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Start the semester before teaching your first online class If possible have co-instructor privileges to see assignments submitted by other students Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Start the semester before teaching your first online class If possible have co-instructor privileges to see assignments submitted by other students Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start the semester before teaching your first online class If possible have co-instructor privileges to see assignments submitted by other students Online Mentoring: Observe a Class as a Student

2 Participate in class discussions Do assignments Do the “library” research expected of the rest of the class Follow deadlines Faculty Observer Responsibilities

3 A number of students don’t appear in the class until the second (or third) week Late arrivals affect an online class more than traditional classes Observation: Bureaucracy

4 Build in extra time; especially during the first two weeks of class Assume you will lose the first week Don’t cover content material the first week The goal of the first week(s) is to have the students acclimate to the online environment Observer Solution: Bureaucracy


6 Students had difficulty attaching files Students had difficulty including pictures and text Students lost assignments because they didn’t use multiple windows Students had difficulty logging into the SLN system Observation: Level of Computer Literacy

7 Use step by step screen captures to show computer basics such as running multiple applications Provide detailed log-in instructions Display SLN Help Desk information in a prominent location Observer Solution: Add Computer Basics



10 Students became lost in the the module organization Students didn’t understand what was due to be completed by a particular date Students didn’t understand that each week they had to complete several different types of activities Observation: Roadmap

11 Provide a consistent module organization throughout the course Always have the same elements occur in each module Follow a consistent day of the week pattern for each module’s completion Observer Solution: Roadmap Consistencies

12 Students don’t tend to read more than one or two screens of information Students have difficulty following instructions Students have difficulty following text sequences Observation: Reading Patterns

13 “Chunk” large presentations into smaller bits Use PowerPoint for instruction where students need to follow a logical sequence Specifically instruct students to print out text you have written in a more lengthy document Observer Solutions: Reading Problems



16 Perception that online means easy; not a lot of time commitment Tendency to minimize assignment and discussion responses Tendency to write in short “check off” style when more thoughtful responses are required Observation: Assignment Expectations

17 Make assignment expectations very explicit Let student know when you expect them to research and not just give their own opinion in response Use the first assignment/discussion grade to insure they are aware their response was deficient Observer Solutions: Explicit Expectations



20 Discussions tend to start slowly The level of participation increases as the deadline approaches One or two students tend to lead the discussion Some students tune out completely from the discussion Observation: Discussion Participation

21 Students must be forced to start participating early in the module State that credit will not be given for all discussion participation occurring on the last day of the module Count each module participation It is very important to immediately give grade feedback on discussions Observer Solutions: Grading and Deadlines

22 Watch the discussion to make sure your “leaders” are on track Intervene as quickly as possible if your discussion goes off-track Add extra items, such as issues or references to other articles to keep your “leaders” interested Observer Solutions: Monitor

23 Observe online class flow Observe student level of interaction Observe online behavior Observe problematic technology areas Faculty Observer Benefits

24 Observer gives guidance when instructions are confusing Observer can serve as assignment guinea pig Observer gives pedagogical feedback of what worked and what didn’t work online Veteran Faculty Benefits

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