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Memory management Ingrid Verbauwhede Department of Electrical Engineering University of California Los Angeles.

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1 Memory management Ingrid Verbauwhede Department of Electrical Engineering University of California Los Angeles

2 Literature 1.F. Catthoor, K. Danckaert, S. Wuytack, N. Dutt, “Code transformations for Data Transfer and Storage Exploration Preprocessing in Multimedia Processors,” IEEE Design & Test of Computers, May-June 2001, pg. 70-82. 2.P. Panda, F. Catthoor, N. Dutt, et al, “Data and memory optimization techniques for embedded systems,” ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 6, no. 2, april 2001, pg. 149- 206. 3.W. Verhaegh, E. Aarts, P. van Gorp, P. Lippens, “A Two- Stage approach to multi dimensional periodic scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol. 20, no. 10, October 2001, pg. 1185-1199.




6 Important Memory Decisions in Embedded Systems What is a good memory architecture for an application? – Total memory requirement – Delay due to memory – Power dissipation due to memory access Compiler and Synthesis tool (Exploration tools) should make informed decisions on: – Registers and Register files – Cache parameters – Number and size of memory banks








14 Minimizing Register Count Graph Colouring is NP-complete – Heuristics (“Growing clusters”) Polynomial time solution exists for straight line code (no branches) – “Left-edge” algorithm Possible to incorporate other factors – Interconnect cost annotated as edge-weight


16 Intermediate conclusion Memory management is important Two main types: – “background” memory optimization (multidimensional arrays) – “foreground” memory optimization (scalars) Foreground memory: –registers & graph coloring –register files and limited access –model of individual read/write operations to SRAM

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