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GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: I & T Peer Review I&T Test Plans Brian Grist SU-SLAC Subsystem Engineer 650-926-2998 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 2 Outline Test flow Plan Overview Readiness Reviews Test Plans (Sequence, Plan Flow, Requirements-From Mechanical Systems, Facilities) –Comprehensive/Limited Performance Redundancy Verification –Survey –Mass Properties –Modal –EMI/EMC –Sine Vibration –Acoustic –TBAL/TVAC –Airplane Test (TBR)
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 3 Integration and Test Flow
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 4 Test Plan Directive
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 5 Reviews Test Readiness Review- LAT-MD-00408 LAT Instrument Performance Verification Plan –A test readiness review will be conducted prior to commencing a flight level test program as required in the Systems Engineering Management plan, LAT-MD-00066. This review will be imposed upon all subsystem and system level qualification and flight level test programs. Topics to be addressed at the review are: Changes since CDR Test Requirements Planned tests Test Entry / Exit Criteria Test facilities Equipment calibration Test configurations Test procedure status Staffing plans System performance review Quality program review Problem / failure reports Risk assessment System safety Test schedule Issues and concerns
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 6 Comprehensive and Limited Performance Tests The system level Performance tests requirements flow from the subsystems and system engineering. The Integration and Test plan to implement the Electrical Performance test is LAT-MD-01055. Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 7 Comprehensive and Limited Performance Tests Comprehensive and Limited Performance Tests- LAT-MD-00408 LAT Instrument Performance Verification Plan –Comprehensive performance tests will be developed for use in support of LAT testing. LAT CPT testing will demonstrate the operation of all primary and redundant circuitry and paths for all operational modes. –Parameters will be varied over their specification ranges to insure that the unit performs as designed. –These tests will be performed to provide baseline data for each level of assembly. –A CPT will also be conducted during the hot and cold extremes of the temperature test or the thermal-vacuum test and at the conclusion of the environmental test sequence as well as at other times as needed in the verification procedures. –The LAT CPT will demonstrate that the hardware and software meet their performance requirements. –The CPT will also demonstrate that the instrument produces the expected responses. At lower levels of assembly, the test will demonstrate that, when provided with appropriate inputs, internal performance is satisfactory and outputs are within acceptable limits. –Limited Performance tests will be a subset of the CPT and will be performed before during and after environmental tests as appropriate
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 8 Comprehensive and Limited Performance Tests Test Name Type PowerS/C InterfaceTest PointLPT LAT Initialization Power-Up/Boot 1553 Bus Interface1553 Bus SC Command InterfaceLAT Commanding Housekeeping DataTelemetry Science Data CollectionTelemetry GPS Time and GRB AlertTiming CPU-to-CPU CommunicationFSW Internal Configuration and Read backFSW Internal LAT Environmental SensorsFSW Internal Front End StrobeFSW Internal Front End Charge ScanFSW Internal TKR Cosmic Ray TriggerI&T CAL Cosmic Ray TriggerI&T ACD Cosmic Ray TriggerI&T High Rate TriggerI&T Event FilteringFSW Internal LAT Pointing CalculationFSW Internal Pointing Request HandlingSC Commanding Mode OperationsLAT Commanding Diagnostics and CalibrationFSW Internal Thermal Control SystemThermal Control Source: LAT Electrical Performance Test Plan (LAT-MD-01055) Draft
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 9 Redundancy Testing A sequence of online “schema” (configurations) will be defined which mask out individual or combinations of Front Ends, Readout Controllers, Cable Controllers, TEMs. The tests will consist of looping through the schema and taking test data to validate the redundant electrical paths. LAT Electrical Performance Test Plan (LAT-MD-01055) details the redundant path testing.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 10 Survey Plan The system level survey requirements are defined in LAT-TD-00895. The Integration and Test plan to implement the survey program is LAT-MD-01586. Test Plan Flow w/ survey plans highlighted Integration and Test Flow w/ surveys in red
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 11 Survey Test Organization Survey program goals - LAT-TD-00895, LAT Survey Plan –Verify as-integrated interface stay-clears –Verify LAT alignment requirements –Verify science performance requirements Validate analytical thermal-mechanical analysis models Develop correlation functions for thermal-mechanical distortion Predict the expected on-orbit precision of the instrument Source: LAT-MD-01586 LAT Survey and Alignment Plan
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 12 Survey Tests LAT Optical and Muon Surveys During Integration and Test Source: LAT-MD-00895 “LAT Instrument Survey Plan” >3 Cosmic Ray test for continual monitoring.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 13 Optical Survey Test Equip and Setup The optical surveys will be performed with a laser tracker supplied by the SLAC Metrology Department. The Laser tracker(s) require continuous line of sight to the sphere mounted reflector as it is moved from the laser tracker test point to the measurement point. The laser tracker will be mounted on stands to allow the laser tracker to view all reflectors. All surveys will be performed in the SLAC Building 33 LAT integration facility. Room temperature controlled to within 5 o C (TBR) I&T will provide the Survey Scientist for analysis of data from surveys Equipment/ToolQuantity/UnitSupplier Laser tracker1 portable unitSLAC Metrology Dept., Alignment Engineering Group 1-1/2” sphere mounted reflectors 66 reflectors w/ bushingsSLAC Metrology Dept., Alignment Engineering Group ¾” sphere mounted reflectors18 reflectors w/ bushingsSLAC Metrology Dept., Alignment Engineering Group Surveyor2 workers x 11 times x 4 hrs SLAC Metrology Dept., Alignment Engineering Group Tracker top tray “hat”17 unitsTKR subsystem Flight grid reamed holes4 holes x 4 sidesMechanical subsystem ACD mounting points3 points x 4 sidesACD subsystem Feeler gauges2 unitsI&T = reflector = laser tracker GRID TKR GPR Source: LAT-MD-01586
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 14 Mass Properties Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow The Integration and Test mass properties measurement plan is: Mechanical Weight and CG Plan LAT-MD-01598
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 15 Mass Properties WEIGHT DETERMINATION –Weights of all LAT flight subsystem and MGSE elements will be measured to an accuracy 0.025% of its determined weight. CENTER OF GRAVITY MEASUREMENT –Cg measurement of all LAT flight subsystem elements will be performed to an accuracy of ±1.0 mm [± 0.039 inch]for X, Y and Z axes (axes as defined in LAT-TD-00035, LAT Coordinate System). –Cg measurement of the integrated LAT (minus radiator hardware as described above) will be performed to an accuracy of ±2.0 mm [± 0.079 inch] in the X and Y axes and Z axes. –Cg measurement of the LAT Vibe Test Fixture will be performed to an accuracy of ±2.0 mm in the X, Y and Z axes. –Cg measurement of the LAT Transport Container will be measured to within ± 152 mm [± 6 inches] for the X, Y and Z axes. Definition of the LAT Transport Container axes is to be consistent with the LAT when mounted inside the container.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 16 Modal Survey Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow The system level requirements are defined in the LAT Dynamics Test Plan LAT-TD-001196. The I&T plan to implement the Modal Survey is in the LAT Dynamics Test Performance Plan LAT-MD-01836.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 17 LAT Modal Survey Test goals –Validate the LAT structural finite element analysis (FEA) model by correlating with test results –Measure all primary modes of the LAT/Grid structure. –Measure the first mode, and all modes predicted to have high mass participation, for every subsystem –Measure as many natural frequencies of the LAT up to 150 Hz as practical –Test results will be used to evaluate the predicted expected modal frequencies and mode shapes, and used to modify the structural FEA, if needed. –Finalize test environments and notching plans for sine vibration testing Configuration –Fully integrated, except the Radiators are not mounted –Supported off of its spacecraft (SC) mount brackets, –+Z-axis point vertically up –LAT powered off during testing Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 18 LAT Modal Survey Instrumentation –High-precision accelerometers mounted to the LAT and test stand Specialized test equipment requirements –LAT supported by the Vibe Test Plate which provides a rigid support of each mount point –Vibe Test Plate sits on a massive base-isolated table, to damp high-frequency base noise being transmitted to the structure –Excited using two stingers, located under the LAT Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003 ACD Accelerometer Placement CAL Bottom and E-Box Accelerometer Placement TKR, CAL, and Grid Accelerometer Placement
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 19 LAT Modal Survey Test Test sequence –Excite LAT at two -X corners in the Z-direction, in phase –Excite LAT at two -X corners in the Z-direction, 180 degrees out of phase—intended to excite LAT “potato chip” mode and other anti-symmetric twisting modes –Excite LAT at two -X corners in the X-direction, in phase— intended to excite LAT, ACD, TKR, and CAL lateral modes –Excite LAT web crossings on either side of the Grid center from the underside—intended to excite LAT drumhead mode Test levels –TBD –Levels will be set, based on pre-test analysis using as- measured damping coefficients for subsystems Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 20 Modal Test Setup Test will be at SLAC because we will need to remove ACD to uninstall/install appropriate accels before shipment to NRL. Soft Suspension System With Mass Loaded Interface Pneumatic Isolators used to support system (provided by NRL) LAT Mounted to Steel Plate - Reaction Mass (provided by SLAC) NRL will provide the monitoring equipment Test accelerometers are supplied by TBD depending on final release of the Instrumentation Plan.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 21 EMI/EMC Tests Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow The system level requirements are defined in the LAT EMI/EMC Test Plan (TBD). The I&T plan to implement the EMI/EMC Test is in the LAT EMI/EMC Test Performance Plan LAT-MD-01838.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 22 EMI/EMC Tests Purpose –Ensure compatibility of LAT with other space vehicle systems –Ensure compatibility of other space vehicle system with LAT –Demonstrates that adequate margin exists between susceptibility and noise levels Configuration –LAT will be integrated with EMI skirt, X-LAT plates installed and radiators not installed Applicable Documents –LAT EMI Test Plan, LAT-MD-TBD –LAT Environmental Parameters Specification, LAT-SS-00778 –LAT Program Inst. Performance Verification Plan, LAT-MD-00408 –MIL-STD-461E –GSFC 433-RQMT-0005 (Draft) Source: GSFC 433-RQMT-0005 (Draft)
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 23 EMI/EMC Test Suite Actual test levels will be updated from those shown
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 24 EMI/EMC Testing Facility EMI/EMC Testing will be performed at the NRL facility 2 Chambers, GLAST is currently scheduled to use the smaller chamber 19' clearance tip to tip on the cones door 10.5' wide by 10' high, 0.5" rise from exterior floor (minimal floor rise is reason for selecting this chamber) Capable of MIL-STD-461 testing up to 18 GHz RS, 40 GHz RE Photo caption: Windsat @ NRL And there is a bigger chamber.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 25 Sine Vibration Test Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow The system level requirements are defined in the LAT Dynamics Test Plan LAT-TD-001196. The I&T plan to implement the Sine Vibration Test is in the LAT Dynamics Test Performance Plan LAT-MD-01836.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 26 Sine Vibration Test Test goals –Verify the LAT’s ability to survive the low frequency launch environment –Test for workmanship on hardware such as wiring harnesses, MLI, and cable support and strain-reliefs which will not have been fully verified at the subsystem level –Interface verification test for subsystem structural interfaces to the LAT Grid –Qualify LAT-SC interface Configuration –Fully integrated, except the Radiators are not installed –Supported off of its spacecraft (SC) mount brackets, on the Vibration Test Stand –The LAT is tested in all three axes, X, Y, and Z independently, requiring re-configuration between tests –The LAT is powered off during sinusoidal vibration testing, and the EGSE cable harnesses removed Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 27 Sine Vibration Test Instrumentation –Accelerometers mounted to the LAT and test stand, to cover the entire dynamic range predicted for the LAT and subsystems (LAT Instrumentation Plan, LAT- MD-00890) Specialized test equipment requirements –The Vibe Test Stand must support the LAT at the SC interface with flight-like connections –The Stand must allow for reconfiguration to alternate axes, with the LAT attached, to avoid unnecessary handling Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003 TKR, CAL, and Grid Accelerometer Placement
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 28 Sine Vibration Test Test sequence –X-Direction Sine Vibe Low-level vibration to verify that all instrumentation is operational Low-level random vibration signature of the entire frequency range Acceptance level sweep PFQ level sweep Low-level random vibration signature Limited Performance Test—re-connect E-GSE cabling; execute LPT while still on vibe test stand –Y-Direction Sine Vibe Low-level random vibration signature Acceptance level sweep PFQ level sweep Low-level random vibration signature –Z-Direction Sine Vibe Low-level random vibration signature Acceptance level sweep PFQ level sweep Low-level random vibration signature Limited Performance Test—re-connect E-GSE cabling; execute LPT while still on vibe test stand Test levels –Levels will be established with pre-test analysis to 1.25 times the static-equivalent acceleration values, without exceeding interface limit loads LAT Sine Vibration Minimum Test Levels Source: LAT-SS-00778-01, “LAT Environmental Specification,” March 2003 Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003 44 4
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 29 Sine Vibration Test Facility Facility Capability Four electrodynamic shakers (one 40-klb, one 30-klb, and two 18-klb) Two slip tables Three power amplifiers The 40-klb shaker will be replaced with a 50-klb unit ~ Nov 2003 LAT will use the 50- klb unit Photo caption: Coriollis during vibration testing @ NRL Testing will be performed at the NRL Naval Center for Space Technology
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 30 Acoustic Test Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow The system level requirements are defined in the LAT Dynamics Test Plan LAT-TD-001196. The I&T plan to implement the Acoustic Test is in the LAT Dynamics Test Performance Plan LAT-MD-01836.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 31 LAT Acoustic Test Test goals –Verify the LAT’s ability to survive the acoustic launch environment –Test for workmanship on LAT hardware, especially that hardware which responds to acoustic loading –Validate the acoustic analysis Configuration –LAT is fully integrated, including the Radiators –Mounted to STE using the flight-configuration bolted joint –LAT +Z-axis vertical, and with Radiators integrated to the Grid as well as to the STE at the SC strut mount points –LAT is powered off during acoustic testing, and the E- GSE cable harnesses removed Instrumentation –Accelerometers mounted to the LAT and test stand (per LAT Instrumentation Plan, LAT-MD-00890) –Microphones mounted around the LAT Specialized test equipment requirements –The Vibe Test Stand must support the LAT in the same degrees of freedom as the SC flexures, to avoid over-constraining the Grid and Radiators –The STE fills the volume between the Radiators, so must approximate the acoustic behavior of the SC TKR, CAL, and Grid Accelerometer Placement Radiators Accelerometer Placement Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 32 LAT Acoustic Test (cont) Test sequence –Low-level acoustic to verify that all instrumentation is operational and taking useful data –Acceptance level test—ramp up sound pressure level (SPL) to AT levels –PFQ level test—ramp up SPL to QT levels –Ramp down SPL and turn off –TBD modal signature test –Limited Performance Test—re-connect E-GSE cable harnesses and execute LPT Test levels –Fairing SPL’s are shown –Final SPL’s for testing will be determined by pre-test analysis, to factor in fill- fraction in acoustic chamber LAT Acoustic Test Levels Source: LAT-SS-0077801, “LAT Environmental Specification,” March 2003 Source: LAT-MD-01196-01, “LAT Dynamics Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 33 NRL Acoustic Chamber LAT will mount on a special stand to accommodate radiators. (TBD) Support test stand will sit on floor of reverberant acoustic chamber NRL chamber capabilities: sound pressure level of 153 dB through a range of 32-10,000 Hz Coriolis / Windsat system shown here on test stand Photo caption: Coriollis/Windsat @ NRL
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 34 LAT Thermal Balance/Thermal-Vacuum Tests Test Plan Flow Integration and Test Flow The system level requirements are defined in the LAT Thermal Test Plan LAT-TD-001600. The I&T plan to implement the TBAL/TVAL Testing is in the LAT Thermal Test Performance Plan LAT-MD- 01837.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 35 LAT Thermal Balance/Thermal-Vacuum Tests Test goals –Thermal-Balance Verify that the LAT thermal control system is properly sized to keep maximum temperatures within mission limits, while demonstrating at least 30% control margin Validate the LAT thermal control system control algorithms Verify that the VCHP control effectively closes the radiator to when the LAT is off Validate the LAT thermal model by correlating predicted and measured temperatures –Thermal-Vacuum Verify the LAT’s ability to survive proto-qualification temperature levels at both the high and low end Test for workmanship on hardware such as wiring harnesses, MLI, and cable support and strain-reliefs which will not have been fully verified at the subsystem level Demonstrate that the LAT meets performance goals at temperature Provide stable test environment to complete LAT surveys, as detailed in LAT-MD- 00895, “LAT Instrument Survey Plan” Configuration –The LAT instrument will be fully integrated but the SC solar arrays will not be installed –The LAT will be powered on and off during testing per the test procedure –The LAT will be oriented with the Z-axis parallel to the ground to allow all heatpipes to operate and the +X axis facing up –All MLI blanketing will be in its flight configuration for the duration of the 2 tests –The LAT will NOT be reconfigured after the thermal-balance test Source: LAT-MD-01600-01, “LAT Thermal-Vacuum Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 36 LAT Thermal Balance/Thermal-Vacuum Tests Instrumentation –Thermocouples and RTD’s will be used to instrument the LAT and test chamber –LAT flight housekeeping instrumentation includes many thermistors and RTD’s. These will also be used for monitoring temperatures within the LAT Specialized test equipment requirements –Chamber pressure of < 1 x 10 -5 Torr –Chamber cold wall temperature of –180 o C to provide a cold sink for accumulation of contaminants –Thermally controlled surfaces in the chamber 5 plates for ACD surfaces, each individually controlled 2 plates for the radiators(one for each side), each individually controlled 1 plate to simulate the bus, controlling the environment to the X-LAT Plate and the back of each radiator –Heat exchangers mounted on the + / – X sides of the LAT Grid, to increase ramp rate during transitions –LAT heat pipes will be leveled to within 0.2 degrees –20 degC/hr max ramp rate –Facility capable of holding LAT stable to < 2 o C/hr rate of change (TBR) –Handling fixture to allow the transition from acoustic test to TVAC without breaking radiator configuration Source: LAT-MD-01600-01, “LAT Thermal-Vacuum Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 37 LAT Thermal Balance/Thermal-Vacuum Test Profile Dwell at high and low temps for 12 hours, min Limited Performance Tests conducted during transitions Comprehensive Performance Tests (C) –CPT test regime performed at ambient, during cold and hot soaks, and at return to ambient Limited Performance Tests (L) –LPT test regime performed as indicated. Operating modes will be checked and units will be monitored for failure and intermittent operation Source: LAT-MD-01600-01, “LAT Thermal-Vacuum Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 38 LAT Thermal Balance/Thermal-Vacuum Test Profile LAT Thermal-Vacuum Test Profile Source: LAT-MD-01600-01, “LAT Thermal-Vacuum Test Plan,” March 2003
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 39 Thermal Test Facility NRL Naval Center for Space Technology A59 facility Cryopumped chamber 16’ diameter x 30’ long Support 200-300 thermocouples, ~400 other circuits
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 40 LAT Airplane Test (TBR) Expose the LAT to charged particle fluxes similar to those in orbit. Do an End-to-End test of the LAT in as close to orbital environment as practical. This test is for risk reduction. –Demonstrate the complete LAT system functionality at in- orbit cosmic rates and higher. See LAT-TD-00550 “LAT Test Plan for Airplane”. Constitutes an end-to-end test of the LAT. General hardware tests for the complete LAT system at high particle rate: –Verify DAQ operation at estimated orbital rates. –Verify event quality. –Verify trigger functionality in the various trigger modes at estimated orbital rates. (Much higher than ground cosmic rays). –Measure livetime in the various trigger modes as determined by LAT hardware.
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 41 EXTRA SLIDE
GLAST LAT ProjectIntegration and Test CDR Peer Review, March 28, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01779-01 Section 5 - Page 42 Pass/Fail Criteria Modal Survey: –Successful correlation of dynamics model EMI/EMC: –Emissions for the LAT below required levels Susceptibility: LAT does not exhibit susceptibility when exposed to required levels Sine vibe: –No change in modal frequencies –LAT functions properly post test Thermal Balance: –successful correlation of thermal model Thermal vacuum testing: –Verify ability to operate successfully over required temperature range –Successful completion of performance tests –Successful completion of cosmic ray muon survey
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