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Event Handling. In this class we will cover: Keyboard Events Mouse Events Focus Events Action Interface Multicasting.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Handling. In this class we will cover: Keyboard Events Mouse Events Focus Events Action Interface Multicasting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Event Handling

2 In this class we will cover: Keyboard Events Mouse Events Focus Events Action Interface Multicasting

3 Keyboard Events Table 8-1 on page 298 shows all AWT listener interfaces, events, and event sources. Keyboard Events –When the user pushes a key, a key_Pressed KeyEvent is generated. –When the user releases a key, a key_Released KeyEvent is generated. –You trap these events in the keyPressed and the keyReleaesd methods of any class that implements the KeyListener interface. –A third method, keyTyped, combines the two and it reports on the characters that were generated by the user’s keystrokes.

4 Keyboard Events The difference between characters and virtual key codes: –Virtual key codes correspond to keys on the keyboard. e.g. VK_A denotes the key marked A There is no separate lowercase virtual key code - the keyboard does not have separate lowercase keys. Virtual key codes are indicated with a prefix of VK_ such as VK_A or VK_SHIFT –Here are the five events that are generated when a user tyes an uppercase A Pressed the shift key (keyPressed called for VK_SHIFT) Pressed the A key (keyPressed called for VK_A) Typed “A” (keyTyped called for an “A”) Released the A key (keyReleased called for VK_A) Released the shift key (keyReleased called for VK_SHIFT)

5 Keyboard Events So, how can you see the virtual key codes: public void keyPressed (KeyEvent event) { int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); } You can use the isShiftDown, isControlDown, isAltDown, and isMetaDown instead of looking for the virtual key codes public void keyPressed (KeyEvent event) { int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT && event.isShiftDown()) {…} }

6 Keyboard Events To obtain the actual character that was typed use the keyTyped method and call the getKeyChar method. public void keyTyped (KeyEvent event) { char keyChar = event.getKeyChar(); } Note: not all keystrokes result in a call to keyTyped. Only those keystrokes that generate a Unicode character can be captured in the keyTyped method. You need the keyPressed method to check for cursor keys and other command keys.

7 Mouse Events When a user clicks a mouse button, 3 listener methods are called: –mousePressed, mouseReleased and mouseClicked You can use the getX and getY methods of the MouseEvent argument to get the x and y- coordinates of the mouse pointer. If you want to distinguish between single, double and triple clicks, use the getClickCount method. You can also change the cursor moved by the mouse with the getPredefinedCursor method of the Cursor class. See pg. 307 for sample cursor shapes. If the user presses a button while the mouse is in motion, mouseDragged calls are generated instead of mouseClicked calls.

8 Mouse Events How do we listen to mouse events? Mouse clicks are reported through the mouseClicked procedure, which is part of the MouseListener interface. Mouse move and drag events are defined in a separate interface called MouseMotionListener. –because mouse move events occur much more frequently See

9 Focus Events When you type a keystroke, you keystrokes must go to a specific screen object. The window manager (e.g. Windows) directs all keystrokes to the active window. When the active window is controlled by a Java program, the Java window receives the keystrokes and directs them towards a particular component. This component is then said to have focus. When a component has focus, it usually gives a visual cue –text fields have a blinking cursor –a button has a rectangle around it When a text field has focus, you can type in it. When a button has focus, you can click on it.

10 Focus Events Only one component at a time can have focus. When a user selects a component, that component is said to gain focus. Conversely, when a user selects a different component, the original component is said to lose focus. Some components, such as labels and panels, do not get focus by default because it is assumed that they are just there for decorations or grouping. –To override this (for example, to implement a drawing program with panels that paint something in reaction to keystrokes), you need to call: panel.setFocusable(true);

11 Actions It is common to have multiple ways to activate the same command. You can do this by linking all he events to the same listener. –For example, you can have a button that changes the background color and you can have an alternative way of changing the background color by using a set of keystrokes (e.g. alt-b). The Swing package provides a useful mechanism to encapsulate commands and attach them to multiple event sources - the Action interface

12 Action Interface The Action object encapsulates the following: –a description of the command (as a text string and optional icon) –parameters that are necessary to carry out the command (e.g. color to set). You can store and retrieve arbitrary name/value pairs in the aciton object using the putValue and getValue methods –action.putValue(Action.NAME, “Blue”); action.putValue(Action.SMALLICON, new ImageIcon(“blue-ball.gif”));

13 Action Interface The Action interface and the AbstractAction adapter class are very useful when using menus. We will discuss this more when we talk about Swing User Interfaces. Read more about the Action interface on page 316.

14 Putting it all together See

15 Final Notes on Event Handling Multicasting –All AWT event sources support can send the same event to multiple listeners. –There is no guarantee about the order in which the events are delivered to the set of registered listeners. Customizing Events –You can manipulate the event queue directly to add or remove events. This can be useful sometimes. –You can also create a new custom event type and insert it into the event queue and then have it dispatched to a listener - just like regular AWT events. –Read more about customizing events on page 32.

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