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Learning and Memory. LearningLearning refers to a relatively permanent change in behaviour that is caused by experience. It’s an ongoing process. »Vicarious.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and Memory. LearningLearning refers to a relatively permanent change in behaviour that is caused by experience. It’s an ongoing process. »Vicarious."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and Memory

2 LearningLearning refers to a relatively permanent change in behaviour that is caused by experience. It’s an ongoing process. »Vicarious learning-social learning & consequences »Incidental learning Behaviour learning theoriesBehaviour learning theories assume that learning takes place as a result of responses to external events. –Classical conditioning –Instrumental conditioning fig.3.1. Ana Oliveira

3 Classical Conditioning It occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its own. Over time this second stimulus causes a similar response because it is associated with the first stimulus. Ivan Pavlov’s “dog experiments”.-Drooling »A bell (neutral stimulus) conditioned response=CS »dried meat powder - Unconditioned stimulus= UCS Nervous and automatic system & repetition. Stimulus generalization: sound similar to a bell/package Stimulus discrimination: don’t buy imitations Ana Oliveira

4 Instrumental/Operant Conditioning It occurs as the individual learns to perform behaviours that produce positive outcomes and to avoid those that yield negative outcomes. Responses are made deliberately to obtain a goal. Desired behaviour may be rewarded in a process called Shaping Frequency marketing. E.g.: B.P cards. Ana Oliveira

5 Instrumental/Operant Conditioning Instrumental Conditioning occurs in one of three ways: –positive reinforcement (reward) E.g.: Women wearing a perfume receives a complement –Extinction( the learned stimulus-response connection will not be maintained). –negative reinforcement E.g.: women alone on a Saturday night because she did not use the perfume –punishment (not to repeat ) E.g.: Being ridiculed by friends for wearing a not good perfume. Ana Oliveira

6 Cognitive Learning Theory »Importance of internal mental processes (different from behavioural). »People are problem-solvers who actively use information from the world around them to master their environment. »Is learning conscious or not? »School 1) Conditioning occurs because subjects develop conscious hypotheses and then act on them. »School 2) We move toward familiar patterns. Automatic responses. Ana Oliveira

7 Observational Learning Occurs when people watch the actions of others and note the reinforcements they receive for their behaviours-learning occurs as a result of vicarious rather than direct experience. Memories are stored for later use. Imitating the behaviour of others is called modelling. –Consumers attention must be directed to the appropriate model, who for reasons of attractiveness, competence, status, or similarity is desirable to emulate. –Consumer must remember what is said or done by the model –Consumer must convert this information into actions –Consumers must be motivated to perform these actions. Fig 3.3 E.g.: M.Jackson; H.Ford; Cindy C.; Claudia S. Ana Oliveira

8 The Memory process- The Memory process- fig3.4 External Encoding: information Storage: information is Inputs is placed in memory. retained in memory -programming Retrieval: Information stored in memory is found as needed. Ana Oliveira

9 Relationship among memory systems- Relationship among memory systems- fig 3.5 Sensory memory Short-term memory Long-term memory Temporary storage Brief storage of informa Relatively permanent of sensory information. tion currently being used storage of information Capacity: High Capacity: Limited Capacity: Unlimited Duration: Less than Duration: Less than 20 Duration: Long or 1 second or a few seconds permanent seconds (hearing) Attention Information that passes through an attention gate is transferred to short- term memory Elaborative rehearsal Information subjected to elaborative rehearsal or deep processing (e.g. its meaning is considered) is transferred to long-term memory.

10 The forgetting process –Decay: the structural changes in the brain produced by learning simply go away. –Forgetting also occurs due to Interference ; as additional information is learned, it displaces the earlier information. E.g.: Ads in the same product category. Products as Memory Markers –Nostalgia. E.g.: Beetle. J.R.Ewing / Lukoil ads Measuring Memory for Marketing Stimuli –The impression made is called Impact. –Recognition tends to stay longer than Recall. Ana Oliveira

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