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At Sparrow Lake Camp, we are occasionally asked about what role the camp plays in the Christian education of our campers. We recognize that this can mean.

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Presentation on theme: "At Sparrow Lake Camp, we are occasionally asked about what role the camp plays in the Christian education of our campers. We recognize that this can mean."— Presentation transcript:

1 At Sparrow Lake Camp, we are occasionally asked about what role the camp plays in the Christian education of our campers. We recognize that this can mean different things to different people. We respect the fact that not all of our campers come from a Christian background. This means that our approach tends to be more ecumenical as it is very important to us that every camper feels valued and included for who they are and what they bring to the camp. The camp is part of the United Church of Canada, and as a result, uses the United Church’s statement of beliefs as the foundation for our programs and philosophy. The camp, like the United Church of Canada, strives to be inclusive of all people. Forming Faith At Camp (Adaptation of Creed by Janice Franklin)

2 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada We are not alone, we live in God's world. At Camp, we focus on helping campers make lasting connections with other campers, their counselors, staff, and nature. Outside of camp, our society is increasingly focused on virtual connection to others through technology. Camp is a chance to get “unplugged” and form real relationships with those around us.

3 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada We believe in God: who has created and is creating, Nowhere is God’s creation more evident than at camp. Children are amazed to discover the ever-changing natural world. who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, Every day at camp, we strive to live by the Word of Jesus. Camp is about working together for a common goal, including everyone, recognizing their worth and value, showing kindness and love.

4 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada who works in us and others by the Spirit. The Spirit of God is evident everywhere at camp through children having fun, laughter, singing, times of quiet reflection, support for those who may be struggling with something, including children who may not be included elsewhere. There is no focus on the acquisition of material goods at camp – no cell phones or ipods, no comparison of who has t he latest video game, most expensive game system, and so on. Instead we focus on the value and worth of each individual for who they are.

5 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada We trust in God. We trust that every child who comes to us is meant to be there. We do everything possible to ensure that each child feels a sense of love and belonging while at camp.

6 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God's presence, At Camp, God’s presence is celebrated through the singing of grace at every meal, through songs of praise every evening at Vespers, and on Sunday morning at Chapel, as well as woven throughout a program designed to help every child feel valued and loved.

7 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada to live with respect in Creation, Respect for our beautiful natural environment is part of every aspect of our program. Most of our program takes place outdoors. Our outdoor Chapel, overlooking the lake, is a wonderful place to worship. We weave the need to respect and care for Creation through everything we do. Every camper has the opportunity to spend at least one night on an out-trip at camp where they develop an even stronger connection with nature by cooking over a fire, carrying only the bare necessities with them, using their own power for transportation, and ensuring they leave no evidence of their presence behind when they leave their camp site. When children are exposed to nature, they are able to develop a relationship with it, which leads to their desire to care for it.

8 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada to love and serve others Love and service is an integral part of our program at Sparrow Lake. Counsellors and staff demonstrate how others should be treated in a respectful way that shows value for each individual and teach campers to do the same. One of the ways campers learn about service is through caring for their cabin mates. They take turns serving meals to their cabin mates and cleaning up after meals as a way to show care and respect for others as well as recognize their own value to the group. Our LIT and CIT programs provide specific training on how to be a respectful leader in a way that serves the needs of those in a group

9 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada to seek justice and resist evil, Whenever groups of people come together, there is going to be some difference of opinion and conflict. When this happens, the situation is dealt with by counsellors and staff so that everyone’s voice is heard and a resolution can be found that meets everyone’s needs

10 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. This is done through song and prayer, but in a way that is inclusive and respectful of those at camp who are not Christian. Children who are interested in exploring their Christian beliefs further can enroll in the Discovery program as one of their options.

11 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada In life, in death, in life beyond death God is with us. We are not alone. It is our hope that our campers leave camp with a sense that they are loved and loveable beings. We want that feeling to last throughout their year and throughout their lives. We hope that the memories created and the connections formed at camp will be carried with the camper always as a part of who they are as human beings.

12 A New Creed – The United Church of Canada At Sparrow Lake we are forever grateful of the opportunity to work with children within a United Church of Canada, Christian framework to help form the people they are to become. Thanks be To God.

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