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Stewardship Education SPD Lay Consultation Erika F Puni South Pacific Division.

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1 Stewardship Education SPD Lay Consultation Erika F Puni South Pacific Division

2 Biblical stewardship is misunderstood by many of our church members to mean “tithe and offerings.” This misconception, and our focus on “giving” has created the following problems:  Mistrust of church leaders and systems  Diversion of tithe and offerings by members to other persons & groups  Project giving replacing systematic giving  Resistance to stewardship by pastors and church members Stewardship Today

3 Stewardship Definition

4  Stewardship starts with God as Creator  It recognises Him as owner of all things (life, time, resources etc)  Acknowledge Him as the sustainer of life, and is in control of His creation  Accepts Him as the provider of every good gift and blessing Redefining Stewardship

5  Stewardship understands God as the initiator of relationships with people  Teaches that Jesus is Saviour and Lord  Recognizes the Church, the body, as an extension of Christ Himself  The believer is a steward, and is in partnership with God Redefining Stewardship

6 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

7 SECULAR What are your values? Temporal Self-centered Body Short-term Self-control SPIRITUAL Eternal Christ-centered Spirit Long-term Spirit-controlled

8 u Importance and Priorities u Control and Lordship u Faith and Trust u Commitment and Loyalty u Allegiance and Worship u Mission and Discipleship Stewardship Issues


10  Kingdom means the rulership and lordship of Jesus Christ in our hearts  Righteousness means a right relationship with God It’s a matter of the Heart!

11 Financial Stewardship u Commitment to Lordship of Christ u Expression of partnership with God u Believers response of love u Recognition of God’s blessings of grace “Stewardship is the human side of lordship.”

12 Expressions of Financial Stewardship OFFERINGSTITHE Belongs to God It is holy Belongs to God God specifies itBeliever sets it Act of worship Spiritual response Express loyaltyExpress gratitude

13 Giving Paradigm NEWOLD Focus on Self Emphasize obligation Focus on God Emphasize lordship Work orientedGrace oriented Financial MatterSpiritual Act Maintenance drivenMission driven Members are DonorsMembers are Stewards

14 Stewardship Strategy Simplified Offering system Information and Communication Strategy Stewardship Education Local Church Pastor

15 Stewardship Education Objectives Knowing BeingDoing

16 Surface level Expressive behavior Temporary views Programs & Products Deep level Peoples Worldview Core Beliefs Values and Principles Denominational Culture

17 Stewardship is Multi-dimensional Mind Emotions Values

18  Sovereignty  Spirituality  Relationship  Worship  Transparency  Unity  Lordship  Integrity  Partnership  Discipleship  Accountability  Mission Stewardship Values

19 Stewardship Education 1.Modelling – leadership 2.Preaching – local churches 3.Training – conference/unions 4.Reporting – formal and informal 5.Writing – church publications 6.Testifying – sharing of personal stories

20  Stewardship education  Communication strategy  Simplified offering system  Distribution of resources  Review of church policies  Leadership ethics  Discipleship initiatives Stewardship - the Future

21 Questions for Discussion 1.What does the “lordship of Christ” means for you as an Adventist Christian in Australia and NZ? 2.How can we, as members of the body of Christ, help the corporate church in the promotion of biblical stewardship? 3.Why is spirituality an important issue in the life of the church today?

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