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F RESHMAN P ARENT G UIDANCE E VENING Fairfield Prep Guidance Department October 13, 2011
E VENING E VENTS Introduction - John Hanrahan Campus Ministry - Elliott Gualtiere Safe School Promotion Plan - John Hanrahan Freshman year - Dina Cyfeku Sophomore year - Lynne Chesbro Junior year - Rick Hutchinson Senior year - John Hanrahan Questions & Answers
S AFE S CHOOL C LIMATE P ROMOTION P LAN Fairfield Prep is committed to ensuring respect for the human dignity of all members of the Prep community. Consequently, we will not tolerate any form of harassment, cyber-harassment or intimidation as described in this Plan to promote a safe, positive and supportive school climate. Any person who is aware of an incident of harassment, cyber-harassment, intimidation or retaliation is responsible to promptly report it to Jonathan DeRosa, John Hanrahan, or to any guidance counselor. Any investigation of a report of harassment, cyber- harassment, intimidation or retaliation will be conducted by Jonathan DeRosa and/or John Hanrahan.
S AFE S CHOOL C LIMATE P ROMOTION P LAN (C ONT.) The Investigation Speak individually to all parties involved The Resolution Following interviews and any other investigation deemed appropriate, Jonathan DeRosa and John Hanrahan will determine whether and to what extent the allegation of harassment, cyber-harassment, intimidation or retaliation has been substantiated Notification If Prep’s policy has been violated the appropriate administrators will be notified. Follow-Up Made with all students found to have been targeted in violation of this policy
G UIDANCE D EPARTMENT John Hanrahan – Dean of Guidance & College Advising Juniors/Seniors L-Z Rick Hutchinson - Juniors/Seniors A-K Dina Cyfeku- Freshman/Sophomores A-K Lynne Chesbro - Freshman/Sophomores L-Z Fr. George Gallarelli, S.J. – Counselor Kim Bernier - Guidance Assistant
F RESHMAN G UIDANCE S EMINAR Guidance Seminars meet 1 day per every 7 day cycle. Guidance seminar is scheduled for all 4 years. It is a unique opportunity for students to interact with their counselor.
F RESHMAN G UIDANCE C URRICULUM Transition to Prep Time Management Stress Study Skills Exam Preparation Goal Setting Substance Abuse Course Registration Peer Interactions Respect for Others Series of transitional, academic & social topics
T RANSITION FROM M IDDLE S CHOOL TO H IGH S CHOOL – S AMPLE LESSON Scenario #1: Tom is struggling academically and finding it difficult to get a grasp on his classes. He has always been a good student and now is finding it difficult to get above a C. Scenario #2: Jason did not want to come to Prep. It was his parents decision. He is upset that he is losing touch with his middle school friends and wants to be back in school with them. Despite his desire to leave, his parents have made it clear that transferring is not an option. Scenario #3: Mike tried out for the freshman football team and was devastated when he did not make it. He doesn’t know many students here and was hoping that by joining a team he would make new friends. Mike is shy and doesn’t always make friends easily. 3 Scenarios highlighting different transitional issues that freshmen may encounter.
S OPHOMORE Y EAR Topics specific to sophomore year: PSATSAT Subject Tests Collegeboard.comNaviance PLANActivities Resumes File review for all sophomores
I NDIVIDUAL C OUNSELOR M EETINGS Meetings are most productive when initiated by students Meet to assess the situation Contact teachers when necessary Contact parents when necessary Make referral to Academic Support Monitor Progress
A CADEMIC C OMMUNICATION Encourage students to check their Fairfield Prep e-mail. Communicate directly with teachers via email. All email addresses can be found on the Prep website Communication through Black Board is a great way to keep track of homework, projects, tests, and quizzes.
S TUDENT R ESPONSIBILITY Learning requires an investment of time and effort by the student. Encourage students to self-advocate. Contact teachers themselves Seek extra help Take the initiative with counselors and schedule an appointment themselves Encourage students to set goals for personal development. Take an active role in their own development. Responsible participants in the Prep community. Explore interest and talents by getting involved in activities.
T AKING INITIATIVE - GET I NVOLVED (S TUDENT A CTIVITIES ) Explore interests and talents by getting involved in activities. Provides a sense of connectedness to the school Opportunity to meet other students Helps to find their “niche” CLUBS: Diversity Clubs; Academic Clubs; Service Clubs; Intramural Program. Meetings: Year-round; 45 min after school; 1 or 2 times a week All are welcomed!
S TUDENT A CTIVITIES African American Cultural Club Al’s Angels Architecture Club Asian Student Association ASPIRA Book Club Bowling Team Business Club Campus Ministry Board Cardinal Key Society Chess Club Cisalpine Club Classics club Cycling Club Debate Society Political Awareness Preps Helping Hands Prep Players REACH club Robotics Club Rock Climbing Club Science Club Ski Club Soundings (Newspaper) Spanish Honor Society Squires Stock Market Club Video Game Club Weightlifting Club Diversity Club Encords Fencing Club French Honors Society Hearthstone (Yearbook) History Club Intramurals Jazzuits Jeopardy Club Liturgical Music Longboard Club Math Team MSG Varsity Club Mock Trial Ping Pong Club A list of the majority of Clubs offered at Prep, but not all:
A CADEMIC C ENTER T HE P EER T UTOR P ROGRAM Who: Juniors and Seniors in the National Honor Society Where: The Academic Center A201 (8:00AM-4:00PM) When: Before school, during free periods, or after school Why: In order to aid students who are struggling in particular subject areas How: student initiates or may be referred by teacher or counselor
I NTERN P ROGRAM Fairfield University Psychology/Sociology Majors serve a semester internship at Prep The Interns With the direction of the Coordinator, assess the student’s difficulties, help the student to develop goals, and coordinate with teachers, peer tutors and parents. “Follow” a number of students and assess their needs Provide support and regular meetings with student including: 1. Study Skills 2. Organizational Skills 3. Time Management Skills 4. Social Skills
8 TH P ERIOD P ROGRAM Goal: Provide students with a quite space to complete homework Participants: Mandatory for all student that fall under the required 2.0 GPA Academic Standard after each Quarter (Academic Probation) Where: Academic Center When: 2:40-3:20 at least 3 times a week (Monday-Thursday) Moderators: Guidance Department and Mr. Dean Davis (Director of Academic Center) Requirements: Student and parent contract EXTRA HELP: If a student wants to receive extra help the time he spends with his teacher counts towards this program.
J UNIOR Y EAR C OLLEGE P LANNING The college planning process is discussed throughout the junior year during Guidance classes and in individual meetings with the College Counselors. We stress students taking ownership in the process. A proactive and optimistic approach will reduce the stress of college planning.
J UNIOR Y EAR C OLLEGE P LANNING CON ’ T Topics discussed throughout the year: Academic performance Standardized Testing Strategy (PSAT, SAT Reasoning, ACT, SAT Subject tests) College Searching – Web based (Naviance) Factors in College Admission Admission Glossary Campus Visits Interviews Athletic Recruitment Summer Recommendations
S ENIOR Y EAR Group & Individual Meetings on College Application Strategies & Procedures Where, when & how to apply Discussion of all aspects of the college application Essay, resume, recommendations, filing procedures Senior Parent Evening
S ENIOR Y EAR C OLLEGE V ISITORS 150 colleges send admissions representatives to Prep for small group meetings with seniors Decisions, Decisions Review of acceptances College Life Issues/Challenges A look ahead at challenges
C ONTACT INFORMATION John Hanrahan Juniors/Seniors L-Z (203)-254-4200 ext. 2238 Rick Hutchinson Juniors/Seniors A-K Dina Cyfeku Freshman/Sophomores A-K (203)-254-4200 ext. 2758 Lynne Chesbro Freshman/Sophomores L-Z (203)-254-4200 ext. 2513 Fr. George Gallarelli, S.J. Counselor Kim Bernier Guidance Assistant (203)-254-4200 ext. 2437 Jonathan DeRosa Director of Student Activities and Christian Services (203)-254-4200 ext. 2247 Elliot Gualtiere Director of Campus Ministry (203) 254-4200 ext. 2255
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