: –KIS (80cm-VTT, future 1.5m-GregorTel) –NSO (70cm-DTT, future 4m-ATST) Laboratory demonstrators, among others: –Sesame at Obs.-Meudon – multi-GS sigle-DM configuration available –Homer at Onera – currently in design phase, 2-DM config. planned for 2007
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MultiObject AO [MOAO] – Falcon study Extra-galactic 3D spectrocopy near-diffraction limited correction on tens of faint/tiny galaxies in very large FoV MOAO: specific correction/DM per galaxy multi-GS WFS Expected Performance: Falcon: H band VLT obs. in 25 FoV 60 GS for WFS 15 to 20 IFU on galaxies with 40% coupling in 250mas res. elts see Gendron et al., C. R. Phys., 6, 2005
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MOAO VLT versus ELT specifications Falcon design study: 60 GS for WFS 15 to 20 IFU on galaxies with ~100 act. correction sky-coverage ~ 50% at b=30° see Gendron et al., C. R. Phys., 6, 2005 10 m class specifications 0.5 < Z < 2 – 3 0.5 < Z < 2 – 3 galaxy size ~ 1 arcsec galaxy size ~ 1 arcsec R ~ 10000 R ~ 10000 EE in H : 40% in 250 mas ~ 6 λ/D EE in H : 40% in 250 mas ~ 6 λ/D 15 to 20 objects 15 to 20 objects 25 FoV 25 FoV 40 m class specifications Z up to 5 – 8 Z up to 5 – 8 galaxy size 0.15 arcsec galaxy size 0.15 arcsec R ~ 10000 R ~ 10000 EE in H : 40% ?? in 50 mas ?? EE in H : 40% ?? in 50 mas ?? 10 objects 10 objects 10 FoV 10 FoV Preliminary hints on design choices: specs versus NGS/LGS choice specs versus NGS/LGS choice MOAO compared to GLAO MOAO compared to GLAO
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MOAO: impact of specifications scientific specification ? Specs strong impact on limiting magnitude H band 42 m telescope ideal case: noise + fitting, no anisoplanatism…, nact > 5000 LGS NGS
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MOAO design issues: LGS/NGS, comparison with GLAO GLAO MOAO Laser GLAO far below specs MOAO with GSs in 2 arcmin FoV meets specs Ideal LGS here: no elongation/cone effect for VERY large telescopes TT not an issue but still is for 40m-tel, 50mas resel, 50m Lo see B. Neichel et al., IAU Le Cap, 2005 & SPIE Orlando 2006 Ensquared Energy in 50 mas Results strongly dependent on turbulence parameters: seeing, Cn2 and Lo profiles collab. with LUAN-Nice
Comète axe 2 - TC1 : RSA n°2 - SPART/S t Cloud - 080304 Vision for IR Astronomy - 21 mars 2006 MCAO: Current Status MCAO/GLAO/MOAO Concepts well established: theorerical studies, numerical simulations Laboratory tests are under progress at ESO, Obs. Meudon and Onera 10m class telescope intrumentation programmes are launched Next step: MCAO for ELTs –precise the scientific specifications and associated high level technical specs –pursue design studies for MCAO/GLAO/MOAO and specify key components (DMs, WFS, LGS, control…) –strong MOAO effort in France: ESO study MOMFIS, ELT-design-study WFSPEC –turbulence inputs are required: Paranal campaign planned by LUAN-ESO in collab. Onera To know more on MCAO: Special Issue Comptes Rendus de lAcadémie des Sciences, Physique Series, Dec. 2005 [articles available on ScienceDirect] all this started with Come-On and with the VLT programme under the impulse of Pierre Léna personnaly: Pierre helped me set up in 1990 a pre-doc at NSO-SacPeak followed by PhD on AO co-supervised by Pierre and Gérard Rousset
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