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Overview of Training in Organizations

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1 Overview of Training in Organizations
Chapter #1

2 Learning Outcomes By the conclusion of this chapter, you will be able to: Define key words used in training. Understand the organization and functions of the Human Resource Development (HRD) Department. Outline the training process and understand the functions of each process step. Communicate the different roles trainers play in organizations.

3 Terminology Learning – a relatively permanent change in the way you think that results from a life experience. Knowledge – information that is acquired, organized and placed into memory for future use in understanding our experiences. Skill – capacities needed to perform a set of tasks that are developed as a result of training and experience. Attitudes – reflection of your beliefs and opinions that support or inhibit behavior Knowledge – Declarative – factual information Procedural – how and why to apply the facts Strategic – planning, monitoring and revising activities – requires other two KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes)

4 Learning Outcomes Skill Based Learning Compilation Automaticity
Cognitive Knowledge Declarative Procedural Strategic Attitudinal Learning Affect/Feelings

5 Terminology Training – process of attempting to develop KSAs
Development – the outcome of training, learning the KSAs Education – development of more general KSAs

6 Human Resource Development (HRD) Department
Role:improve organizational effectiveness Focus:job-related KSAs with careful consideration of employees needs Documentation of ROI Must involve management in HRD process: Identifying needs Allocating budget dollars Evaluating effectiveness Focusing on KSAs that don’t meet the needs of the organization will not be productive. Likewise, unless the new KSAs are seen as relevant and important to the employees, they won’t transfer back to the employee’s job and will waste company resources. Truly effective training strategies and practices are those that meet the needs of the organization while simultaneously responding to the needs of individual employees Training in Action 1.2 pg. 10 Training in Action 1.3 pg 11 Have students split into 2 groups and read and analyze the cases. Discuss. Training budget dollar statistics – pg. 11 Discuss charge-back systems

7 Structure of Training Organizations
CEO VP Human Resources HR Planning Each function works together to integrate its goals, systems, activities, with the other areas. Give Example. Structures differ based on the size of the organization. One person could fill all of this roles in a small organization. Discuss career path from specialist to Director HRD. Employment Employee Relations Compensation HRD

8 Training as an Open Process
Open System Input Process Output Organizations are open systems and therefore, the training organization within the organizational system is an open system – a system that is open to the external environment. The external environment will affect the training system both in regards to its inputs and outputs. External environment: customers, markets, competitors, suppliers, economics (global, national), politics, laws, etc. The semipermiable barrier represents the organization’s policies, systems and procedures that are designed to allow only certain components of the external environment to enter the system. I.e. Hiring policies, selection devices, External Environment

9 Training as an Open Process
Training Open Sub-System Input Process Output Organizational Needs Employee Needs Budget Equipment Staff Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Knowledge Skills Attitudes Motivation Job Performance Unless training takes into account and meets the expectations of the business, the business will institute sanctions on training systems (reduced budgets, staff, etc.) rather than providing in with more desirable inputs. Mission Strategy Structure Policies Procedures Finances Resources People Products Technology

10 Training Process Model
Needs Analysis Phase Input Process Output Design Phase Input Process Output Process Evaluation Development Phase Input Process Output Training should be viewed as one of several possible solutions to organizational and individual performance problems. Whether training is the right solution depends on the cause of the problems and the cost-benefit ratios of the other alternatives. Needs Analysis: beginning of the training process. Current or anticipated performance deficiencies. Determination of cause of performance deficiencies. If deficiencies are due to inadequate KSAs then training becomes a way to satisfy the need or close the gap. Once needs are categorized then training needs are prioritized. TNA – Training Needs Analysis. Design Phase: Training Objectives are outlined (what will the program achieve). Must support organizational objectives and take into consideration constraints and support. Identification of items needed to be built into the program to allow for transfer back to the job as well as identification of alternative methods of instruction. Evaluation Phase: Important to begin thinking about in the design phase and continue through until the actual evaluation takes place. Evaluation should be tied to learning objectives. 2 Types: Process and Outcome. Process- how well a particular process achieved its objectives (outputs). Outcome – done at the conclusion to determined the effects the training had on the trainee, the job and the organization. Development Phase: Formulation of an instructional strategy to meet training objectives (order, timing, combination of elements.) Determination of specific content, methods, materials, equipment, media, manuals, etc. Implementation Phase: The actual training program administration. Pilot programs, practice sessions. Implementation Phase Input Process Output Outcome Evaluation Evaluation Phase Input Process Output

11 Trainer’s Roles Evaluator Analyst Instructor
Career Development Facilitator Program Designer/Developer Facility Manager Manager Budget People Planning Marketer Communicator

12 Conclusion Training is a process that must be strategically aligned with the other HR functions as well as the overall strategic plan of an organization. Following the training process correctly will provide a training program that can have a ROI and add value to the organization.

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