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UNREP BY LT Fullan. Objectives Types of replenishment at sea Why we do replenishment at sea Equipment involved Preparations Procedure.

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Presentation on theme: "UNREP BY LT Fullan. Objectives Types of replenishment at sea Why we do replenishment at sea Equipment involved Preparations Procedure."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNREP BY LT Fullan

2 Objectives Types of replenishment at sea Why we do replenishment at sea Equipment involved Preparations Procedure

3 Why do we do UNREPs Extended periods at sea

4 Types of UNREP Underway Replenishment - refueling, rearming, resupplying at sea –COREP - Connect Replenishment –FAS - Fueling at sea –VERTREP - Vertical Replenishment RAS - Replenishment at Sea - normally anything but refueling

5 Preparations/Checklists Rudder swing checks Verify c/s & rdvu time/posit with the gator Review procedures Contact delivery ship and take TACCON Test –bridge to bridge –EOT –whistle

6 Preparations/Checklist Brief –Metro - winds, seas, rain –Ops - LOGREQ –Safety - what can you say “Safety is Paramount” –Gator - rdvu, time and place, concerns –Engineer - concerns and limitations –1st LT - what rigs –OOD –Conning Officer/HSO/AHSO

7 Preparations/Checklists Perform a time test Secure hotwork for fuel and ammo transfers Secure trash chute Call away detail (1 hour) ensure STBD deck antennae are raised Test several other communications Complete list and request permission Log entry and close-up Romeo/dayshapes

8 Procedure Rig Crew –White - Safety Officer/PO –Yellow - POIC/OIC –Brown - Rig captain –Green - signalman –Red - ordinance –White with red cross - corpsman

9 Procedure Plan to arrive on time Establish COMMs ASAP Confirm posit/time (Z) and Romeo c/s Complete checklist Take TACCON at 20k yds an place her 4k yds ahead as the guide on Romeo c/s Shoot the bow if > 5k from you else shoot the stern

10 Procedure WATCH CLOSURE RATE Don’t violate 3-2-1 rule 1,500 yards astern and mast in line 30 minutes early Romeo –delivery at the dip - making preps –receive at the dip - ready to come alongside

11 Procedure Romeo - –delivery closed up - ready to receive the ship –receiving - commencing approach Request permission from the CO

12 Approach 5 knots of overtake and 2 degress left of Romeo corpen 100’ abeam right one degree 140’ right one degree to romeo corpen 700 yds astern 3 knots of overtake 500 yds astern close romeo Bow to stern answer PRT only Alongside - alongside combination

13 Alongside Shoot the shotline (sent by delivery except when LHA, LHD, CV/N are receiving) Messenger line - used to transfer lines and the rig across Station to Station phone line Phone and Distance line - bridge - bridge and distance line.

14 Alongside STREAM - Standard Tensioned Replenishment Alongside Method Concerns –casualties –bernoullis –tensioning

15 Breakaway Prep at the dip - 15 min to completion Prep closed up - UNREP complete disengaging at final station Prep hauled down - all lines clear Need COs permission to detension

16 Emergency Breakaway Don’t need COs permission no required to detension

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