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Learn by doing Less is more Frank Vahid (UC Riverside) Tony Givargis (UC Irvine)

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Presentation on theme: "Learn by doing Less is more Frank Vahid (UC Riverside) Tony Givargis (UC Irvine)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn by doing Less is more Frank Vahid (UC Riverside) Tony Givargis (UC Irvine)

2 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside2 of 10 Programming embedded systems Computing system embedded inside

3 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside3 of 10 Problem: Students currently "hack" programs Learn components, get working, build systems, no prog. discipline // ----------------------------------------------------------- // configure output ports // ----------------------------------------------------------- ADCON0 = 0x00; /* disable A/D converter */ CM1CON0 = 0x00; CM2CON0 = 0x00; /* disable comparators */ ANSELH = 0x00; ANSEL = 0x00; /* configure pins as digital chanels */ TRISA = 0x08; /* all bits output except RA3. */ TRISB = 0xF0; /* Port B inputs*/ RABPU = 1; WPUB4 = 1; // enable weak pull ups on RB4 IOCB4 = 1; // enable interrupt on change for RB4 TRISC = 0x00; /* PORTC all set to outputs */ PORTA = 0x00; PORTB = 0x00; PORTC = 0x00; /* initialize ports */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Timer0 setup // ----------------------------------------------------------- CLRWDT(); // turn off watch dog timer OPTION = 0x07; // setup prescaler TMR0 = PRELOAD; // preload timer T0IE = 1; //enable timer0 interrupts // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Setup button interrupts // ----------------------------------------------------------- RABIE = 1; //Enable change on PORTB interrupts GIE = 1;//global interupts enabled

4 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside4 of 10 enum SL_States { Wait00, Wait10, … } SL_State; void SL_Tick() { switch(SL_State) { // Transitions case -1: SL_State = SL_Wait00; break; case SL_Wait00: if (!(!A1 && !A0)) { SL_State = SL_Wait00; } else if (!A1 && !A0) { SL_State = SL_Wait10; } break; … Want: Disciplined "model- based" programming method Synchronous state machines Skill+art – requires practice

5 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside5 of 10 Solution: Virtual Lab Interactive online learning –Learn by doing Used for all lecture homeworks –Huge improvement over pencil/paper Developed with NSF CCLI funds

6 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside6 of 10 Learn by doing Less is more

7 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside7 of 10 Problem: Students aren't reading e.g., "… read on average 27% assigned readings before class … 70% before exam … decline in compliance over 16 years … less than 3 hrs/wk" [Michael A. Clump, Heather Bauer, Catherine Bradley; Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 31, 2004] Cost Info overload Plus slides, class notes, lab manual, lab assignments, lab simulator, homework assignments, study guides, … $108

8 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside8 of 10 Solution: Short, low-cost book 120 pages, $50 (e-book or print-on- demand), small publisher ch?v=6yAYXr2CxvE Focus on essentials (web is today's reference) Break from "cover everything" / "firehose" tradition No slides: Short enough to use book as slides (students love this) Less is more. Most students read/study all material Developed with NSF CCLI funds

9 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside9 of 10 So far… 7 physical offerings in 2 years –5 UCR, 2 UCI, 5 different teachers –Extensive use of virtual lab and e-book –Physical lab and lecture still included Positive teacher/student feedback Student performance strong

10 Frank Vahid, UC Riverside10 of 10 Logical evolution... Today: engineering textbook author creates: –Book, slides, exercise solutions, lab manual –Simulator / virtual lab –Homeworks, quizzes ( Logical evolution 1.Author creates entire "course-in-a-box" – add (short) video lectures, exams. More interactive tools (e.g., online checking/correcting/hinting...) 2.Author runs course (online) – Manage assignments/exams, use proctored test facilities, online/skype help/office-hrs, assign grades. Economy/Quality of scale… +

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