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Noncommutative Solitons and Integrable Systems Masashi HAMANAKA University of Nagoya, Dept. of Math. Based on  C.R.Gilson (Glasgow), MH and J.J.C.Nimmo.

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Presentation on theme: "Noncommutative Solitons and Integrable Systems Masashi HAMANAKA University of Nagoya, Dept. of Math. Based on  C.R.Gilson (Glasgow), MH and J.J.C.Nimmo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noncommutative Solitons and Integrable Systems Masashi HAMANAKA University of Nagoya, Dept. of Math. Based on  C.R.Gilson (Glasgow), MH and J.J.C.Nimmo (Glasgow), ``Backlund tranformations for NC anti-self-dual (ASD) Yang-Mills (YM) eqs. ’’ arXiv:0709.2069 (&08mm.nnnn).  MH, ``NC Ward's conjecture and integrable systems, ’’ Nucl. Phys. B 741 (2006) 368, and others: JHEP 02 (07) 94, PLB 625 (05) 324, JMP46 (05) 052701 …

2 Successful points in NC theories  Appearance of new physical objects  Description of real physics (in gauge theory)  Various successful applications to D-brane dynamics etc. 1. Introduction Construction of exact solitons are important. (partially due to their integrablity) Final goal: NC extension of all soliton theories (Soliton eqs. can be embedded in gauge theories via Ward’s conjecture ! [R. Ward, 1985] )

3 Ward ’ s conjecture: Many (perhaps all?) integrable equations are reductions of the ASDYM eqs. ASDYM Ward ’ s chiral (affine) Toda NLS KdV sine-Gordon Liouville Tzitzeica KP DS Boussinesq N-wave CBS Zakharov mKdV pKdV Yang ’ s form gauge equiv. Infinite gauge group ASDYM eq. is a master eq. ! Solution Generating Techniques Twistor Theory

4 NC Ward ’ s conjecture: Many (perhaps all?) NC integrable eqs are reductions of the NC ASDYM eqs. NC ASDYM NC Ward ’ s chiral NC (affine) Toda NC NLS NC KdV NC sine-Gordon NC Liouville NC Tzitzeica NC KP NC DS NC BoussinesqNC N-wave NC CBS NC Zakharov NC mKdV NC pKdV NC ASDYM eq. is a master eq. ? Solution Generating Techniques NC Twistor Theory Reductions New physical objectsApplication to string theory In gauge theory, NC magnetic fields

5 Plan of this talk 1. Introduction 2. Backlund Transform for the NC ASDYM eqs. (and NC Atiyah-Ward ansatz solutions in terms of quasideterminants ) 3. Interpretation from NC twistor theory 4. Reduction of NC ASDYM to NC KdV (an example of NC Ward ’ s conjecture) 5. Conclusion and Discussion

6 2. Backlund transform for NC ASDYM eqs.  In this section, we derive (NC) ASDYM eq. from the viewpoint of linear systems, which is suitable for discussion on integrable aspects.  We define NC Yang ’ s equations which is equivalent to NC ASDYM eq. and give a Backlund transformation for it.  The generated solutions are NC Atiyah-Ward ansatz solutions in terms of quasideterminants, which contain not only finite-action solutions (NC instantons) but also infinite-action solutions (non- linear plane waves and so on.)

7 Review of commutative ASDYM equations Here we discuss G=GL(N) (NC) ASDYM eq. from the viewpoint of linear systems with a spectral parameter.  Linear systems (commutative case):  Compatibility condition of the linear system: :ASDYM equation e.g.

8 Yang ’ s form and Yang ’ s equation  ASDYM eq. can be rewritten as follows If we define Yang ’ s matrix: then we obtain from the third eq.: :Yang ’ s eq. The solution reproduce the gauge fields as is gauge invariant. The decomposition into and corresponds to a gauge fixing

9 (Q) How we get NC version of the theories? (A) We have only to replace all products of fields in ordinary commutative gauge theories with star-products:  The star product: (NC and associative) NC ! A deformed product Presence of background magnetic fields Note: coordinates and fields themselves are usual c-number functions. But commutator of coordinates becomes …

10 Here we discuss G=GL(N) NC ASDYM eq. from the viewpoint of linear systems with a spectral parameter.  Linear systems (NC case):  Compatibility condition of the linear system: :NC ASDYM equation e.g. (All products are star-products.)

11 Yang ’ s form and NC Yang ’ s equation  NC ASDYM eq. can be rewritten as follows If we define Yang ’ s matrix: then we obtain from the third eq.: :NC Yang’s eq. The solution reproduces the gauge fields as

12 Backlund transformation for NC Yang ’ s eq.  Yang’s J matrix can be decomposed as follows  Then NC Yang ’ s eq. becomes  The following trf. leaves NC Yang ’ s eq. as it is:

13 We could generate various (non-trivial) solutions of NC Yang ’ s eq. from a (trivial) seed solution by using the previous Backlund trf. together with a simple trf. (Both trfs. are involutive ( ), but the combined trf. is non-trivial.) For G=GL(2), we can present the transforms more explicitly and give an explicit form of a class of solutions (NC Atiyah-Ward ansatz).

14 Backlund trf. for NC ASDYM eq.  Let’s consider the combined Backlund trf.  If we take a seed sol., the generated solutions are : NC Atiyah-Ward ansatz sols. Quasideterminants ! (a kind of NC determinants) [Gelfand-Retakh]

15 Quasi-determinants  Quasi-determinants are not just a NC generalization of commutative determinants, but rather related to inverse matrices.  For an n by n matrix and the inverse of X, quasi-determinant of X is directly defined by  Recall that some factor  We can also define quasi-determinants recursively : the matrix obtained from X deleting i-th row and j-th column

16 Quasi-determinants  Defined inductively as follows [For a review, see Gelfand et al., math.QA/0208 146] convenient notation

17 Explicit Atiyah-Ward ansatz solutions of NC Yang ’ s eq. G=GL(2) Yang ’ s matrix J is also beautiful. [Gilson-MH-Nimmo. arXiv:0709.2069]

18 We could generate various solutions of NC ASDYM eq. from a simple seed solution by using the previous Backlund trf. Proof is made simply by using special identities of quasideterminants (NC Jacobi ’ s or Sylvester ’ s identities and a homological relation and so on.), in other words, ``NC Backlund transformations are identities of quasideterminants. ’’ A seed solution:  NC instantons  NC Non-Linear plane-waves

19 3. Interpretation from NC Twistor theory  In this section, we give an origin of the Backlund trfs. from the viewpoint of NC twistor theory.  NC twistor theory has been developed by several authors  What we need here is NC Penrose-Ward correspondence between ASD connections and ``NC holomorphic vector bundle ’’ on twistor sp.  Strategy from twistor side to ASDYM side: –(i) Solve Birkhoff factorization problem –(ii) obtain the ASD connections from [Kapustin-Kuznetsov-Orlov, Takasaki, Hannabuss, Lechtenfeld-Popov, Brain-Majid … ]

20 Origin of NC Atiyah-Ward ansatz solutions  n-th Atiyah-Ward ansatz for the Patching matrix  The Birkoff factorization leads to:  Under a gauge ( ), the solution leads to the quasideterminants solutions:

21 Origin of the Backlund trfs  The Backlund trfs can be understood as the adjoint actions for the Patching matrix: actually:  The -trf. can be generalized as any constant matrix. Then this Backlund trf. would generate all solutions in some sense and reveal the hidden symmetry of NC ASDYM eq.  -trf. is also derived with a singular gauge trf.

22 4. R eduction of NC ASDYM to NC KdV  Here, we show an example of reductions of NC ASDYM eq. on (2+2)-dimension to NC KdV eq.  Reduction steps are as follows: (1) take a simple dimensional reduction with a gauge fixing. (2) put further reduction condition on gauge field.  The reduced eqs. coincides with those obtained in the framework of NC KP and GD hierarchies, which possess infinite conserved quantities and exact multi-soliton solutions. (integrable-like)

23 Reduction to NC KdV eq.  (1) Take a dimensional reduction and gauge fixing:  (2) Take a further reduction condition: MH, PLB625, 324 [hep-th/0507112] The reduced NC ASDYM is: We can get NC KdV eq. in such a miracle way !, Note:U(1) part is necessary ! NOT traceless !

24 The NC KdV eq. has integrable-like properties:  possesses infinite conserved densities:  has exact N-soliton solutions: coefficient of in : Strachan ’ s product (commutative and non-associative) :quasi-determinant of Wronski matrix MH, JMP46 (2005) [hep-th/0311206] Etingof-Gelfand-Retakh, MRL [q- alg/9701008] MH, JHEP [hep- th/0610006] cf. Paniak, [hep- th/0105185] : a pseudo-diff. operator

25 5. Conclusion and Discussion NC ASDYM NC Ward ’ s chiral NC (affine) Toda NC NLS NC KdV NC sine-Gordon NC Liouville NC Tzitzeica NC KP NC DS NC BoussinesqNC N-wave NC CBS NC Zakharov NC mKdV NC pKdV Yang ’ s form gauge equiv. Infinite gauge group NC ASDYM eq. is a master eq. ! Solution Generating Techniques NC Twistor Theory, Going well! [Brain, Hannabuss, Majid, Takasaki, Kapustin et al] MH[hep-th/0507112] [Gilson- MH- Nimmo, … ] [MH NPB 741(06) 368]

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