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1/29 Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Media Technology Chief Scientist Marratech Monash CoolCampus 051024 The Future of Internet Based Conferencing:

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Presentation on theme: "1/29 Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Media Technology Chief Scientist Marratech Monash CoolCampus 051024 The Future of Internet Based Conferencing:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1/29 Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Media Technology Chief Scientist Marratech Monash CoolCampus 051024 The Future of Internet Based Conferencing: Ubiquitous Human Group Communication

2 2/29 Dr. Peter Parnes Associate Professor Luleå University of Technology, Media technology Co-founder and Chief Scientist Marratech Online conferencing since 1992 Married with Johanna Children: Tovah (5), Mathilda (ETA Feb06) Interests: Reading, Geomag, Nature, Travel

3 3/29 Overview Human Communication Conferencing Today Presence and Mobility Always Best Communication Ubiquitous Human Communication Mosaic of Realities Q&A

4 4/29 Imagine a worker being able to know when all his colleagues are available, where they are, and what they are doing and to be able to interact with them on the colleagues’ own terms anytime, anywhere?

5 5/29 Human communication Face to Face Electronic Meeting 1995 “Software Engineering” (CDT/LTU) Better than Being There!

6 6/29 Dick Schefström’s vision - 1992

7 7/29 The Electronic Meeting 1998 – Marratech spin-off from Media Technology

8 8/29 E-Meetings 1.Meetings via the net 2.Net-based education One to many with questions back Group discussions 3.E-corridor 24-hours per day Sense of presence within a group

9 9/29 Conferencing Today Phone Most common H323 Emerging into SIP based Web-conferencing Growing the most Trends: Higher video quality

10 10/29 Higher Video Quality Web-conferencing H264 CIF (352x288, 4:3), SCIF (704x576, 4:3) Going beyond TV-quality LifeSize HDTV (1280x720, 16:9) Super High Definition, SDH (4096x3112, 4:3) One-way streaming

11 11/29 Presence and Mobility

12 12/29 Mobility No collocation Different offices In meetings Travel Home Continuous presence E-corridor Active 24 per day

13 13/29

14 14/29 Mobile e-meetings

15 15/29 Scalable Group Communication

16 16/29 Always Best Communication

17 17/29 Always Best Communication, ABC Users want to communicate with each other Any place Any time Any device

18 18/29 Simple Scenario Session and device mobility A user is late for an online meeting The system knows this from the user’s calendar The system automatically dials the user’s mobile phone Audio participation

19 19/29 Step 2 The user reaches her office This is noted by location awareness Automatically joins the online meeting Asks the user where she wants the audio In the mobile, PC audio or desktop phone? User selects desktop phone on the PC screen and the call is transferred from the mobile.

20 20/29 Problems How to detect locality with good enough precision? How to swap between different wireless and fixed carriers? Carrier mobility How to swap between devices Session mobility How to keep the current session running?

21 21/29 Ubiquitous Human Communication

22 22/29 Ubiquitous Human Communication Imagine rich media sensors Includes audio in (microphone) and audio out (speaker) but not necessarily in the same device Includes video in (camera) and video out (display) but not necessarily in the same device Not all in same device (might be 4 different)

23 23/29 Available everywhere We put these all over a work place Offices Corridors Homes Use together with good enough positioning of all users Allow for “free” communication anywhere Video follows movements… Ubiquitous Human Communication

24 24/29 Problems How to make the sensors cheap enough? Today: old PocketPC devices (HP iPaq) Distributed echo canceling/suppression and multi-channel audio playback Multi-view video grabbing presented Several video views to multiple video display devices on the other side.

25 25/29 Problems… WLAN model when using high quality video feeds ? sustained 1-25Mbps per video channel and several channels. Power? Perhaps skip WLAN and go for ethernet + power over ethernet instead? Today’s sensor systems targeted towards: Low bit rate Low CPU

26 26/29 Mosaic of Realities

27 27/29 Mosaic of Realities Going even further Imagine displays being available everywhere Digital advertisements screens Office computer screens Buy access to these on demand. 5 minutes of bottom left corner at the bus stop Controlled by remote user, presenter. Receiver is only on phone

28 28/29 Summary Human Communication Conferencing Today Presence and Mobility Always Best Communication Ubiquitous Human Communication Mosaic of Realities Q&A

29 29/29 Comments? Questions? Dr. Peter Parnes +46 70 6614567 Skype: peterparnes

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