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Flowers & Stems By: Becky McGuire. Flowers Contains four parts 1. sepals: protects opening bud and flower; supports petals 2. petals: colorful to attract.

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Presentation on theme: "Flowers & Stems By: Becky McGuire. Flowers Contains four parts 1. sepals: protects opening bud and flower; supports petals 2. petals: colorful to attract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flowers & Stems By: Becky McGuire

2 Flowers Contains four parts 1. sepals: protects opening bud and flower; supports petals 2. petals: colorful to attract pollination 3. stamen: male part of the flower 4. pistil: female part of the flower

3 Types of flowers 1. Complete/Perfect: flower with all four parts 2. Incomplete/Imperfect: flower missing any of the four parts (willow tree) --corn plant: male and female parts in different places on one plant --male part = tassel --female part = ears

4 Female part of the flower(3 parts) 1. stigma: pollen-collecting structure at top of pistil 2. style: support structure connecting ovary and stigma 3. ovary: enlarged base of the pistil. Contains ovules (eggs) Pollination: pollen is collecting at stigma, travels down style and reaches the ovary

5 Male parts of the flower 1. anther: located at top of structure. …..Contains pollen 2. filament: stalk supporting anther

6 A flower’s role in pollination 1. brightly colored & fragrant to attract bees, insects, birds pollination occurs by animals, wind, human activity

7 Plants are classified by reproduction life spans 1. annual: completes life cycle in one year Ex: bedding plants, vegetables, corn, wheat 2. biennial: 2 year life cycle. Grows vegetation in one year. Flowers and dies off second year Ex. Celery, asparagus, wild carrot 3. perennial: life span of 2 + years Ex. Trees, shrubs

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