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NEO-PI-R. Personality Inventories Look for good psychometrics Beware the Barnum Effect Construction strategies –Rational –Theoretical –Criterion-keying.

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Presentation on theme: "NEO-PI-R. Personality Inventories Look for good psychometrics Beware the Barnum Effect Construction strategies –Rational –Theoretical –Criterion-keying."— Presentation transcript:


2 Personality Inventories Look for good psychometrics Beware the Barnum Effect Construction strategies –Rational –Theoretical –Criterion-keying –Factor analytic

3 NEO-PI-R Description Based on Big Five personality dimensions Rationally and factor analytically derived Newest of the major personality inventories Very popular with researchers Composed of 5 domains, each with 6 facets Easy to administer and score

4 The Big Five Neuroticism –Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self- Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability Extraversion –Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions Openness –Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values

5 The Big Five Agreeableness –Trust, Straightforwardness, Altruism, Compliance, Modesty, Tender-Mindedness Conscientiousness –Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement Striving, Self- Discipline, Deliberation

6 NEO-PI-R Interpretation: Some Combinations Emotional style: N & E Interpersonal style: E & A Vocational interests: E & O Attitudes: O & A Academics: O & C Character: A & C

7 NEO-PI-R and Personality Disorders NEOAC Paranoid HLLL - Antisocial -H-LL Borderline HH-LL Dependent HL-H-

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