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Defining the competition direct indirect potential competition for supply and distribution Competitive Strategy.

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2 Defining the competition direct indirect potential competition for supply and distribution Competitive Strategy

3 Industry structure monopoly free competition oligopoly barriers to entry horizontal and vertical integration competition and the public sector

4 Porter’s Five Forces defining industry competition Rivalry with direct competitors Threat of new entrants Threat of substitute products Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Porter, M (1980) Competitive Strategy, New York, Macmillan p 4

5 Competitive Behaviour competition or co-operation head-on or blindside approaches the generic strategies (Porter) - low cost leadership - differentiation - focus

6 Positioning identifying, creating and promoting the advantages your brand has over its competitors " it is not what you do to the product that matters as much as what you do to the mind of the prospect". Ries and Trout (1982)

7 The three stages in positioning Identify the key benefits sought by your target customers, Design the product to deliver these benefits more effectively than your competitors, Signal these advantages to your customers.

8 Perceptual positioning map Cross-channel ferries in 1980s Basic Luxury Short Leisurely Dover (P&O) 90 mins Newhaven Sealink 4hrs Portsmouth St Malo 9 hrs Plymouth Santander 20 hrs Truckline Poole-Cherbourg 5hrs

9 Perceptual positioning map Cross-channel ferries in 1990s Basic Luxury Short Leisurely Dover (P&O) 90 mins Newhaven Sealink 4hrs Portsmouth St Malo 9 hrs Plymouth Santander 20 hrs Le Shuttle 35 mins Hoverspeed Seacats 45mins Britanny Ferries Poole-Cherbourg 5hrs

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