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R-ECFA Meeting PT - Lisbon, 28-29 March 2008 Where we are A bit of History How we are organized What are we doing Science funding in Portugal How are we.

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Presentation on theme: "R-ECFA Meeting PT - Lisbon, 28-29 March 2008 Where we are A bit of History How we are organized What are we doing Science funding in Portugal How are we."— Presentation transcript:

1 R-ECFA Meeting PT - Lisbon, 28-29 March 2008 Where we are A bit of History How we are organized What are we doing Science funding in Portugal How are we funded Trying to look into the next future


3 10,5 0,745 204 168 5,56 3579 0,56 60,9 17725 population (Mio,) OECD, local currency value local/USD OECD, GDP ppp-USD OECD GDP USD OECD expenditure on educational institutions % of GDP OECD expenditure per student for tertiary education USD/year OECD total expenditure for R&D % of GDP OECD % financed by Government % OECD Researchers FTE OECD Cern Membership FEE CHF 11.1M (1.15%)

4 R-ECFA Meeting PT - Lisbon, 28-29 March 2008 Portugal joined CERN in 1985: Creation of CERN FUND Creation of LIP

5 The CERN Fund Evaluation Committee: Three member appointed by the CERN DG Two members appointed by FCT

6 Universities Lisbon (2),Coimbra, Algarve Public Science Funding Agencies LIP Lisbon,Coimbra, Algarve CLA Council of the Associated laboratories Non-profit private association of Public Utility INIC, JNICT, ICCTI, FCT, Grices ANIMEE... FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology

7 The Associated Laboratory Concept: - The Contract: 10 Years (5+5) 10+12 Scientists 9+12 Engineers 1000 Doctoral Positions Midterm Evaluation - The Council of Associated Laboratories

8 People involved in Experimental Particle Phsics at LIP 35 University Professors (paid by the Universities) 20 Senior Researchers (paid by LIP) 13 Post Doc Researchers (FCT Grant) 33 Doctoral students (FCT Grant) 7 Master Students 13 Other students(Project grants) 18 Other students (without grants) 26 technitians+ engeneers 7 administrativ staff Plus: 24 Researchers, mainly from thre Universities,associated with projects but not formally belonging to LIP

9 Areas of Research: # Experimental Particle Physics (CERN, Desy, GSI,...) # Experimental Astroparticle Physics Auger, SNO, AMS, Zepelin, GAW,... # Instrumentation and Detectors R&D # Medical Physics PET systems, Imagiology, Simulation # Computing GRID Computing # Outreach, Dissemination and Training

10 Funding Science in Portugal FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology Budget: 550 M Euro UMIC Agency for the Information Society Budget: 55 M Euro Both under MCTES-Ministry for Science, Technology and the Universities Plus State Laboratories under diferent Ministries

11 CERN FUND (FCT) FCT General Calls Portuguese Grid Initiative (FCT) MoU´s Funding (FCT) Associate Contract (FCT) AdI-Innovation Agency (training) AdI-Innovation Agency (precompetitive consortia) Special programs (Ciência Viva) EU Other (Direct contributions, ESA,...) ~1M Euro ~3.5 M Euro Grants (Post-Doc, Doc,...) ~.25M Euro ~.5 M Euro.35 M Euro ~1 M Euro ~.1 M Euro ~.4 M Euro ~.3 M Euro ~1 M Euro ~8.5

12 The “good” things of the system: Large autonomy Almost adequate level of funding Good interaction with all public authorities: Ministry, Funding Bodies,... Good relations with Universities and Students Strong internationalization No dispersion of available resources Well represented in relevant policy boards and instances Young and dynamic Community...

13 The “bad” things of the system: Sustainability of the system: strong dependence on Governmental Weather turbulence... Sustainability of employement: no real garanty, no long term commitement Sustainability of the collaboration with the Universities Absence of investment in infrastructures and sustainability of existing infrastructures: (Operation costs, reequipment, support staff..) Dispersion of Funding programs Burocracy Delayed payements...

14 The Future......Research Consortia

15 Física-N LIP-Experimental Particle Physics ITN-Nuclear Physics IFL-Fusion and Lasers FCCN-National Scientific and Academic Network

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