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Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction P09712 Levi Stuck Evan DeCotis Cinthia Sanchez Joseph Fitzery Ryan Dennison.

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Presentation on theme: "Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction P09712 Levi Stuck Evan DeCotis Cinthia Sanchez Joseph Fitzery Ryan Dennison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction P09712 Levi Stuck Evan DeCotis Cinthia Sanchez Joseph Fitzery Ryan Dennison

2 Customer Needs Cust. Need # ImportanceCustomer Need (Description)Comments / Status Eliminate TIMWOOD Waste: Some aspects will be beyond the scope of this project. Reducing defects will be the main concern of this Senior Design project. CN13a) Transportation Waste CN21b) Inventory Waste CN31c) Motion Waste CN41d) Waiting CN51e) Overproduction CN61f) Overprocessing CN79g) Defects5-10% current spoilage rate Safety: CN89a) Maintain Current Standards Bakery currently meets standards but improving them is not a major focus CN93b) Improving Current Standards CN103Implementing Flow Improvements CN119Standardization of ProcessCurrently there is minimal standardization at the plant CN129Introduce MetricsNone existing, baseline needs to be established CN133Visual Aids CN149Minimal CostDo not exceed $5,000 Cust. Need #: enables cross-referencing (traceability) with specifications Importance: 9=Very Important, 3=Important, 1=Somewhat Important Description: organize as primary and secondary needs (hierarchy) -- Ulrich exhibit 4.8 Comment/Status: allows tracking of questions, proposed changes, etc; indicate if you are meeting the need ("met") or not ("not met")

3 Specifications Engr. Spec. # RatingSourceSpecification (Description) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal Value Comments / Status ES15CN7Reduce the number of defects.% defects25%75% ES25CN7 Categorize defects according to the area at which the defect occurs. # of areas>= 2>= 5 Possibly consolidate/ associate areas with type ES35CN7Categorize defects by type # of defect types >= 2>= 5 ES43CN8, CN9 Ensure that design changes do not cause an increase in injuries and/or OSHA recordables % increase in injuries 0%-20% ES51 CN3, CN4, CN10 Reduction in unnecessary human labor % labor time reduction 20%75% ES63CN10 Any changes to the line can be taught to someone with prior knowledge to the process within X minutes Minutes4515 ES73CN10, CN11Cycle time will be decreasedSeconds120 sec.600 sec. Will adjust accordingly ES83CN10, CN11Throughput will be increased% rate increase5%15% ES95CN11Process time variation will be reducedMinute range30-4510-20 Alternative measurement: standard deviations ES105CN12 Metrics for 90% of all value-added operations (not including material handling). % of all VA operations captured 50%100% ES111CN12All metrics can be collected within X minutes or lessMinutes30 minReal time Must be less than time savings to ensure positive net time savings ES123CN12 Data collection (metrics) can be taught to someone with no prior knowledge of process within X minutes Minutes4510 ES133CN13Intended message portrayed in 3 seconds or lessSeconds<5<1 ES143CN14 This project will be implemented using as little capital as possible. USD<= $5,000<= $1,000 Importance: 5=Very Important, 3=Important, 1=Somewhat Important Marginal Value: In this case it is referred to the minimum value expected Ideal Value: In this case it is referred to the best value possible within realistic expectations

4 Deliverables  Costumer Needs Assessment (Final)  Specifications (Preliminary)  One page project summary (Final)  WBS and team roles (Final)  2 – quarter schedule (Final)  Three week plan (Final)  Benchmarking

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