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Building a Green Civil Society in China – Chapter 9 September 2004; The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) organizes meeting with environmental,

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Green Civil Society in China – Chapter 9 September 2004; The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) organizes meeting with environmental,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Green Civil Society in China – Chapter 9 September 2004; The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) organizes meeting with environmental, energy, and water resource officials concerning a new hydro plant and 13 dams scheduled to be built on one of China’s last remaining wild rivers. Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) organized tour to the Nuijang area to determine if the dams would be detrimental to the environment and economy. After several petitions were sent to the central government, the project was put on hold until environmental safety can be ensured. This is a huge step for China in allowing NGOs and the public to have a say in what happens to it’s people.

2 Opening Political Space for Environmental NGOs Over the past 20 years China’s economic explosion has caused an ecologic implosion. Environmental degradation costs China 9% of it’s gross national product. In 1994 the National People’s Congress (NPC) passed a the Rules for Registering Social Organizations, which for the first time granted legal status to independent NGOs. The first to register were environmental groups. These groups form the largest sector of civil society groups in China. China has made the environment a priority by launching a five year plan. This plan was from 2001-2005. China set aside 85 billion for the plan which included; cleaning rivers and lakes, installing wastewater treatment and hazardous waste facilities, and carrying out a massive reforestation effort throughout the country. In 2004 many new laws were being passed to protect the environment even further.

3 Green Civil Society with Chinese Characteristics Even though China is making progress with allowing NGOs, it still has many restrictions. NGOs must have a government sponsor and can not open branch offices. There can only be one NGO performing the same work in a single province. Despite government pressure, by the late 1990’s a handful of groups started increasing their area of operation, both geographically and thematically, which greatly enhanced their policy influence. Many new groups were birthed out of this movement. The Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims (CLAPV) is one such group. Another is The South-North Institute for Sustainable Development (SNISD). Both these groups have helped revolutionize the way China thinks about her environment. Many such groups have been formed in the last ten years and continue to bring environmental awareness and change to China.

4 Extending Their Reach Environmental groups in China have begun to go beyond their original focuses and have helped in saving some of China’s other resources. Some of these resources include endangered species and looking at ways of producing clean energy. Many new groups have sprouted up all over China. Notably in their Universities where many young people are rallying around issues that are important to them. Some such issues are; wetland preservation, and the reduction of harmful pesticides in China. This specialization is a sign of NGO sector’s growing maturity.

5 Government-organized NGOs The government has welcomed these changes. In fact they have even created (GONGOs) Government Organized Non Government Organizations. GONGOs are given free office space and some financial support from government groups. The close links that staff have to government help them conduct research and produce studies that can help put important environmental issues on the government’s agenda. GONGOs generally serve as research centers or consulting firms for their parent agency, rather than implementing policies or projects. Many GONGOs produce scientific research to inform environmental or energy policy.

6 International Outreach to Environmental NGOs International assistance has been major catalyst for expanding the number and capacity of Chinese environmental NGOs. There is still no legal procedure allowing international NGOs and foundations to operate in China. This leaves these organizations in a vulnerable position. However many international NGOs do operate in China and contribute financially to their government. U.S. and European foundations have been increasingly active in supporting Chinese and international NGO work in China. Blue Moon Fund is responsible for primarily funding Global Environment Institute who conducts studies and works with government, business, and NGO communities to promote China’s environmental agenda, particularly in clean energy.

7 Continuing Constraints on Political Space Since issuing the Rules for Registration of Social Organizations in 1994, the Chinese central leadership has struggled with the tension over granting NGOs freedom while still maintaining control over them. Some fear that this tension will cause the central government to halt the growth of social organizations. The Chinese central government has established some federations such as the All China Environment Federation and the Women’s Federation, and the Labor Federation. These federations are controlled by the central government. Some “green groups” and lawyers fighting against pollution issues have encountered major obstacles or backlash from local governments and industries.

8 Opportunities for a Stronger NGO Community NGOs have benefited from the central government’s call for community participation to promote grassroots democracy such as village elections and the “four rights” regarding land use and property changes in rural areas. The four rights are the right to be informed, to participate, to monitor, and to be involved in local government decision making. NGOs in China have grown in size and capacity mainly due their willingness to partner with international organizations a well as local news media organizations and universities. In 2004 the World Business Council on Sustainable Development set up a China office, which aims to create a forum for exchange and cooperation among Chinese and foreign enterprises.`

9 Next Steps In the long run environmental NGOs in China must become more independent in terms of funding and must strengthen their capacity to manage their organizations. Most NGOs are aware of these needs and are seeking training to help themselves in this area. International assistance and domestic pressure for legislation is needed to help guarantee NGOs legal status and permit tax-deductible donations by Chinese. Chinese NGOs are not only challenged by government regulations and limited internal capacity, they also face the challenge of a changed society. NGOs and private citizens have been empowered to voice their opinions regarding central government policies and have taken part in 74,000 mass protests.

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