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Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Data and Signals. 2 Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Distinguish between data and signals, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Data and Signals. 2 Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Distinguish between data and signals, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Data and Signals

2 2 Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Distinguish between data and signals, and cite the advantages of digital data and signal over analog data and signals Identify the three basic components of a signal Discuss the bandwidth of a signal and how it relates to data transfer speed

3 3 Objectives (continued) Identify signal strength and attenuation, and how they are related Outline the basic characteristics of transmitting analog data with analog signals, digital data with digital signals, digital data with analog signals, and analog data with digital signals List and draw diagrams of the basic digital encoding techniques, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each

4 4 Objectives (continued) Identify the different shift keying (modulation) techniques and describe their advantages, disadvantages, and uses Identify the two most common digitization techniques and describe their advantages and disadvantages Discuss the characteristics and importance of spread spectrum encoding techniques Identify the different data codes and how they are used in communication systems

5 5 Introduction – Data and Signals Data - entities that convey meaning Examples: computer file, music on a CD, results from a blood gas analysis machine Signals - electric or electromagnetic encoding of data Examples: telephone conversation, web page download Computer networks and data / voice communication systems transmit signals Data and signals can be analog or digital

6 6 Introduction – Data and Signals (continued)

7 7 Analog versus Digital Analog - continuous waveform Examples: (naturally occurring) music and voice

8 8 Analog versus Digital (continued) Harder to separate noise from an analog signal than from a digital signal

9 9 Analog versus Digital (continued) Digital - discrete or non-continuous waveform Examples : computer 1s and 0s

10 10 Analog versus Digital (continued) Despite noise in this digital signal You can still discern a high voltage from a low voltage

11 11 Analog versus Digital (continued) If there is too much noise You cannot discern a high voltage from a low voltage

12 12 Fundamentals of Signals All Signals Have Three Components Amplitude Frequency Phase

13 13 Fundamentals of Signals (continued) Amplitude Height of the wave above or below a given reference point

14 14 Fundamentals of Signals (continued) Frequency Number of times a signal makes complete cycle within a given time frame Spectrum - Range of frequencies that a signal spans from minimum to maximum Bandwidth - The absolute value of the difference between the lowest and highest frequencies of a signal

15 15 Fundamentals of Signals (continued)

16 16 Fundamentals of Signals (continued) Frequency (continued) For example, consider an average voice: Average voice has a frequency range of roughly 300 Hz to 3100 Hz The spectrum would thus be 300 - 3100 Hz The bandwidth would be 2800 Hz

17 17 Fundamentals of Signals (continued) Phase Position of the waveform relative to a given moment of time or relative to time zero A change in phase can be any number of angles between 0 and 360 degrees Phase changes often occur on common angles, such as 45, 90, 135, etc.

18 18 Fundamentals of Signals (continued)

19 19 Loss of Signal Strength All signals experience loss (attenuation) Denoted as a decibel (dB) loss Decibel losses (and gains) are additive

20 20 Loss of Signal Strength (continued) So if a signal loses 3 dB, is that a lot? A 3 dB loss indicates the signal lost half of its power dB = 10 log 10 (P2 / P1) -3 dB = 10 log 10 (X / 100) -0.3 = log 10 (X / 100) 10 -0.3 = X / 100 0.50 = X / 100 X = 50

21 21 Converting Data into Signals Converting Analog Data into Analog Signals Often necessary to modulate analog data onto a different set of analog frequencies Two common examples are broadcast radio and television

22 22 Converting Data into Signals (continued)

23 23 Converting Data into Signals (continued) Converting Digital Data into Digital Signals Numerous techniques – let’s examine four: NRZ-L NRZ-I Manchester Differential Manchester Bipolar AMI

24 24 Converting Data into Signals (continued)

25 25 Manchester Digital Encoding Schemes Note that with a Differential Manchester code, every bit has at least one signal change Some bits have two signal changes per bit (baud rate is twice the bps)

26 26 4B/5B Digital Encoding Scheme Converts four bits of data into five-bit quantities Five-bit quantities are unique No five-bit code has more than 2 consecutive zeroes Five-bit code is then transmitted using an NRZ-I encoded signal

27 27 4B/5B Digital Encoding Scheme (continued)

28 28 Transmitting Digital Data with Analog Signals Three basic techniques: Amplitude shift keying Frequency shift keying Phase shift keying

29 29 Amplitude Shift Keying One amplitude encodes a 0 while another amplitude encodes a 1 (a form of amplitude modulation)

30 30 Amplitude Shift Keying (continued) Some systems use multiple amplitudes

31 31 Transmitting Digital Data with Analog Signals (continued) Multiple Signal Levels Why use multiple signal levels? We can represent two levels with a single bit, 0 or 1 We can represent four levels with two bits: 00, 01, 10, 11 We can represent eight levels with three bits: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111 Note that the number of levels is always a power of 2

32 32 Frequency Shift Keying One frequency encodes a 0 while another frequency encodes a 1 (a form of frequency modulation)

33 33 Phase Shift Keying One phase change encodes a 0 while another phase change encodes a 1 (a form of phase modulation)

34 34 Phase Shift Keying (continued) Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Four different phase angles are used: 45 degrees 135 degrees 225 degrees 315 degrees

35 35 Phase Shift Keying (continued)

36 36 Phase Shift Keying (continued) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 12 different phases are combined with two different amplitudes Since only 4 phase angles have 2 different amplitudes, there are a total of 16 combinations. With 16 signal combinations, each baud equals 4 bits of information (2 ^ 4 = 16)

37 37 Phase Shift Keying (continued)

38 38 Higher Data Transfer Rates How do you send data faster? 1. Use a higher frequency signal (make sure the medium can handle the higher frequency) 2. Use a higher number of signal levels In both cases, noise can be a problem

39 39 Maximum Data Transfer Rates How do you calculate a maximum data rate? Use Shannon’s equation: S(f) = f log 2 (1 + W/N) Where f = signal frequency (bandwidth), W is signal power, and N is noise power

40 40 Maximum Data Transfer Rates (continued) For example, what is the data rate of a 3400 Hz signal with 0.2 watts of power and 0.0002 watts of noise? S(f)= 3400 x log 2 (1 + 0.2/0.0002) = 3400 x log 2 (1001) = 3400 x 9.97 = 33898 bps

41 41 Transmitting Analog Data with Digital Signals To convert analog data into a digital signal, there are two basic techniques: Pulse code modulation (used by telephone systems) Delta modulation

42 42 Pulse Code Modulation Analog waveform is sampled at specific intervals “Snapshots” are converted to binary values

43 43 Pulse Code Modulation (continued) Binary values are later converted to an analog signal Waveform similar to original results

44 44 Pulse Code Modulation (continued) The more snapshots taken in the same amount of time, or the more quantization levels, the better the resolution

45 45 Pulse Code Modulation (continued) Because the human voice has a fairly narrow bandwidth Telephone systems digitize voice into either 128 levels or 256 levels Called quantization levels If 128 levels, then each sample is 7 bits (2 ^ 7 = 128) If 256 levels, then each sample is 8 bits (2 ^ 8 = 256)

46 46 Pulse Code Modulation (continued) How fast do you have to sample an input source to get a fairly accurate representation? Nyquist says 2 times the bandwidth Thus, if you want to digitize voice (4000 Hz), you need to sample at 8000 samples per second

47 47 Delta Modulation An analog waveform is tracked using a binary 1 to represent a rise in voltage and a 0 to represent a drop

48 48 Spread Spectrum Technology A secure encoding technique that uses multiple frequencies or codes to transmit data Two basic spread spectrum technologies: Frequency hopping spread spectrum Direct sequence spread spectrum

49 49 Spread Spectrum Technology (continued)

50 50 Spread Spectrum Technology (continued) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum This technology replaces each binary 0 and binary 1 with a unique pattern, or sequence, of 1s and 0s For example, one transmitter may transmit the sequence 10010100 for each binary 1, and 11001010 for each binary 0 Another transmitter may transmit the sequence 11110000 for each binary 1, and 10101010 for each binary 0

51 51 Data Codes Data Code - set of all textual characters or symbols and their corresponding binary patterns Two basic data code sets plus a third code set that has interesting characteristics: EBCDIC ASCII Unicode

52 52 EBCDIC

53 53 ASCII

54 54 Data and Signal Conversions in Action: Two Examples Let us transmit the message “Sam, what time is the meeting with accounting? Hannah.” This message first leaves Hannah’s workstation and travels across a local area network

55 55 Data and Signal Conversions in Action: Two Examples

56 56 Data and Signal Conversions in Action: Two Examples

57 57 Summary Differences between digital and analog data and signals Components, bandwidth, and data transfer speed of signals Signal strength and attenuation Basic digital encoding techniques Shift keying (modulation) techniques Spread Spectrum encoding techniques Data codes in communication systems

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