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Collaboration in building a sustainable repository environment: a National Library’s role Warwick Cathro Assistant Director-General, Innovation, National.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration in building a sustainable repository environment: a National Library’s role Warwick Cathro Assistant Director-General, Innovation, National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration in building a sustainable repository environment: a National Library’s role Warwick Cathro Assistant Director-General, Innovation, National Library of Australia

2 Outline Background –Australian repository movement –Proposed Australian National Data Service –NLA Service Framework Discovery and registry services –ARROW Discovery Service –ORCA Prototype Registry Sustainability issues –Persistent identifiers –Obsolescence notification and AONS –Australian METS Profile

3 The Australian repository movement Active involvement of officials Repositories in 70% of universities National discovery service Six software platforms (three based on Fedora) Attention given to sustainability issues Decision to establish ANDS

4 Policy context Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (from Dec 2007) National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) –A$500M over 5 years Australian National Data Service (ANDS) –To commence July 2008

5 Towards the Australian Data Commons

6 ANDS Structure

7 ARROW Project

8 APSR Project

9 PILIN Project

10 Library Labs

11 NLA Service Framework

12 Services discussed

13 Discovery services The need for discovery and metadata aggregation services ARROW Discovery Service Future ANDS Discovery Service

14 Liability is limited by the Accountants’ Scheme under the Professional Standards Act 1994 (NSW) ARROW Discovery Service

15 Liability is limited by the Accountants’ Scheme under the Professional Standards Act 1994 (NSW) ARROW Discovery Service

16 Registry services The need for registry services Prototype registry (ORCA) ISO 2146 The future

17 Collection/Service Registry

18 ISO 2146 model

19 Persistent identifier services Need for a PI service PILIN Project The future

20 PILIN Project

21 Obsolescence notification The “Preserve” Service AONS Project Pilot open source toolkit

22 AONS Project

23 Australian METS Profile Need for a profile Two sub-projects –Encoding of preservation metadata –Australian METS Profile development

24 Australian METS Profile Project

25 Three layer model Top layer: generic profile Middle layer: content models Bottom layer: Implementation profiles

26 DLib article

27 Conclusions Development of national discovery service Development of ISO 2146 schema Support for goals of future National PI Service Obsolescence notification Australian METS Profile

28 Acknowledgments [1] ARROW Discovery Service: –Debbie Campbell, Alison Dellit, Tor Lattimore, Vinita Tuteja, Joanna Meakins, Lynda Hurley, Aaron Defazio ORCA Prototype Registry –Scott Yeadon, James Blanden, Adrian Burton, Chris Blackall PILIN Project: –Dennis Macnamara, Nigel Ward, Kerry Blinco

29 Acknowledgments [2] AONS Project: –David Pearson, Matthew Walker, David Levy Australian METS Profile: –David Pearson, Bronwyn Lee, Scott Yeadon, Megan Williams, Gerard Clifton Standards development (NLA Service Framework, ISO 2146, Australian METS Profile) –Judith Pearce

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