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BHS 204-01 Methods in Behavioral Sciences I April 16, 2003 Chapter 3 (Stanovich) – Operationism and Essentialism.

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Presentation on theme: "BHS 204-01 Methods in Behavioral Sciences I April 16, 2003 Chapter 3 (Stanovich) – Operationism and Essentialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 BHS 204-01 Methods in Behavioral Sciences I April 16, 2003 Chapter 3 (Stanovich) – Operationism and Essentialism

2 Operational Definitions  A hypothesis redefines a general concept in terms of clearly observable operations that anyone can see and repeat.  Any given concept can be defined in many ways. It is safest to use multiple operational definitions.  Construct validity – is the operational definition appropriate for the concept?

3 Figure 3.1. (p. 54) From any one global construct, there are several possible operational definitions, depending on the questions asked and the type of population studied.

4 Measurement  Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to things in the world.  Measurements must be: Accurate Consistent  Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure (test-retest, same result each time).  Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure.

5 Finding a Research Idea  Ideas come from everywhere – especially from observation of society and personal experience. Seeking solutions to social problems.  Intuition – ideas can seem to just pop into our heads, can come from dreams, or be inspired by unrelated activities.  Important ideas come after preparation – intensive work in an area of interest.

6 Four Stages to Scientific Thinking  Preparation – learning all one can about a subject.  Incubation – meditating on a topic but not thinking about it.  Illumination – the solution begins to emerge into consciousness.  Verification – Testing the hypothesis.

7 Tools for Library Research  Books  Journals  Computer databases – PsycInfo, Social Science Citation Index  The Internet

8 Example: The Stroop Task  Demo of the task  Sources in PsycInfo  Sources on the Web

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