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Final Project of Foreign Language Learners The Analysis of Professor Wong ’ s Learning Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Project of Foreign Language Learners The Analysis of Professor Wong ’ s Learning Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Project of Foreign Language Learners The Analysis of Professor Wong ’ s Learning Experience

2 Introduction The Purpose of Study 1.A diverse process of leaning languages and being educated 2. The influences between the different languages

3 Introduction Case Description 1.Born in Mainland China 2.Started to learn English in Hong Kong 3.Majored in English in Taiwan 4.Majored in Translation in Graduate School 5.Hade a Ph.D. of Comparative Literature Theory

4 Methods-Data Collection 1. Face-to-face interview 2.Tape recording in the interview 3.Questionnaires of learning styles, strategies, learner characteristics, etc.

5 Methods-Data Analysis Interview 1. Age 2. Attitude 3. Motivation 4. Learning condition - Chinese and Cantonese Japanese and French

6 Methods-Data Analysis Questionnaire 1. Visual, Auditory, Haptic 2. Reflectivity and Impulsivity 3. Right-brain and Left-brain Dominance 4. Extroversion v.s. Introversion 5. Intelligence

7 Result -Learner Characteristics Age 1. She started to learn English at 13. 2. All books are original textbooks except some subjects such as History. 3. At the beginning of learning English- word by word imitation and practice of writing letters a, b, c … first.

8 Result -Learner Characteristics Attitude 1. She sometimes skipped some classes, such as the Three Principles of the People. 2. Literature class – Favorite 3. Grammar class – Boring 4. Speech class - A school job

9 Result -Learner Characteristics Motivation 1. English is important. 2. A better way to keep in touch with the external world directly. 3. Her personal interest

10 Result -Learner Condition Learning condition - Chinese and Cantonese 1. Some vocabularies - 道地, 地道 走先, 先走 Learning condition-Japanese and French 1. No ample time and the environment 2. Japanese-Difficult 3. French-Easy

11 Result-Questionnaire Professor Wong is … a. a Visual learner b. Reflective c. Left-brain dominant d. Moderately introverted

12 Result-Questionnaire Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Linguistic intelligence-6 Logical-mathematical intelligence-5 Spatial intelligence-5 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence-6 Musical intelligence-4 Interpersonal intelligence-6 Intrapersonal intelligence-6

13 Discussion 1.Learning Cantonese (informal setting) Learning Chinese (formal setting) First Stage: From Birth ~ Sixth Grade

14 Discussion 2. Simultaneously bilingual learner 3. No subtract bilingualism 4. Both languages were learned before CPH First Stage: From Birth ~ Sixth Grade

15 Discussion 5. The chance of using Cantonese > Chinese Chinese (with accent) First Stage: From Birth ~ Sixth Grade

16 Discussion 1. Moved to Hong Kong 2. The first year in Hong Kong Instrumental and extrinsic motivation Bushiban and school Second Stage: Junior High ~ Senior High School

17 Discussion 3. Behaviorism: Imitation (word by word) Practice Reinforcement Habit formation Second Stage: Junior High ~ Senior High School

18 Discussion 1.English > Chinese 2.In the class, took notes (noticing) 3.Like reading (visual learner) BUT Reading + Listening interference Third Stage: University ~ Graduate School

19 Discussion 4.Like individual work + work alone (introverted) 5.Seldom speaking and listening (only radio) 6. Think in English way Do not need to translate in mind 7. Interactionism can ’ t be applied to Professor Wong ’ s language learning Third Stage: University ~ Graduate School

20 Discussion 1. Changed major: Translation Comparative Literature Theory Intrinsic motivation 2.Excellent English 3.Improving speaking skill needs to interact with advanced learner (ZPD) 4. Become extroverted (interact with students) Fourth Stage: Ph.D. ~ Now

21 Conclusion-Summary Her higher intrinsic instrumental motivation Strong interests - keeping on learning

22 Conclusion Theories can be applied but it depends on which characteristics, personalities, learning styles, and environment that the learner has. Therefore, we don ’ t object the theories but it does not mean that we “ totally ” support it. There is no best way for learning a language but there must be a suitable way for each learner.

23 Conclusion-Suggestions Learn what you love could give you a high motivation. Make opportunities for practicing English. There is no shortcut for learning a language.

24 Thank you for attention NadiaWinnieAmandaSabrinaSara Wish you a wonderful, colorful, and beautiful life Thanks forStanley ’ s help Thanks for Stanley ’ s help!!!

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