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Trip Report for The IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (EuroIMSA 2006) February 13-15, 2006 Innsbruck,

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Presentation on theme: "Trip Report for The IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (EuroIMSA 2006) February 13-15, 2006 Innsbruck,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trip Report for The IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (EuroIMSA 2006) February 13-15, 2006 Innsbruck, Austria Bob Kinicki

2 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 2 General Observations My Opinion: the conference was weak, but there were a few interesting ideas. There were few American authors. The International flavor of the conference was quite strong. The conference did give a sense of Europe’s future research directions. Goal: To glean new thoughts from a few papers.

3 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 3 A Ubiquitous Zoo Guide

4 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 4 A System level Integration for Remote Learning Services based on DVB-T Platform

5 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 5 A System level Integration for Remote Learning Services based on DVB-T Platform

6 Image Feature Detection Feature Tracking Camera Motion Analysis Overview Video Source Automatic extraction of camera motion Applications: Video Indexing Video Retrieval Scene Analysis Metadata Generation Extract the image features using Harris corner detector Track the image features along a shot using basic tracker based on translational image motion model Determine the camera motion by analyzing the motion trajectories of image features Image Feature Detection Feature Tracking Camera Motion Analysis A Sense of Speed in Camera Motion

7 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 7 A Sense of Speed in Camera Motion

8 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 8 A Sense of Speed in Camera Motion

9 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 9 Conclusions The camera motion and speed are determined by analyzing the motion trajectories of image features along an image sequence. Based on the experimental results, the speed can be converted into three levels of motion that can be perceived by human (i.e., slow, medium, and fast). This helps to facilitate the motion annotation and content description of a video particularly in the applications of video retrieval, indexing and scene analysis.

10 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 10 Plenary Session: Gabriele Kotsis “Beyond Desktop Computing” A talk about future multimedia applications for cooperative work. Department of Telecooperation at Linz, Austria Pervasive, ubiquitous computing Embedding IT in Objects

11 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 11 Plenary Session: Gabriele Kotsis “Beyond Desktop Computing” Spiffy interfaces, e.g., in glasses Mirror TV I/O brush Interested in the sociology and psychology aspects of multimedia interfaces. “From the sage on the stage to the guide on the side” Everyone is becoming producers of video. Must use care not to exclude people (e.g. color blindness).

12 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 12

13 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 13 Exaggeration of Extremely Detailed 3D Faces

14 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 14 Impact of Uncompressed Video Transmissions on Network Quality of Service Parameters

15 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 15 Impact of Uncompressed Video Transmissions on Network Quality of Service Parameters

16 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 16 Impact of Uncompressed Video Transmissions on Network Quality of Service Parameters

17 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 17 Impact of Uncompressed Video Transmissions on Network Quality of Service Parameters

18 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 18 On Improving Performance for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs under Congested and Error-Prone Environments

19 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 19 Scene-Level Analysis for Tennis Sports Video using Weighted Linear Combination of Visual Cues

20 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 20 Automatic Sports Video Analysis using Audio Clues and Context Knowledge

21 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 21 A Video Classification Method using User Perceptive Video Quality

22 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 22 A Video Classification Method using User Perceptive Video Quality

23 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 23 A Video Classification Method using User Perceptive Video Quality

24 Euro IMSA February 13-15, 2006 24 A Video Classification Method using User Perceptive Video Quality

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