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MCB 110:Biochemistry of the Central Dogma of MB

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2 MCB 110:Biochemistry of the Central Dogma of MB
Part 1. DNA replication, repair and genomics (Prof. Alber) Part 2. RNA & protein synthesis. Prof. Zhou Part 3. Membranes, protein secretion, trafficking and signaling Prof. Nogales

3 MCB 110:Biochemistry of the Central Dogma of MB
Part 1. DNA replication, repair and genomics (Prof. Alber) Part 2. RNA & protein synthesis. Prof. Zhou Part 3. Membranes, protein secretion, trafficking and signaling Prof. Nogales

4 DNA structure summary 1 W & C (1953) modeled average DNA (independent of sequence) as an: anti-parallel, right-handed, double helix with H-bonded base pairs on the inside and the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside. Each chain runs 5’ to 3’ (by convention). Profound implications: complementary strands suggested mechanisms of replication, heredity and recognition. Missing Structural variation in DNA as a function of sequence Tools to manipulate and analyze DNA (basis for biotechnology, sequencing, genome analysis)

5 DNA schematic (no chemistry)
1. Nucleotide = sugar-phosphate + base DNA strands are directional 3. Duplex strands are antiparallel and complementary. Backbone outside; H-bonded bases stacked inside. 4. The strands form a double helix

6 Nucleic-acid building blocks
nucleoside glycosidic bond nucleotide

7 Geometry of DNA bases and base pairs!
C G T A H-bonds satisfied Similar width Similar angle to glycosidic bonds Pseudo-symmetry of 180° rotation

8 Major groove and minor groove definitions
Opposite the glycosydic bonds Minor groove Minor groove Subtended by the glycosydic bonds

9 Comparison of B DNA and A DNA (formed at different humidity)
Å Bps near helix axis Bps off helix axis Major groove (winds around) Minor groove bp/turn Base tilt Major groove Minor groove P-P distance 10 small wide Narrow 6.9 Å 11 20° narrow & deep wide & shallow 5.9 Å

10 Average structure of dsRNA (like A DNA)
3’ 5’ Minor groove shallow and wide Major groove deep and narrow (distortions needed for proteins to contact bases) “side” view Bases tilted 5’ 3’ Twist/bp ~32.7° ~11 bp/turn “End” view

11 DNA structure and stability
DNA structure varies with sequence 1. “Dickerson dodecamer” crystal structure 2. Twist, roll, propeller twist and displacement 3. Variation in B-DNA and A-DNA Proteins recognize variations in DNA structure DNA stability Depends on sequence & conditions Forces that stabilize DNA: H-bonds, “stacking”, and interactions with ions and water

12 Crystal structure of the “Dickerson dodecamer”
Experiment Synthesize and purify 12-mer: d(CGCGAATTCGCG) = sequence Crystallize Shine X-ray beam through crystal from all angles Record X-ray scattering patterns Calculate electron density distribution Build model into e- density and optimize fit to predict the data Display and analyze model Results B-DNA!! The structure was not a straight regular rod. There were sequence-dependent variations (that could be read out by proteins).

13 Two views of the Dickerson dodecamer
Double helix: Anti-parallel strands, bps “stacked” in the middle Not straight (19° bend/12 bp, 112 Å radius of curvature) Core GAATTC: B-like with 9.8 bp/turn Flanking CGCG more complex, but P-P distance = 6.7 Å (like B) Bps not flat. Propeller twist 11° for GC and 17° for AT Hydration: water, water everywhere on the outside (not shown).

14 Nomenclature for helical parameters
Propeller twist: dihedral angle of base planes. Displacement: distance from helix axis to bp center Slide: Translation along the C6-C8 line Slide Twist: relative rotation around helix axis Roll: rotation angle of mean bp plane around C6-C8 line Tilt: rotation of bp plane around pseudo-dyad perpendicular to twist and roll axes

15 Propeller twist, roll and slide
Slide = -1 Å to avoid clash * No roll or propeller twist 20° propeller twist Or roll = 20 ° and slide = + 2Å to promote cross-chain purine stacking

16 Slide and helical twist
Slide = translation along the long (C6-C8) axis of the base pair

17 Regular DNA variations
B-like A-like

18 Helical parameters of the dodecamer
C1/G24 G12/C13 Range ° ° Å

19 Helical parameters of the dodecamer
C1/G24 G12/C13 Range ° ° Å

20 Helical parameters of the dodecamer
C1/G24 G12/C13 Range ° ° Å

21 Base “stacking” maximizes favorable interactions
Clashes due to propeller twist can be alleviated by positive roll (bottom left) or changes in helical twist (right) N atoms close N atoms separated  roll  helical twist

22 Different patterns of H-bond donors and acceptors bases in different base pairs (gray)
Major groove side (w) Most differences in H-bond donors and acceptors occur in the major groove! Sequence-specific recognition uses major-groove contacts. Seeman, Rosenberg & Rich (1976), Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 73, Minor groove side (S)

23 Lac repressor headpiece binds differently to specific and nonspecific DNAs
Symmetric operator Natural operator Bent DNA Straight DNA Nonspecific DNA

24 E. coli lac repressor tetramer binds 2 duplexes
Headpiece Hinge helix NH2 N-subdomain C-subdomain Tetramerization helix LacI tetramer

25 E. coli lac repressor tetramer binds 2 duplexes
Headpiece Hinge helix NH2 N-subdomain C-subdomain Tetramerization helix Repressor tetramer loops DNA

26 E. coli catabolite activator protein (CAP)
Stabilizes kinks in the DNA

27 Human TATA binding protein binds in the minor groove and stabilizes large bends
Twist along the DNA DNA bent

28 Human TATA binding protein binds in the minor groove and stabilizes large bends
TBP TBP DNA View into the saddle End view

29 DNA bending by E. coli AlkA DNA glycosylase
Leu125 inserted into the DNA duplex! 66° bend

30 Base flipping in DNA repair enzymes
Human Alkyl Adenine DNA Glycosylase Phage T4 A Glycosyl Transferase,AGT

31 What causes bases to flip out?

32 What cause bases to flip out?
Thermal fluctuations

33 Fluctuations include denaturation
Native Denatured + Tm = 50/50 native/denatured T

34 Tm depends on?

35 Tm depends on? DNA Length Base composition DNA Sequence
Salt concentration Hydrophobic and charged solutes Bound proteins Supercoiling density

36 Length dependence of DNA stability
No further increase > ~50 base pairs 10 20 30 Fraction denatured Temperature °C

37 Tm depends on G+C content

38 Tm depends on G+C content
Why? GC bps contain 3 H-bonds and stack better.

39 Calculated base stacking energies
GC best AT worst

40 Tm depends on ionic strength
High KCl stabilizes duplex DNA Why?

41 Other conditions that change Tm
} Mg2+ ions Polyamines: spermidine and spermine NH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-NH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-NH3 NH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-NH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-NH2-CH2CH2-CH2-NH3 DMSO formamide H3C CH3 HC NH2 C Stabilize (why?) } Destabilize (why?) O O

42 Two formulas for oligonucleotide Tm
Duplex stability depends on length (to a point) and base composition (GC content) Two formulas for oligonucleotide Tm 1. Tm = (# of A+T) x 2 + (# of G+C) x 4 2. Tm= x ((yG+zC-16.4)/ (wA+xT+yG+zC)) where w, x, y, z are the numbers of the respective nucleotides.

43 Summary DNA structure varies with sequence.
Propeller twist, helix twist, roll, slide, and displacement (local features) vary in each base step. These differences alter the positions of interacting groups relative to ideal DNA. Structural adjustments maximize stacking. Proteins can read out base sequence directly and indirectly (e.g. H2O, PO4 positions, structure and motions). Proteins can trap transient structures of DNA. Duplex stability varies with sequence, G+C > A+T High salt, Mg2+, polyamines increase duplex stability. DMSO and formamide decrease duplex stability. Stability increases with oligonucleotide length up to a point.

44 Chemical structures of 4 bases each in DNA and RNA
only DNA only DNA and RNA

45 Ribo-AGUC chain Chain is directional. Convention: 5’ 3’.
Chemical schematic One-letter code Chain is directional. Convention: 5’ 3’.

46 Six backbone dihedral angles () per nucleotide
Is ssDNA floppy or rigid?

47 Two orientations of the bases: Anti and syn

48 “Fiber diffraction” pattern revealed dimensions and helix of “B” DNA
Experiment X-rays DNA fiber X-ray film Conclusion: Helix with 10 bp/repeat and 3.4 Å between bps

49 Average structure of “B” DNA
Ball-and-stick Space filling “side” view “End” view

50 Average structure of “B” DNA
Ball-and-stick Space filling 5’ ’ “side” view Minor groove (narrow) and Major groove (wide) R-handed Helix Anti-parallel strands “End” view Equal twist/bp (36°) 10 bp/turn

51 Average structure of “A” DNA
Ball-and-stick Space filling 3’ 5’ Minor groove (shallow and wide) Major groove (deep and narrow) “side” view Bases tilted ~20° 5’ 3’ Twist/bp ~32.7° ~11 bp/turn “End” view

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