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Linac Coherent Light Source Update John N. Galayda 22 July 2002
Project scope Cost estimate DOE Review April - results Future BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Sand Hill Rd BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Exponential Gain Regime
The LCLS produces extraordinarily bright pulses of synchrotron radiation in a process called “self-amplified spontaneous emission” (SASE). In this process, an intense and highly collimated electron beam travels through an undulator magnet. The alternating north and south poles of the magnet force the electron beam to travel on an approximately sinusoidal trajectory, emitting synchrotron radiation as it goes. The electron beam and its synchrotron radiation are so intense that the electron motion is modified by the electric and magnetic fields of its own emitted synchrotron light. Under the influence of both the undulator magnet and its own synchrotron radiation, the electron beam is forced to form micro-bunches, separated by a distance equal to the wavelength of the emitted radiation. These micro-bunches begin to radiate as if they were single particles with immense charge. Since they are regularly spaced, the radiation from the micro-bunches has enhanced temporal coherence. This is indicated by the “smoothing out” of the instantaneous synchrotron radiation power (shown in the three plots to the right) as the SASE process develops. Saturation N S N S Exponential Gain Regime Undulator Regime N S Undulator Magnet Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Electron Bunch N S BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Selected LCLS Baseline Design Parameters
Fundamental FEL Radiation Wavelength Å Electron Beam Energy GeV Normalized RMS Slice Emittance mm-mrad Peak Current kA Bunch/Pulse Length (FWHM) fs Relative Slice Energy Entrance < % Saturation Length m FEL Fundamental Saturation Exit GW FEL Photons per Pulse Peak Undulator Exit * Transverse Coherence Full Full RMS Slice X-Ray Bandwidth % RMS Projected X-Ray Bandwidth % * photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/ 0.1%-BW BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
LCLS R&D Collaboration
FEL Theory, FEL Experiments, Accelerator R&D, Gun Development, Undulator R&D LLNL UCLA BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
LCLS R&D, Preconceptual Design Organization
BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
LCLS Project Engineering Design Organization
UCLA LLNL BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Project Description Electron Beam Handling Systems 1.2.1 Injector
Photocathode gun and drive laser 150 MeV linac Located in Sector 20 off-axis injector spur BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Project Description 1.2.2 Linac SLAC linac tunnel X-band RF
Bunch Compressor 1, 250 MeV Superconducting wiggler Bunch Compressor 2, 4.5 GeV Reconfiguration of transport to Final Focus Test Beam Area 7 MeV rf gun Linac-X L =0.6 m new Linac-3 L =550 m Linac-0 L =6 m Linac-1 L =9 m Linac-2 L =330 m 14.35 GeV 21-1b 21-1d X 21-3b 24-6d 25-1a 30-8c undulator L =120 m ...existing linac BC-1 L =6 m DL-1 L =12 m BC-2 L =22 m DL-2 L =66 m 150 MeV 250 MeV 4.54 GeV SLAC linac tunnel BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
CSR Micro-bunching and Projected Emittance Growth
14.3 GeV at undulator entrance x versus z without SC-wiggler 230 fsec projected emittance growth is simply ‘steering’ of bunch head and tail ‘slice’ emittance is not altered 0.5 mm x versus z with SC-wiggler Workshop in Berlin, Jan to benchmark results ( – follow-up meeting 1-5 July, Sardinia BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Project Description 1.2.3 Undulator Systems
121 meter undulator channel, housed in extended FFTB Diagnostics for x-ray beam and electron beam Additional 30 meters of space for future enhancements (seeding, slicing, harmonics) 3420 187 421 UNDULATOR 11055 mm Horizontal Steering Coil Beam Position Monitor Quadrupoles Vertical Steering Coil X-Ray Diagnostics BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Horizontal Trajectory
Magnetic Measurement of the Prototype Horizontal Trajectory Microns BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Project Description 1.3 Photon Beam Handling Systems
1.3.1 X-ray Transport, Optics and Diagnostics Front end systems – attenuators, shutters, primary diagnostics Optics – the prerequisites for LCLS experiments Grazing incidence mirror to suppress 3rd harmonic KB pair, refractive optics Monochromators Beam splitter 1.3.2 X-ray endstation systems Hutches, Personnel Protection Computer facilities for experiments Laser for pump/probe experiments Detectors matched to LCLS requirements Essential Infrastructure for the LCLS Experimental Program BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
X-ray Optics for the LCLS
Objectives To transport the photon beam to diagnostics and optics stations To provide the diagnostics necessary to characterize the photon beam To provide the optics necessary to demonstrate the capability to process the photon beam Requirements Originally distilled by the working group from the ‘first experiments’ publication, and presentations LLNL BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Optics Requirements Focusing: Atomic physics, plasma physics, bio-imaging 0.1-1 m over full energy range Monochromatization: Plasma physics, materials science Resolution of at 8 keV Harmonic control: Atomic physics, materials science Ratio of higher harmonics to fundamental less than 10-6 Photon pulse manipulation: Materials science Split and delay over the range 1 ps to 500 ps BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
There are major technical challenges
General Extreme fluences maintaining optics for more than 1 pulse Extremely small temporal and spatial characteristics maintaining coherence during beam transport and manipulation high resolution diagnostics Parameters may vary pulse-to-pulse – need data on every pulse Windowless operation required at 0.8 keV Focusing, imaging, data acquisition, spectroscopy, etc. push state-of-the-art To deal with the fluences, the following strategies are adopted a far field experimental hall to reduce energy densities by natural divergence a gas absorption cell and solid attenuator, to attenuate by up to 104 low-Z optics that are damaged least grazing incidence optics that increase the optical footprint and reflect most incident power LLNL BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
The fluence poses the primary challenge
FEE Hall A Hall B LLNL In Hall A, low-Z materials will accept even normal incidence. The fluences in Hall B are sufficiently low for standard optical solutions. Even in the Front End Enclosure (FEE), low Z materials may be possible at normal incidence above ~4 keV, and at all energies with grazing incidence. In the FEE, gas is required for attenuation at < 4 keV BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
LCLS Science Program based on the SSRL Model
Experiment Proposals will be developed by leading research teams with SSRL involvement Proposals will be reviewed by the LCLS Scientific Advisory Committee Research teams secure outside funding with SSRL participation and sponsorship as appropriate SSRL will manage construction Provides cost and schedule control, rationalized design Provides basis for establishing maintenance and support infrastructure SSRL will partner with research teams to commission endstations “General user” mode with beam time allocation based on SAC recommendations BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Project Description 1.4 Conventional Facilities
Final Focus Test Beam Extension (30m beamline extension) Hall A (30mx50m) Hall B (35mx55m) BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
LCLS Cost Estimate Costs collected at level 6 of the WBS
Labor in person-weeks Labor type Collaborating organization Purchased materials and services Assessment of Risk Costs were collected in base year dollars (FY02) Costs include: Labor burden Indirect costs Contingency (listed separately) Did not include inflation BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Funding Profile BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Costs by System BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Costs by Collaborating Institution
BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Department of Energy Review 23-25 April 2002
Review of Conceptual Design Prerequisite for Critical Decision 1, Approval of Preliminary Baseline Range Charge to Committee Is the conceptual design sound and likely to meet the technical performance requirements? Are the project’s scope and specifications sufficiently defined to support preliminary cost and schedule estimates? Are the cost and schedule estimates credible and realistic for this stage of the project? Do they include adequate contingency margins? Is the project being managed(I.e., properly organized, adequately staffed) as needed to begin Title I design? Are the ES&H aspects being properly addressed given the project’s current stage of development? BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Department of Energy Review, 23-25 April 2002
17 reviewers, 6 DOE observers 50 presentations by about 30 speakers Reviewer Subpanels: Accelerator Physics – Sam Krinsky, BNL Injector/Linac – Richard Sheffield, LANL + George Neil, JLAB Undulator – Kem Robinson, LBNL + Pascal Elleaume, ESRF Photon Beam Systems – Steve Leone, U of CO + Dennis Mills, ANL Controls Systems – Dave Gurd, ORNL Conventional Facilities- Valerie Roberts, LLNL + Jim Lawson, ORNL Cost/Schedule – John Dalzell, PNNL Project Management – Jay Marx, LBNL+E. DeSaulnier + Ben Feinberg, LBNL ES&H – Frank Kornegay, ORNL + Clarence Hickey, DOE/SC BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Department of Energy Review, 23-25 April 2002
CDR is superb Cost estimate is credible On track for approval of CD-1 Summer 2002 BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Construction Strategy
2003 – Project Engineering Design Begins $6M budget Prepare for Long-lead procurements in 2005 Undulator Gun Laser Injector Linac Systems Spring 2003 – review of plans for long lead procurements CD-2A Go-ahead required Spring 2004 – Complete Preliminary Design of LCLS CD-2 requirements complete for entire project October 2004 – begin long-lead procurements Summer 2005 – Critical Decision 3 – Approve start of construction Winter 2007 – Begin FEL commissioning October 2008 – Project Complete BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
The Collaboration is ready to go-
Gun Design Undulator Prototype Optics Fabrication Techniques Chicane for advanced accelerator R&D with ultrashort electron bunches Cost-effective magnet fabrication techniques developed for NLC BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
Upcoming Workshops Planning Workshop for the LCLS Experiment Program
7-8 October 2003, SSRL user meeting Plan for early use of the LCLS Define areas for R&D leading to experiment proposals Kick off proposal preparation process BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
International X-FEL Collaboration Workshop
To be be scheduled late October Define areas of common interest, collaborative activity Short pulse diagnostic and experiment techniques Optics A natural sequence for LCLS/TESLA Collaboration SLAC Sub-Picosecond Photon Source, TTF-II LCLS TESLA X-FEL Other opportunities for US-Europe-Asia collaboration will be explored BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
News from DESY DESY, TESLA German Science Council Endorses TESLA
Very strong support of TESLA XFEL, Collider Endorses physical separation of Collider and XFEL Calls for Technical Design Report – faster-track, scaled-down XFEL 5 undulators 20 GeV linac ~ € 530M (Materials & purchased services only, no overhead) First use of a SASE FEL to do an atomic physics experiment TESLA Test Facility, photoionization in xenon clusters BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
End of Presentation BESAC 22 July 2002 John N. Galayda
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