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Chapter 12 Consolidating Change

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1 Chapter 12 Consolidating Change
Change Management Chapter 12 Consolidating Change

2 Consolidating Change Once implemented, change is not always embedded in an organization The ability to make the change “stick” indicates the long-term success of the change “becomes the new normality” no longer seen as a change initiative “baked into the organization” “becomes the way we do things around here” There are a number of actions that can help consolidate change. How do the various change styles view consolidation?

3 Actions for Consolidating Change
Redesigning roles: This is a common outcome of change and is a sign that the change is of considerable importance. Beer – too much focus on changing attitudes and beliefs – change roles and responsibilities instead (i.e. behavior) Redesign reward systems: Beer and Nohria: No successful change without changing rewards Link selection decisions to change objectives: Selection criteria are symbols of whether new ideas and change are being encouraged. “Subtle yet potent” Act consistently with advocated actions: “Walk the talk” Praise and recognition Resource allocation Promotions

4 Actions for Consolidating Change (ctd)
Encourage “voluntary acts of initiative”: “Local initiatives” on detailed actions that support the change should be encouraged as the norm at all levels of the organization. Don’t over-control! Measure progress: Measures are used as a means to quantify the progress of change and “what gets measured, gets done” Leading and lagging indicators Internal and external measures Financial and non-financial measures Celebrate “en route”: Celebrate short term wins Directly rewards doers and raises credibility with sceptics Fine-tune: The change program should be open to remodifications which will improve the change outcomes.

5 Change Managers Beware
Expect some unanticipated outcomes Good, bad, or neutral Be alert to measurement limitations Its inherently complex and ambiguous Old measures can’t detect new results Don’t “declare victory” too soon Vicious compliance Beware escalation of commitment “throwing good money after bad” Recognize “productive failure” Learning organizations institute the “journey” rather than the destination – don’t punish failure

6 Course Summary What have we learned about change management?
What one concept will you take away? What haven’t we learned that you expected to learn? Course feedback What would you keep/change about the: Content – text, cases Format Assessment

7 NASA Case Questions What evidence is there in the case that post-Challenger changes were not consolidated? Which of the consolidation strategies would have been most applicable? Redesign roles, redesign rewards, selection decisions, act consistently, encourage voluntary acts, measure progress, celebrate, fine-tune What problems should NASA management have been more alert to? Unanticipated outcomes, measurement limitations, “declaring victory” too soon, escalation of commitment, not recognizing “productive failures”

8 Roleplay Assignments Northern Southern CEO - Dawn CFO - Michael
CIO - Maverick HR - Emily VP-Retail - Reagan VP-Commercial - Bridget Marketing - Nicole Branch Mgr - Jeremy Branch Employee - Risha CEO - Josh CFO - Danesh CIO - Will HR - Allison VP-Retail - Jill VP-Commercial - Max Marketing - Carole Branch Mgr - Bart Branch Employee - James

9 Assignments Stakeholders State Governor – Dozie
State Regulator – Nathan G. Union Organizer – Laura Journalists – Teri Jaye/Emily Largest Southern Customer – Jason Largest Northern Customer – Anita East/West Bank – Jason B. Admin Assistant (Stakeholders) – Jose, Jonathan, Stephen, Frank, Jimmy Small Customers – Nikke/Spencer Investors – Nathan E./Mike F.

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