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AFOPro Spatial At this point the spatial data should be ready for use with the AFOPro Spatial Tool. This tutorial shows the user how to use AFOPro Spatial.

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Presentation on theme: "AFOPro Spatial At this point the spatial data should be ready for use with the AFOPro Spatial Tool. This tutorial shows the user how to use AFOPro Spatial."— Presentation transcript:

1 AFOPro Spatial At this point the spatial data should be ready for use with the AFOPro Spatial Tool. This tutorial shows the user how to use AFOPro Spatial to… Properly attribute the Planned Land Unit Theme Create regulatory setbacks shapefiles Export the Spatial Database Part 2: Creating the Spatial Database

2 Getting Started 2. Add appropriate themes Images, Planned Land Units (fields), SSURGO Soils, streams, ditches/waterways, wetlands, wells, homes, etc. 3. Zoom to the farm 4. From View Menu select Properties. Set Map and Distance Units. 1. Open ArcView with a new View

3 Turning on the AFOPro Spatial Extension From the File menu select Extensions

4 Click the check box next to AFOPro Spatial Turning on the AFOPro Spatial Extension

5 Four new buttons appear in the ArcView toolbar

6 AFOPro Spatial Tools Runs the AFOPro Spatial wizard which creates an.mdb file that easily imports into AFOPro

7 AFOPro Spatial Tools Attributes existing fields shapefile with Tract Number, Field Number, Acres, and Land Use to become a CST Planned Land Units Theme

8 AFOPro Spatial Tools Creates setback shapefile at a specified distance from selected features in existing shapefiles.

9 AFOPro Spatial Tools Launches the AFOPro Spatial Help Files

10 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Make sure that the Planned Land Unit theme is active. This is indicated by a slightly raised grey box around the theme. Single click on the theme to make it active.

11 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Choose the Select Feature Tool and click inside one of the fields.

12 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units The selected field becomes highlightedClick on the AFOPro Spatial Attribute Tool

13 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units From the drop down list select the Planned Land Units theme and click OK

14 The next window alerts the user that the selected Planned Land Units theme is not a valid NRCS CLU Theme indicating that AFOPro Spatial will not recognize it. Click Yes to make the layer compatible. Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Click OK. Fields theme is now valid Planned Land Units theme

15 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Populate cells in the Fields Attributes Form

16 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Click Apply to save attributes of selected field

17 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Click inside the next field

18 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Click Get Attributes Button to see attributes of the selected field

19 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units Repeat this process until all fields required for the CNMP have been attributed Close the window when this process is complete

20 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units To unselect fields click the Clear Selected Features button while the Planned Land Units theme is still active.

21 Spatial Data Prep: Step 4 Attribute Planned Land Units To unselect fields click the Clear Selected Features button while the Planned Land Units theme is still active.

22 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool

23 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Make the appropriate resource theme active by single clicking on the theme symbol. The active theme is indicated by a slightly raised grey box around the theme symbol

24 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Using the Select Feature Tool…

25 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Single click on one of the features in the active theme

26 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Now hold the shift key and single click on the other features of the ponds theme that require a setback.

27 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Once all ponds that require a setback are selected, click on the AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool.

28 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Buffer Tool Form First: Select which shapefile to apply setback distances to

29 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Buffer Tool Form Second: Type in setback distance

30 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Buffer Tool Form Third: Click the Browse button. Browse to the folder where the setback shapefile will be saved and name it.

31 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Buffer Tool Form Fourth: Select where the setback should lie in relation to the polygon features selected. This decision is only required for polygon resource themes

32 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool 1.Inside and Outside Examples 2. Inside Only (Property Line) 3. Outside Only (Pond, Wetland)

33 Click Cancel to close Buffers Window Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Buffer Tool Form Click OK to create Setback shapefile.

34 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool The new setback theme now appears at the top of the theme list and all selected features of the ponds theme have a 100 foot setback.

35 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool Now repeat the process for the streams theme.

36 Spatial Data Prep: Step 5 Create Setbacks Shapefiles using AFOPro Spatial Buffer Tool

37 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Once all regulatory setback themes have been completed the AFOPro Spatial wizard may be run.

38 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Before running the wizard make the Planned Land Units theme active by single clicking on the theme symbol.

39 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Using the select feature tool and the shift key select all fields required for the CNMP

40 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Using the select feature tool and the shift key select all fields required for the CNMP

41 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard 1. Fields selected from the Planned Land Units theme Final check before running the AFOPro Spatial wizard

42 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard 2. Setback themes complete Final check before running the AFOPro Spatial wizard

43 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard 3. SSURGO Soils theme present Final check before running the AFOPro Spatial wizard

44 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Click the AFOPro Spatial wizard tool

45 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Displays Copyright information and gives a short description of the tool’s purpose Introduction Screen Click Next

46 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Fields Screen Select the Planned Land Units theme or themes that have fields selected for use in the CNMP by single clicking on the name. Click Next

47 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Fields Screen An info window appears that displays the number of fields selected in each Planned Land Units theme. Click OK.

48 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Buffer Themes Screen Select the setback (buffer) themes from the list by single clicking on the theme name. Any areas where manure cannot be applied

49 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Buffer Themes Screen Select a location for the exported spatial database to be saved and name it. Click Next

50 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Soils Screen Select the SSURGO Soils theme from the list by single clicking on the theme name. If one does not exist click Next. Click the browse button and browse to the appropriate NASIS Database. Click Next

51 Spatial Data Prep: Step 7 Run the AFOPro Spatial Wizard Finish Screen Provides a summary report that describes the steps for importing the spatial data into AFOPro Click Finish

52 For Additional Information, Interest in AFOPro for your State, or Technical Assistance Contact  Mark Evans 803-777-7600 Wes Standish 803-777-7600 Visit (To Download AFOPro)

53 AFOPro Spatial Part 3: Using the Spatial Database Part 3 is the final tutorial for AFOPro Spatial that walks the user through the process of… Importing the spatial data into AFOPro Core Analyzing that data by simply opening the.mdb file created by AFOPro Spatial. Go to Part 3

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