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2007 March 51 EUVI Instrument and Calibration Status Jean-Pierre Wuelser James Lemen Markus Aschwanden Nariaki Nitta.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 March 51 EUVI Instrument and Calibration Status Jean-Pierre Wuelser James Lemen Markus Aschwanden Nariaki Nitta."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 March 51 EUVI Instrument and Calibration Status Jean-Pierre Wuelser James Lemen Markus Aschwanden Nariaki Nitta

2 2007 March 52 Outline Commissioning activities First light images Performance –Entrance Filters –Comparison A/B, EIT –Fine pointing system Flat fielding Pointing and roll Image compression Observing strategies Lunar transit First 3D

3 2007 March 53 Commissioning Activities (1) Commissioning activities still ongoing –Much of the calibration data still need to be analyzed Guide Telescope commissioning –Initial GT gain calibration based on intensities Still used on orbit, absolute accuracy about 10 percent –First use of GT as S/C fine sun sensor went smoothly –GT fine calibration: compare GT signal with sun center in EUVI during offpoints Results implemented in software for updating EUVI FITS keywords Plan to provide software for updating FITS header of CORs –GT signal is very low noise Signal fluctuations reflect true S/C attitude motions S/C jitter decreased substantially over course of S/C commissioning

4 2007 March 54 GT-A Signal Example: 2 Sec Ave/StdDev

5 2007 March 55 Commissioning Activities (2) EUVI closed door commissioning –Darks –LED images 2 LEDs in spider: Blue (470 nm) Purple (400 nm) 1 LED in FPA –Primarily a performance baseline

6 2007 March 56 First Light AHEAD : December 4, 2006

7 2007 March 57 First Light BEHIND : December 13, 2006

8 2007 March 58 First Light First Light went smoothly on both S/C –Initial images with open filter wheel at all 4 wavelengths –Comprehensive set of images at all filter wheel / wavelength combinations with lossless compression –Images to test tip/tilt mirror Fine Pointing System (FPS) Open filter wheel images showed that entrance filters survived launch in pristine condition Image intensity levels within factor 2 of expectations Images well in focus FPS performed very well without any tuning

9 2007 March 59 Entrance Filter Performance (1) Entrance filters have a very small bulk transmission (less than 1e-8) Images in the filter wheel “open” position show a small visible light component, in particular at the (fainter) 284 wavelength EUVI-A 284 OPENEUVI-A 284 S1

10 2007 March 510 Entrance Filter Performance (2) A few weeks after launch, two entrance filters on the EUVI-A developed a small pinhole Pinholes are tiny, imaging in the “open” position is still possible No practical impact as we always planned to observe with additional filter in the filter wheel. The filters continue to meet light and heat rejection requirements Affected quadrants: 171 & 304 on Ahead All other quadrants, including all quadrants on EUVI-B continue to be in pristine condition as of mid January 2007

11 2007 March 511 Fine Pointing System Performance Early in the commissioning phase, the FPS dramatically improved the quality of the EUVI images –Images below were taken during EUVI-A first light S/C jitter performance has substantially improved since, making the effect more subtle FPS offFPS on

12 2007 March 512 Response Comparison Ahead vs. Behind Histograms of simultaneous images in A/B –Blue: Ahead –Red: Behind Response very similar Largest difference in 171: –Approx. 10 % –EUVI A & B have slightly different response ratio 171 / 175

13 2007 March 513 EUVI A / B Spectral Response (Prelaunch)

14 2007 March 514 Comparison EUVI - EIT (Qualitative) EUVI has higher resolution, and similar S/N as EIT Images below displayed with same contrast setting Raw EIT images have reduced dynamic range due to CCD damage –Degree of damage: strongest at limb, smallest far off limb –Artificially enhances features far off limb, and on disk –Prepping EIT compensates most of this effect EUVI images have appearance of being “less sensitive” in faint areas EUVI (raw)EIT preppedEIT raw

15 2007 March 515 Flat Fielding (1) Approach: Large scale (S/C controlled) offpoints for vignetting function –6 positions –Up to +/- 12 arcmin Small (SECCHI controlled) offpoints for flat field –14 random positions –Up to +/- 1.5 arcmin All observations use tip/tilt mirror to artificially blur images

16 2007 March 516 Flat Fielding (2) Status Large scale offpoints complete –A: 2007-02-15, B: 2007-02-05 –See Figures on the right Small scale offpoints: –A-171 & 304: 2007-02-21 –B-171 & 304: 2007-02-04 –195 & 284 not done yet Data analysis pending

17 2007 March 517 EUVI Pointing and Roll : Status Goal: Header of Level 0.5 FITS images will include proper attitude information (pointing and roll) –CRPIX i indicate sun center pixel, CRVAL i =0, PC ij point to Solar N –CDELT i indicate proper plate scale Current status of Level 0.5 FITS images –Pointing is not yet correct (generic CRPIX i values) –Roll reflects S/C roll, EUVI specific roll offset not yet implemented S/C roll is probably within a couple degrees of EUVI roll –Assumes identical plate scale for EUVI-A and EUVI-B

18 2007 March 518 EUVI Pointing and Roll : SSW routine adds preliminary attitude information to FITS header: Uses GT data for pointing Absolute sun center location currently accurate to a few arcsec Relative pointing (jitter) accurate to subarcsecond level Does not change roll of EUVI-B Adjusts roll of EUVI-A to reflect the recently determined roll difference between EUVI-A and EUVI-B (1.245 deg) Adjusts plate scale of EUVI-A to reflect the recently determined plate scale difference between A and B –Pixels of EUVI-A are about 0.9986 times smaller than on EUVI-B –Plate scale of EUVI-B remains at 1.590 arcsec/pixel

19 2007 March 519 EUVI Pointing and Roll : Near-term Plan Future Level 0.5 FITS header to incorporate the attitude information from Improve accuracy of absolute pointing to subarcsec level –Improved modeling of GT non-linearities in Use lunar transit observations to determine absolute roll offset of EUVI-B Use lunar transit observations to recalibrate plate scale of EUVI-B Reprocess Level 0.5 FITS files with best available attitude data

20 2007 March 520 EUVI Pointing and Roll - The FPS and Jitter FPS mode of operation: –The FPS is turned on/off for each image –At the beginning of the exposure, an offset is added to the GT signal to minimize the motion of the tip/tilt mirror –The offset is chosen in integer increments of the EUVI pixel size Effect on EUVI raw images –The sun center location may jump around from image to image –The amplitude of the jumps is in full pixel increments The exact amplitude may be a few percent off a full pixel increment The exact amplitude is given in the (corrected) CRPIX i values –Movies, overlays, or difference images can be made with images that are shifted in full pixel increments Sub-pixel interpolation is not necessary

21 2007 March 521

22 2007 March 522 Image Compression - ICER Almost all EUVI images are ICER compressed on-board –ICER was developed at JPL and used on the Mars Rovers The main parameter for ICER is the desired size of the compressed image (in Byte) –SECCHI uses 12 sets of compression parameters, including ICER0 : 2 MByte (usually lossless for EUVI images) ICER4 : 400 kByte ICER5 : 300 kByte ICER6 : 200 kByte ICER7 : 100 kByte Choosing compression level essentially involves trading image quality versus image cadence –ICER4 instead of ICER6 means half the image cadence –There is an ongoing debate on how much the EUVI images should be compressed

23 2007 March 523 ICER Performance - EUVI 195 Analysis of an EUVI image with various levels of ICER Plot shows average compression error as a function of intensity Horizontal axis is square root scaled –Poisson noise limit is a straight line (dotted) –Top: ICER7 –Bottom: ICER4 All curves are below the single pixel Poisson noise limit

24 2007 March 524 ICER Performance - EUVI 171, 284, 304 284 compresses very well 304 compresses the least, with ICER7 exceeding the Poisson limit All wavelengths compress below the Poisson limit for up to ICER6 Most EUVI observations to date use ICER6

25 2007 March 525 ICER Faint areas: ICER adjusts spatial resolution to match the noise level by summing faint areas into superpixels Areas at the noise level show “blocky” appearance Loss of true information is small Left to right: –ICER6 –ICER4 –Lossless

26 2007 March 526 Observing Strategies - General Concept Synoptic program –Continuous coverage to catch all events –85 - 90 % of available telemetry –Moderate cadence Event buffer program –Observes into ring buffer (“SSR2”) –On-board event detection algorithm on Cor2 images stops observations when triggered by CME –Ring buffer has 3-4 hour capacity of high cadence observations –Allows for some “well observed” events Ongoing discussion on cadence versus compression ratio

27 2007 March 527 Observing Strategies - Sequences (1) LMSAL proposed synoptic program: –171 @ 2.5 min cadence, ICER6 –195, 284, 304 @ 10 min cadence, ICER6 –171, 195, 304 @ ICER4, once every hour –Rationale: 171 shows the most structures suitable for 3D reconstruction Many transients last less than 10 min, requiring a cadence of at least 2.5 min NRL proposed synoptic program: –195, 304 @ 10 min cadence, ICER4 –171, 284 @ 10 min cadence, ICER5 –Rationale: ICER4/5 for observing very faint structures far off-limb

28 2007 March 528 Observing Strategies - Sequences (2) Event program: –LMSAL: 171 @ 50 sec cadence, ICER6 195, 284, 304 @ 2.5 min cadence, ICER6 –NRL: 195, 304 @ 2.5 min cadence, ICER4 Approach for choosing best program: –Take observations with both proposed observing programs –For a limited time (essentially this week?): Run NRL program on Ahead Run LMSAL program on Behind –Re-evaluate

29 2007 March 529 Lunar Transit 2007 February 25

30 2007 March 530

31 2007 March 531

32 2007 March 532 First 3D in 171

33 2007 March 533

34 2007 March 534

35 2007 March 535

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