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Sergio Grancagnolo Activity Summary 9 Jan 2003 2003 work in BaBar The apparatus Physics with BaBar Data analysis
2 E CM GeV, = 0.55 PEP-II is a high luminosity, asymmetric, e + e - collider filled by the 3 km long, linear accelerator (Linac) The accelerator PEP-II @ SLAC L design = 3 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 L peak = 6.93 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 L int =160 fb -1
3 The BaBar dectector n BaBar is mounted on the interaction point of PEP-II n Layers of subdetectors: u Silicon Vertex Tracker u Drift CHamber u Detector of Internal Reflected Cherenkov light u Electro Magnetic Calorimeter u Instrumented Flux Return n Magnetic Solenoid (1,5T) between EMC and IFR
4 SVT commissioner work During the Apr-Jul 2003 period of data taking at SLAC, I was responsible for the correct working status of the innermost part of the BaBar detector: the Silicon Vertex Tracker
5 Physics at a B factory n CP violation n Test of standard model n b quark physics n …
6 BaBar discovery of D sJ (2317)! Observation of a Narrow Meson Decaying to D s + 0 at a Mass of 2.32 GeV/c 2 Phys.Rev.Lett. 90 (2003) 242001 SLAC press-release info/20030428/index.html INFN announcement Nature 11 Apr 2003 D s KK D s KK soon after another particle was discovered: D sJ (2460)!
7 n Known particles: D s +, D s *+, D s1 + (2536), D sJ + (2573) n New discoveries: D sJ + (2317), D sJ + (2460) u below the treshold for the DK decay process isospin violating decay process D s (*) u narrow states Godfrey-Isgur model - cs spectroscopy S-waveP-wave
8 Interpretation of these narrow states? 38 theoretical preprints between 1 st May to 30 th Sep Among others also exotic explanations like: 4-quark states? DK molecule? …
9 Study of B D sJ D (*) decays n The other B-factory experiments, Cleo and Belle, confirmed the discovery and started to study the new particles n Belle announced the observation of the decays B D sJ D (*) n on 1 st Sept I started to work with the French group of Annecy on this topic u I will spend ~10 months in Annecy u The results will be an important part of my thesis hep-ex/0305100 hep-ex/0307052 hep-ex/0308019
10 n Cabibbo favored n B, D pseudoscalar n possibility of quantum number measurement for the D sJ from the angular distribution of the decay products D sJ B b _ d, u D _ V cb V cs c _ s c _ d, u D sJ in B decays
11 Analysis Strategy look for decays B D sJ + D (*) n consider 24 decays D (*) D s +(*) D (*) ( D s +(*) 0 ) D (*) ( D s +(*) ) D 0 K K 0, K3 D K D S + Ds + D 0 or Ds + D - submodes/B D *0 D 0 0, D 0 D *+ D 0 +, D + 0 D * s D s n establish signals, measure BRs n perform angular analysis ( D sJ quantum numbers) n reconstruct the daughters: Studies on simulated data to evaluate efficiencies and background Control sample, used to test the analysis chain D sJ + D s +(*) 0 D sJ + D s +(*)
12 Analysis strategy (II) n Resolution studies n Event Selection Optimization n Background studies n Efficiency and significance n Multiple candidates problem n Cross-feed between different decay modes Total: 16 D (*) D s (*) , final states
13 (m D s ) 14 MeV/c 2 DsJ mass resolutions (simulation) (m D s ) 8 MeV/c 2 m(D s ) (GeV/c 2 ) Signal estimates from a fit to these distributions on real data m(D s ) (GeV/c 2 )
14 Cut optimization: m D For B DD sJ + (D sJ + D s m D is a good discriminating variable Red is background Blue is simulated signal The curve is the fraction of events rejected by m D m D cut Optimal selection: m D 2.3 GeV/c 2 (D) m D 2.4 GeV/c 2 (D*)
15 To compute the background in the D sJ mass region we average the number of events observed in the data into two symmetric (6 wide) sidebands around the D sJ mass region (-4 to -10 and 4 to 10 ) Background estimates in the D sJ signal region (from real data) m(D s ) (GeV/c 2 )
16 Candidate multiplicity studies n Several candidates per event: Choosing the candidate with the best E gives the largest efficiency on simulated signal (1 candidate per mode) * assuming Br(B D sJ D)xBr(D sJ D 0, )=10 - 3 E, m ES quantities constructed using kinematic variables
17 2 body decays used as a calibration sample (data) compute the branching fractions of all decays B D s (*) D (*) to test if we understand well our selection efficiencies
18 Signal example: m(D s ) for B D (*) D s candidates (data) all B candidates 1 best B candidate/mode m(D (*) )>2.3(2.4)GeV/c 2
19 Data is compatible with J=1 Comparison with other hypotheses (J=0,J=2) still to be done Helicity analysis cos h Events B D (*) D sJ MC Data
20 Conclusions (I) n The analysis work is going on u A preliminary BR measurement was shown at the BaBar collaboration meeting u An example: u A preliminary angular analysis was also done Br ( B 0 D sJ + 2460 D - ) Br(D sJ + D s )) =( 0.75 ±0.19) 10 -3 Br ( B + D sJ + 2460 D 0 ) Br(D sJ + D s )) =( 0.65 ±0.19) 10 -3 Br ( B 0 D sJ + 2460 D *- ) Br(D sJ + D s )) =( 2.04 ±0.29) 10 -3 Br ( B 0 D sJ + 2460 D *0 ) Br(D sJ + D s )) =( 1.63 ±0.32) 10 -3
21 Conclusions (II) n More work done, not described here u efficiencies studies published paper on B 0 D *+ D *- n Plan for this year: u more work to do on cross-feed, estimate systematic uncertainties u Write an internal document and submit a paper
22 Event Selection Optimization n Tested many combination of different criteria u Used standard discriminating variables to separate quark b production from other quarks u Select a window in the invariant mass around the mass of the particles from the B and the D sJ u Vertexing, particle identification, etc n computed the significance S/ (S+B) for each set, with S from simulated signal and B from the real data n choose the criteria that results in higher significance n a different set of criteria for each submode will be considered S=signal B=background
23 ModeS BB [m(D ) cut]S/ (S+B)S/ (S+B) [m(D ) cut] D + D s - 0 9.2 50.0 14.5 1.191.88 D + D s *- 0 3.5 18.5 6.0 0.751.14 D *+ D s - 0 8.5 43.0 14.5 1.19 1.78 D *+ D s *- 0 3.4 8.0 2.0 1.00 1.45 D 0 D s - 0 14.6 235.071.0 0.92 1.58 D 0 D s *- 0 4.9 83.524.0 0.52 0.91 D *0 D s - 0 4.9 74.0 25.0 0.55 0.90 D *0 D s *- 0 1.6 16.5 6.5 0.39 0.58 D + D s - 15.9 21.0 3.5 2.61 3.60 D *+ D s - 14.0 19.5 4.0 2.41 3.30 D 0 D s - 23.2 119.5 44.0 1.94 2.83 D *0 D s - 7.2 40.5 16.5 1.04 1.47 Expected signal and background with the current selection assuming Br(B D sJ D)xBr(D sJ D 0, )=10 -3
24 MC: efficiency With the best E (1 candidate per mode) The rest of the table here:
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