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Product All types of product benefit from the internet – Tangible – Education – Non profit – Personalities – You ?

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Presentation on theme: "Product All types of product benefit from the internet – Tangible – Education – Non profit – Personalities – You ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Product All types of product benefit from the internet – Tangible – Education – Non profit – Personalities – You ?

2 Web-based Product Products that improve the web experience – Access – Search Products that exploit web characteristics – Social networking – VOIP – Wikipedia

3 Products enhanced by web News Google news Keyword news Traditional news impacted

4 Brand Importance of brand – Brand extensions – Premium pricing Internet Brands Domain name Branding integration

5 Customer Service / Product Support Why the web – Expense – Flexibility – Self serve Product upgrades

6 Mass Customization For example: Dell Characteristics – Customer specify requirements – Advanced manufacturing systems – Build to order – Minimum order of 1

7 New Product Devt. Process Command and Control Engaging related businesses – Channel nine Engaging customers – Open source – Boeing’s World Design Team Digital Products – Alpha / beta

8 Open Source versus Google Linux Google

9 Diffusion Process Innovators – RSS; podcasting ? Early Adopters – Blogging Early Majority Late Majority Laggards

10 Product Life Cycle Managing products through the lifecycle.

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