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Page 1 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The Development of a Geospatial Grid by Integrating OGC Services with Globus-based Grid Technology Liping Di, Aijun Chen, Yaxing Wei, Yang Liu, and Wenli Yang Laboratory for Advanced Information Technologies and Standards (LAITS) George Mason University Piyush Mehrotra and Chaumin Hu NASA Ames Research Center Dean Williams DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Page 2 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Introduction Most data (>80%) are geospatial in nature. Geospatial data are Heterogeneous (e.g., format, content, discipline, etc); Voluminous (e.g., NASA EOS collects > 2TB data every day); and Geographically distributed (e.g., different data centers). The information extraction and knowledge discovery capability lags far behind the data collection capability. Some of the challenges the data user community faces include Difficult to find and access potentially useful data; Lack of resources (technical, computational, etc) to process the data; Incompatibility among data, services, and service interfaces. It is of significant value to provide the user community the technologies that can make fully, effective, wise, and easy use of geospatial data.
Page 3 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The Grid Technology The Grid technology is developed for securely sharing computational resources within an virtual organization. –Computer CPU cycles –Storage –Networks –Data, Information, algorithms, software, services. It was originally motivated and supported from sciences and engineering requiring high-end computing, for sharing geographically distributed high-end computing resources. The core of the technology is the the open source middleware, Globus Toolkit. –The latest version (4.0.1) of Globus implements the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) and converged with Web Services technology.
Page 4 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The Benefits of Grid to the EO Community Earth Observation (EO) community is one of the key communities that collect, manage, process, archive and distribute geospatial data and information. EO data and associated computational resources are highly distributed due to geographically distributed archiving and processing facilities. The multi-disciplinary nature of global change research and applications requires the integrated analysis of huge volumes of multi-source data from multiple data centers, which requires sharing of both data and computing powers among data centers. Grid technology can provide valuable help in this area.
Page 5 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The Need for Geospatial Extensions to Grid Geospatial data and information are significantly different from those in other disciplines. –Highly complex and diverse Formats, spatial reference systems, resolutions. Hyper-dimensions: spatial, temporal, spectral, thematic. Raster and vector types –Multidisciplinary –Tremendous data volume more than 80% of data human beings has collected is spatial data. The geospatial community has developed a set of standards specifically for geospatial data and information that users have been familiar with. (e.g., OGC, ISO, FGDC). Grid technology is developed for general sharing of computational resources and not fine tuned to meet the unique geospatial requirements.
Page 6 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The OGC Web Service Specifications The Web Coverage Services (WCS) specification: defines the standard interfaces between web-based clients and servers for accessing coverage data. –All imagery type of remote sensing data is coverage data. The Web Feature Services (WFS) specification: defines the standard interfaces between web-based clients and servers for accessing feature-based geospatial data. –vector and point data are feature data. The Web Map Services (WMS) specification: define the standard interfaces for accessing and assembling maps from multiple servers. –visualization of geospatial data The Catalog Services for Web (CSW) specification: defines the interfaces between web-based clients and servers for finding the required data or services from registries.
Page 7 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The OGC Web Service Specifications (cont.) The Web Coordinate Transformation Services (WCTS) specification: defines the standard interfaces between web-based clients and servers for performing spatial coordinate reference system transformations. –Transformation among different Spatial Reference Systems. The Web Image Classification Services (WICS) specification: defines the standard interfaces between web-based clients and servers for classifying an imagery into categorical classes. –Especially for land use/cover classification of remote sensing imagery, both supervised and unsupervised. WCS, WFS, CSW, WCTS, and WMS form the foundation for the interoperable geospatial data access and service environment. WICS is a relatively higher level information extraction service, widely used in EO community. OGC Web Service Architecture s pecifies a common architectural framework for OGC Web Services.
Page 8 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Objectives Making NASA EOSDIS data easily accessible to Earth science modeling and applications communities by combining the advantages of both OGC and Grid technology –Develop the geospatial extensions of Grid technology to make it geospatially enabled (Geospatial Grid). –Enable OGC geospatial clients access Grid-managed distributed geospatial resources. –Provide virtual/intelligent geospatial products in the Grid environment. –Test methods for automating the process from geospatial data to knowledge in the Grid environment. Demonstrate the geospatial Grid technology in realistic NASA EOS data environment. Contribute technology, software, and the data pool application to the CEOS Grid testbed
Page 9 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The Geospatial Extensions to GRID Incorporating geospatial-specific characteristics in Grid –Extend Globus toolkit to handle the spatial, spectral, temporal, thematic based geo-data and geo-information management. –Develop Grid-enabled tools for geospatial data processing, information extraction, and knowledge building. Making use of established standards and standard protocols for data/information access and services in the geospatial community. –The Open GIS Consortium’s Web Data Access/Service interfaces (e.g., OGC WCS, WMS, WFS, and CSW). –ISO/FGDC/ECS/GCMD metadata standards and service/data type schema.
Page 10 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Grid Security (GSI) and VO Setup GMU (Solaris) ( GT 3.2 with CEOS Certs. GMU (Mac) ( Globus 4.0 with Laits Certs. LAITS CA center Ames ipg05 (Linux) ( Globus 3.2 with IPG Certs. GMU LAITS VO NASA IPG VO GMU (Linux) ( Globus 4.0 with Laits Certs. IPG CA center NASA SGT (Linux) ( Globus 3.2 with CEOS Certs. NASA (Linux) ( Globus 3.0 with CEOS Certs. CEOS VO Authentication among different VO LLNL esg2 (Linux) ( Globus 3.2 with ESG Certs. LLNL ESG VO ESG CA center GMU (Linux) ( Globus 4.0 with Laits Certs.
Page 11 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The VO Hardware Environment The testbed has been created with seven machines in three organizations. The flagship machine in the testbed is GMU’s Apple cluster server: – 6 Apple G5 server nodes- 3 with dual 2.5GHz CPU and 3 with dual 2.0 GHz CPU with total of 12 GB RAM. – 22.6TB RAID storage. – 1GB network to Internet II and 100 MB to Internet I. – Hosted at ESDIS network lab of NASA GSFC.
Page 12 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Data in the Virtual Organization Populated the G5 server with –Landsat data covering Globe for year 1975, 1990 and 2000 (7TB data ingested to date). –Shuttle DEM data covering Globe for year 2000 (1TB). –Other sample EOSDIS data (e.g., MODIS, Aster, etc. 2TB to date). Converted part of DOE LLNL 4-D netCDF modeling data to HDF-EOS format and loaded into the LLNL node. Replicated some typical EOSDIS data at NASA Ames node. The total size of data in the testbed is over 10TB and is growing.
Page 13 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The VO Grid Software Globus 4.0 installed in two GMU nodes. Globus 3.2 installed in all other nodes. The geospatial Grid software developed by GMU installed at all nodes. Setup and issue CAs – Set up LAITS CA, issued LAITS certificates to Mac machine and Linux machine of GMU LAITS. – Set up IPG CA, issued IPG certificates to Linux machine at NASA Ames. – From CEOS CA, requested CEOS certificates for Solaris machine at GMU LAITS. – Tested and debugged the authentication between any two different CAs’ certificates among all of the above boxes.
Page 14 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston An OGC Catalog Service for Web (CSW) server is developed. The CSW server is Grid enabled as a Grid service, GCSW. The GCSW is deployed on three nodes -- GeoBrain (Mac), LAITS (Solaris) and Data (Linux). ISO 19115 Part one ISO 19115 Part two (FGDC extension) NASA ECS ISO 19119 ebRIM IM GCMD Service Type IM Extended Data Type IM CSW Information Model GCMD Service Type IM Extended Data Type IM Grid-enabled Catalog Service for Web
Page 15 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston targetObject sourceObject RegistryObject Association ServiceBinding Orgnization User ExternalIdentifierClassification RegistryEntry ClassificationScheme Service ExtrinsicObject Slot SpecificationLink ClassificationNode ExternalLink SV_OperationMetadata SV_Parameter Slot CSWExtrinsicObject 0..* 11 WCSCoverage WMSLayer DataGranule The CSW Architecture
Page 16 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Catalog Service Federation The CSF developed in another project is being Grid-enabled so that the geospatial Grid can connect other data/data catalog.
Page 17 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Grid-enabled WCS and WCS Portal WCS enable to process 4-D HDF-EOS data converted from LLNL netCDF modeling data. Enhanced the WCS to be Grid enabled (GWCS). Developed OGC standard compatible WCS portal supported by Grid Services to access to GWCS. Deployed on three nodes: Geobrain (Mac), Laits (Solaris) and Data (Linux).
Page 18 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Grid-enabled WMS and WMS Portal Enhanced the WMS to be Grid enabled (GWMS). Developed OGC standard compatible WMS portal supported by Grid Services to access to GWMS. Deployed on three nodes: Geobrain (Mac), Laits (Solaris) and Data (Linux).
Page 19 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Intelligent Grid Service Mediator WCS Portal WMS Portal GCSW GWCS GWMS iGSM ROS MDS DTS The iGSM is developed to dispatch user requests from WCS/WMS portal to the most appropriate GWCS/GWMS in the VO.
Page 20 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Functional Overview of iGSM Managing geospatial-data access requests from OGC WCS portal and WMS portal and transfer those requests to GWCS (Grid-enabled Web Coverage Service) or GWMS (Grid-enabled Web Map Service) –Accepts geodata requests from default WCS portal and WMS portal. –Queries a ROS (Replica Optimization Service) for an optimized PFNInfo (Physical File Name Information) object Each PFNInfo contains a physical file name, a GridWCS service ID, and the host where the data file located –When the received PFNInfo contains a valid service ID Requests a GridCSW (Grid-enabled Catalog Service for Web) for corresponding GridWCS/WMS URL to the service ID. –When the received PFNInfo contains a null service ID Requests a GridCSW for available GridWCS(s) /WMS(s) among the Grid resources. Requests a ROS (Replica and Optimized Service) for selecting the best GridWCS/WMS among the resources returned from the GridCSW Requests a DTS (Data Transfer Service) for transferring the data to the selected system –Querying the GridCSW deployed in the selected system for the geodata URI
Page 21 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Globus RLS as a Grid Service The Replica Optimization Service Globus Index service Globus MDS scripts modification LRC (Laits) LRC (Laits-data) LRC (Ames/LLNL) RLI (Laits) RLI (Laits-data) ROS MDS Index Service (MDS)
Page 22 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston GridFTP as a Grid Service Data Transfer Service Machine A Globus Security Machine B Globus Security Machine B Globus Security Machine C Globus Security Machine A Globus Security Data Secure Request Data Secure Request
Page 23 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Geospatial Grid with GCSW/GWCS/GWMS/iGSM/ROS/DTS WCS Portal WMS Portal GCSW GWMS GWCS iGSM ROS MDS DTS CSW Portal User/Client Interface (Web Download & MPGC) Geospatial Catalog DB Replica DB HDF-EOS Data 1 2 2 Laits (3) Ames LLNL
Page 24 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston A Data Request Scenario for Access to Real Datasets RLS LAITS WCS/WMS Portal CSW Portal ESG Catalog Client 1 2 3 Retrieval Manager 4 LAITS GridWCS Ames GridWCS LLNL GridWCS + default WCS portal IP ROS 5 2 Logical data name Physical data/service ID MDS 6 Best server ID 7 iGSM Other WCS LAITS GridCSW HDF-EOS Data Other Data Ames DTS 9 9 9 8
Page 25 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Virtual Geospatial Datasets A virtual dataset is a dataset that has the following characteristics: –It does not physically exist in a data and information system. –The system knows how to create it on-demand. –Once created, it can be kept to meet the same type of request from multiple users without having to be regenerated. The client/data user is not aware of the difference between a real dataset and a virtual dataset. A virtual dataset can be materialized by –invoking a single module dedicated to the production of the virtual dataset (dedicated module approach). –chaining and executing a series of services, each fulfilling a component in the process of the virtual dataset materialization (service oriented approach).
Page 26 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston The Service Approach to Virtual Datasets A service is self-contained, self-describing, modular application that can be published, located, and dynamically invoked across a network. –It performs functions, which can be anything from simple requests to complicated business processes. –Once a service is deployed, other applications (and other services) can discover and invoke the deployed service. A service can be implemented in the Web environment, called a web service, or in the Grid environment, called a Grid service. Standards on service discovery, declaration, binding, and invocation allow dynamically chaining individual services across a network together to fulfill a complex task. A virtual dataset, in the service environment, is essentially a service chain that describes steps to be taken to produce the virtual dataset. With enough elementary service models, it is possible to provide unlimited numbers of virtual datasets by just creating the service chains.
Page 27 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Archived data (geo-object) User requested geo-object Intermediate geo-object Without serviceWith service Modeling and virtual data services User request User received Data transformation services (format transformation, reprojection, regriding, etc) Data access services (spatial/temporal/parameter subsetting, mapping, etc) High level services (geophysical parameters, modeling, etc) Geo-object, Geo-tree, Virtual Dataset, Geospatial Models
Page 28 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston User Creation of Geospatial Models A user-requested product may not exist, either virtually or physically, in a data/information system, which is often the case if the product is at high level or is of specific purpose. If the user possess the knowledge of deriving the data product from available lower-level data, he/she can create a logical geospatial model for the product. –With help of a friendly user interface and the availability of service modules and models/submodels, the user can construct a geospatial model/virtual data product interactively. –The system will materialize the virtual data product (the user-created logical model) through an instantiation process. –The user-created model can, when proved to be useful, be incorporated into the system as a part of the virtual datasets with which the system can provide in the future.
Page 29 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston User Creation of Geospatial Models (cont.) The capability of the system will grow with time, possibly at a tremendous speed, if there are enough user requesting/modeling. Advantages of virtual product modeling include: –Users can get ready-to-use scientific information without having to obtain lower level data and to go through all the data processing process locally, thus significantly reducing the data traffic between the users and the geospatial Grid. –It allows users to explore huge resources available at a data Grid and to conduct tasks that they never be able to conduct before. –It can create a very powerful system.
Page 30 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston User CSW WCS VWCS Register AM Query Geospatial Data InstantiateService WorkflowEngineSer vice WCS WICS WCTS 1 2 LAITS ESG ECHO GSI (gt4.0) CSWQueryM Architecture of Virtual Data Implementation
Page 31 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston GCSW and iGSM cooperate as Ganglia GWCS, GWMS, GWICS, GWCTS ROS, GridDTS as Nerve Cell Grid and Web Services related technologies as basic infrastructure More Cells and more powerful Ganglia will be developed for more easier and more complete Earth Science Data accesses. More specific Ganglia and Cells will be provided for special domain user requirements. Future Direction
Page 32 LAITS Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards GGF15 Community Activity: Building Geographic Information Grids 10/04/2005, Boston Acknowledgement The Project is funded by NASA Advanced Information System Technology Program (AIST)
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